Suggestion for Writer's Base Daily Conversations!

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Aug 13, 2011
Trait Points
What restaraunt would very likely get more business - the one located in a nondescript alley, or the one in a busy shopping center? Don't compare a thread in the relevant section to a social group.

And the contest thread gets off-topic discussions because there's no good alternative, it's as simple as that. Also, there hasn't even been one available to post in for days... that should be reason enough for an official discussion thread
I was referring to when the social groups were allowed to make their own threads. I wasn't comparing a simple thread to a social group but the threads that they were able to create back in the old days. -_-

Let me restate this whole thing then since you guys aren't seeing my side to things. If this thread is created, then you should start being respectful to the contest thread and not spamming in it. U_U Lawliet allows a lot in that thread and yet you want more! You want another thread to be created since nobody brings up these discussions in the contest thread. -_-

I didn't mind this idea at first but I thought more on it and it seemed pointless to me. Best of luck though and I won't be posting back in this thread as it's pointless to me. :lawliet: Take care guys and hope you guys get it to go through or what not.


Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
I would rather keep this subject outside of NB. I understand that there should be no limits in art, but NB is a family forum and sometimes we get reports from members' parents over the content here.
You can imply it, put it as an underlying message, but don't write any explicit details or descriptions. This goes for both genders, there's no difference to me.
As I thought, she will have to tread carefully indeed if she's going to pull it off, but done the right way, it should be possible to go through with it without "exposing" younger members eyes for something... well, you know.

I was referring to when the social groups were allowed to make their own threads. I wasn't comparing a simple thread to a social group but the threads that they were able to create back in the old days. -_-

Let me restate this whole thing then since you guys aren't seeing my side to things. If this thread is created, then you should start being respectful to the contest thread and not spamming in it. U_U Lawliet allows a lot in that thread and yet you want more! You want another thread to be created since nobody brings up these discussions in the contest thread. -_-

I didn't mind this idea at first but I thought more on it and it seemed pointless to me. Best of luck though and I won't be posting back in this thread as it's pointless to me. :lawliet: Take care guys and hope you guys get it to go through or what not.
So you're certain that if the SGs were allowed to keep their threads mode, their popularity would be high instead of dead like now?? It's still the thing about it being a "locked off" section to begin with, instead of an open space, and I believe they would have died down in the end regardless, but perhaps at a slower pace.

I always believed that we should, but seeing as it became a norm pretty fast, I didn't bother thinking too much about it, so yeah, I'm all for having the contest threads "clean," wouldn't mind me much. The contests threads are limited on time, and people don't come there to discuss writing, but to check the contest out and read/vote. Everything that happens there, shouldn't have been there in the first place, but yeah, I do get your point.

Hmm... Well taken in regard the things that has happened lately, and seeing as there's no real heat for this thing to go through (except for a few members), I actually doubt it will happen in the end as it's not a "won't work unless done" change, like the splitting of the Poem and the FFs were (to most people).


Active member
Sep 30, 2010
Trait Points
So you're certain that if the SGs were allowed to keep their threads mode, their popularity would be high instead of dead like now?? It's still the thing about it being a "locked off" section to begin with, instead of an open space, and I believe they would have died down in the end regardless, but perhaps at a slower pace.

I always believed that we should, but seeing as it became a norm pretty fast, I didn't bother thinking too much about it, so yeah, I'm all for having the contest threads "clean," wouldn't mind me much. The contests threads are limited on time, and people don't come there to discuss writing, but to check the contest out and read/vote. Everything that happens there, shouldn't have been there in the first place, but yeah, I do get your point.

Hmm... Well taken in regard the things that has happened lately, and seeing as there's no real heat for this thing to go through (except for a few members), I actually doubt it will happen in the end as it's not a "won't work unless done" change, like the splitting of the Poem and the FFs were (to most people).
In case, you are still keeping hope that SGs will get back their thread Modes, then it's vain. We aren't going to give a feast for trolls to feed upon again and spam to increase their post-count. It's died out but not much can be done much, as far as SGs are concerned.

Anyways, I'm replying because I can't seem to understand, why you guys are suggesting to keep FF Voting thread cleaner. If you think that a FF Discussion Platform will be handed, if you promise to stop spamming in Voting Thread, you are being delusional.

Let me explain: A FF Discussion thread shouldn't allow normal discussion. There's VM, PM, Chatterbox and other sections for you guys to discuss your usual life, how's weather, anything interesting and blah blah blah. If we were to allow this, then it would increase our work load as it'll need to be strictly moderated. Talking general stuffs that are out-of-context in a FF Discussion thread will be simply be mindless spam.

However, whatever occurs in FF Voting thread is not. Sure, Lawliet is giving you lots of liberties but there's a great reason for that - it promotes the FF Contest in general. By having an active thread, more new readers attract towards the thread, old members may remember to read and vote, some readers who were seeking for a fanbase may get proper advertisement ect... Simply more votes flow in and thereby, more deserving winners may be chosen instead of having a popularity contest. Overall, this is solid reason about why this isn't going to change imo - except obviously, if you guys start pesting Lawliet like in FFotM Discussion thread and she might be forced to add some chains around you.

That being said, when I asked to suggest stuffs to increase your chances, I didn't mean to suggest a compromise solution. This suggestion has turned into: "Provide you FF-Community a Discussion platform, and in compensation, you'll stop spamming in FF Voting thread." Apart the fact that it's going to be detrimental to the FF Contest, this is no more a suggestion. Perhaps, I'm exaggerating but this feels more like a ransom demand than a suggestion.

And @Vilvake: About the long list of stuffs you mentioned, most topics are less related to Discussion. Most of them are about Tips to Write better Fanfictions. And this is highly similar to this: . Also, many elements can also be realized with my Fanfiction Helpguide.

Overall, whatever suggestions you made, is really advancing matters. In fact, TOC is slowly feeling that it's a useless idea. Even you, Micheal, is getting skeptical about it. Reason is simple: Most of the suggestions are jeopardizing instead of promoting your idea.

In any case, Lawliet did try out stuffs to make this happen. I also suggested different things from her ideas. We tried hard to get a solution...It's not a bad idea - it may still happen but there remains things to sort out. And on top of that, some other readers (which, by now, you may guess whom by Sara's reply) pissed both me and Lawliet in the FFotM Discussion thread. But I'm in a kind mood; so I'm gonna propose, you guys, an alternative:

In the meanwhile, while Lawliet tries to make something about you make a Fanclub for FF Writers? Something like Fanfic Lovers or Writers' Realm (just random names, you may choose something else). A Fanclub will give you the thread-mode missing in Social Groups; while it may serve the same purpose as your Social Group. That being said, if you agree on my deal, then it'll need to posted in Section obviously and it'll need to abide to general along with following the .

Luck being with you, fanclubs allow general chit-chat; as long as there's no Spamming/Flaming ect... which is similar to Fanfic Voting thread. This is a temporary deal where you'll get a platform while there's no Voting Contest and your restrictions about SGs will be broken. While it'll give Lawliet and I, to think of something more perfectible instead of rushing things up.

Drawbacks to a Fanclubs will be that it won't be in Fanfiction/Writers' Base. Also, it has a concept that you'll need to add members similar to SGs. But someone may ask to join on the thread itself instead of official invites like SGs. Another thing is that I'd apply a rule where you won't be able to advertise for votes during FF Contest in the FC.

So, here's the whole package. Take it and both parties are mostly winners. Or leave it. In that case, wait for some time till Lawliet finds something but don't be ungrateful of bugging her.
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Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
In case, you are still keeping hope that SGs will get back their thread Modes, then it's vain. We aren't going to give a feast for trolls to feed upon again and spam to increase their post-count. It's died out but not much can be done much, as far as SGs are concerned.

Anyways, I'm replying because I can't seem to understand, why you guys are suggesting to keep FF Voting thread cleaner. If you think that a FF Discussion Platform will be handed, if you promise to stop spamming in Voting Thread, you are being delusional.

Let me explain: A FF Discussion thread shouldn't allow normal discussion. There's VM, PM, Chatterbox and other sections for you guys to discuss your usual life, how's weather, anything interesting and blah blah blah. If we were to allow this, then it would increase our work load as it'll need to be strictly moderated. Talking general stuffs that are out-of-context in a FF Discussion thread will be simply be mindless spam.

However, whatever occurs in FF Voting thread is not. Sure, Lawliet is giving you lots of liberties but there's a great reason for that - it promotes the FF Contest in general. By having an active thread, more new readers attract towards the thread, old members may remember to read and vote, some readers who were seeking for a fanbase may get proper advertisement ect... Simply more votes flow in and thereby, more deserving winners may be chosen instead of having a popularity contest. Overall, this is solid reason about why this isn't going to change imo - except obviously, if you guys start pesting Lawliet like in FFotM Discussion thread and she might be forced to add some chains around you.

That being said, when I asked to suggest stuffs to increase your chances, I didn't mean to suggest a compromise solution. This suggestion has turned into: "Provide you FF-Community a Discussion platform, and in compensation, you'll stop spamming in FF Voting thread." Apart the fact that it's going to be detrimental to the FF Contest, this is no more a suggestion. Perhaps, I'm exaggerating but this feels more like a ransom demand than a suggestion.

And @Vilvake: About the long list of stuffs you mentioned, most topics are less related to Discussion. Most of them are about Tips to Write better Fanfictions. And this is highly similar to this: . Also, many elements can also be realized with my Fanfiction Helpguide.

Overall, whatever suggestions you made, is really advancing matters. In fact, TOC is slowly feeling that it's a useless idea. Even you, Micheal, is getting skeptical about it. Reason is simple: Most of the suggestions are jeopardizing instead of promoting your idea.

In any case, Lawliet did try out stuffs to make this happen. I also suggested different things from her ideas. We tried hard to get a solution...It's not a bad idea - it may still happen but there remains things to sort out. And on top of that, some other readers (which, by now, you may guess whom by Sara's reply) pissed both me and Lawliet in the FFotM Discussion thread. But I'm in a kind mood; so I'm gonna propose, you guys, an alternative:

In the meanwhile, while Lawliet tries to make something about you make a Fanclub for FF Writers? Something like Fanfic Lovers or Writers' Realm (just random names, you may choose something else). A Fanclub will give you the thread-mode missing in Social Groups; while it may serve the same purpose as your Social Group. That being said, if you agree on my deal, then it'll need to posted in Section obviously and it'll need to abide to general along with following the .

Luck being with you, fanclubs allow general chit-chat; as long as there's no Spamming/Flaming ect... which is similar to Fanfic Voting thread. This is a temporary deal where you'll get a platform while there's no Voting Contest and your restrictions about SGs will be broken. While it'll give Lawliet and I, to think of something more perfectible instead of rushing things up.

Drawbacks to a Fanclubs will be that it won't be in Fanfiction/Writers' Base. Also, it has a concept that you'll need to add members similar to SGs. But someone may ask to join on the thread itself instead of official invites like SGs. Another thing is that I'd apply a rule where you won't be able to advertise for votes during FF Contest in the FC.

So, here's the whole package. Take it and both parties are mostly winners. Or leave it. In that case, wait for some time till Lawliet finds something but don't be ungrateful of bugging her.
@Bold Part - This was never my concern and something I haven't given thoughts to/cared about in over a year's time, thought I would clear up that confusion, although I do believe some people (including Toc), were hoping to get them back.

Great post, as always my friend. You always had an open mind, and that's one of your main great qualities. I actually agree with all this, as perhaps, I wasn't the one fitted to make this thread/suggestion in the first place (as it wasn't really my idea to begin with), so I didn't feel like I had much to give other than the obvious "pros and cons."
I already have enough with my own self at the moment, so if someone feels the need to take this further (like you suggested with Fanclubs - Vilvake, Germanicus, Double A, etc?), then feel free to do so ^_^

Last thing I'm going to say, is directed at something you said Escorp, and that was this;

"[...] Even you, Micheal [...]" I can't believe, after all these years, you finally spelled my name wrong U_U xD

Anyhow, this post was a good read, and as I already said, I agree with everything you said.
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Aug 13, 2011
Trait Points
In case, you are still keeping hope that SGs will get back their thread Modes, then it's vain. We aren't going to give a feast for trolls to feed upon again and spam to increase their post-count. It's died out but not much can be done much, as far as SGs are concerned.

Anyways, I'm replying because I can't seem to understand, why you guys are suggesting to keep FF Voting thread cleaner. If you think that a FF Discussion Platform will be handed, if you promise to stop spamming in Voting Thread, you are being delusional.

Let me explain: A FF Discussion thread shouldn't allow normal discussion. There's VM, PM, Chatterbox and other sections for you guys to discuss your usual life, how's weather, anything interesting and blah blah blah. If we were to allow this, then it would increase our work load as it'll need to be strictly moderated. Talking general stuffs that are out-of-context in a FF Discussion thread will be simply be mindless spam.

However, whatever occurs in FF Voting thread is not. Sure, Lawliet is giving you lots of liberties but there's a great reason for that - it promotes the FF Contest in general. By having an active thread, more new readers attract towards the thread, old members may remember to read and vote, some readers who were seeking for a fanbase may get proper advertisement ect... Simply more votes flow in and thereby, more deserving winners may be chosen instead of having a popularity contest. Overall, this is solid reason about why this isn't going to change imo - except obviously, if you guys start pesting Lawliet like in FFotM Discussion thread and she might be forced to add some chains around you.

That being said, when I asked to suggest stuffs to increase your chances, I didn't mean to suggest a compromise solution. This suggestion has turned into: "Provide you FF-Community a Discussion platform, and in compensation, you'll stop spamming in FF Voting thread." Apart the fact that it's going to be detrimental to the FF Contest, this is no more a suggestion. Perhaps, I'm exaggerating but this feels more like a ransom demand than a suggestion.

And @Vilvake: About the long list of stuffs you mentioned, most topics are less related to Discussion. Most of them are about Tips to Write better Fanfictions. And this is highly similar to this: . Also, many elements can also be realized with my Fanfiction Helpguide.

Overall, whatever suggestions you made, is really advancing matters. In fact, TOC is slowly feeling that it's a useless idea. Even you, Micheal, is getting skeptical about it. Reason is simple: Most of the suggestions are jeopardizing instead of promoting your idea.

In any case, Lawliet did try out stuffs to make this happen. I also suggested different things from her ideas. We tried hard to get a solution...It's not a bad idea - it may still happen but there remains things to sort out. And on top of that, some other readers (which, by now, you may guess whom by Sara's reply) pissed both me and Lawliet in the FFotM Discussion thread. But I'm in a kind mood; so I'm gonna propose, you guys, an alternative:

In the meanwhile, while Lawliet tries to make something about you make a Fanclub for FF Writers? Something like Fanfic Lovers or Writers' Realm (just random names, you may choose something else). A Fanclub will give you the thread-mode missing in Social Groups; while it may serve the same purpose as your Social Group. That being said, if you agree on my deal, then it'll need to posted in Section obviously and it'll need to abide to general along with following the .

Luck being with you, fanclubs allow general chit-chat; as long as there's no Spamming/Flaming ect... which is similar to Fanfic Voting thread. This is a temporary deal where you'll get a platform while there's no Voting Contest and your restrictions about SGs will be broken. While it'll give Lawliet and I, to think of something more perfectible instead of rushing things up.

Drawbacks to a Fanclubs will be that it won't be in Fanfiction/Writers' Base. Also, it has a concept that you'll need to add members similar to SGs. But someone may ask to join on the thread itself instead of official invites like SGs. Another thing is that I'd apply a rule where you won't be able to advertise for votes during FF Contest in the FC.

So, here's the whole package. Take it and both parties are mostly winners. Or leave it. In that case, wait for some time till Lawliet finds something but don't be ungrateful of bugging her.
I knew that nothing would change in the contest thread which is why I was saying the whole idea of having a separate thread was pointless. I understand why Lawliet encourages us to speak about whatever in the thread and that was simply to try and get more people involved, like you mentioned. Having both just seems like a waste for me so yeah I didn't really support the original idea. However I do agree fully with the fan club idea! ^_^ Thanks for your time and long feed back Escorpiius! We appreciate the work you and the other mods do for us. :hug:


Active member
Aug 2, 2008
Trait Points
There's no need for a fanclub, i've made your thread here: Just needs to be spruced up here and there. What do you guys want in the first post?

Let me make something clear. I do not mind you guys posting in the voting thread because it was the only platform where you can all talk and discuss the votings and the chapters included. And the voting thread is meant for that- discussin the current contest. It also increases the activity as it brings in more members and new FF writers can join in.

I heard your concerns about not having a platform to discuss inbetween the threads i post so now:

The Writers Base section itself will now accommodate for general threads that you can create.

The platform under Writers Base is NOT for posting your Fanfictions or Poems (you've got the subforums for that) but for general talk about writing itself.

There are no strict guidelines as to what threads aren't allowed in the section.

What do you guys want to see there and what do you guys not want to see?

I have also made your daily conversation thread here:
It's much more easily accessible and isn't hidden away like your SG so it's more ideal.


Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
I'd like to see these sorts of threads in those areas:

Discussions about a Finished/Ongoing FF or about future FF of the author
Constructing a Time-line or Casting characters
Determining Cross-Over events from different Authors/FF
Asking for Synonyms/Antonyms/Definitions for words
Discussions about Writting itself
Discussion of various Themes/Roles/Authors on the base
Hauling Statistics, gathering Popularity of a certain type of FF/Poem
Lists of Popular FF's (preferrebly one thread, pinned, with different topics)

I wouldn't like to see:

Advertisement for a FF, posted immediately after the Chapter's release
Talk about future chapters (should done within the thread of the chapter, not outside the section on a new thread)
Voting for a chapter (done within the thread), though it is ok to put a voting poll on a FF discussion
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Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
There's no need for a fanclub, I've made your thread here: Just needs to be spruced up here and there. What do you guys want in the first post?

Let me make something clear. I do not mind you guys posting in the voting thread because it was the only platform where you can all talk and discuss the votings and the chapters included. And the voting thread is meant for that- discussing the current contest. It also increases the activity as it brings in more members and new FF writers can join in.

I heard your concerns about not having a platform to discuss in between the threads i post so now:

The Writers Base section itself will now accommodate for general threads that you can create.

The platform under Writers Base is NOT for posting your Fanfictions or Poems (you've got the subforums for that) but for general talk about writing itself.

There are no strict guidelines as to what threads aren't allowed in the section.

What do you guys want to see there and what do you guys not want to see?

I have also made your daily conversation thread here:
It's much more easily accessible and isn't hidden away like your SG so it's more ideal.
O__o It went through?? Whoa, I sincerely ended up thinking it was not that good of a founded idea with not a lot of strong points, but rather one that had some cons against it too, as stated by Reborn and Toc. The Pros really seemed to be outnumbered, and I started to believe that it really was pointless to try and get this idea any further as it would be shot down in the end, and yet, here you come and deliver good news in the end =) You're awesome ^_^ #Saraisthebest

The initial first post looks cool, and you even adopted the name I chose for this thread :hug: I guess you want some set up on different things before we're allowed to post in it, but that's okay to me. What I would want in the first post, is probably some guidelines on what topics may be discussed in this thread, as well as what threads can be made. More on that a bit later in my post...

Indeed, but there's a lot of other topics/posts happening there too, overshadowing most discussions regarding writing, so that's what I personally (not sure about the rest) was a bit worried about, that it goes a bit out of hand from time to time.

@the bolded part - This should be in the first post of the thread you made, as it doesn't say much more than that there's a single thread to fill all those purposes at the moment, and not everyone might read this post of yours to see that, that's not the case.

Thanks, just what people like myself, Vilvake, and the other people who posted here in favor of this happening I'm sure, wanted. As for what should and should not be "allowed" and what we want to see and what we don't, I've quoted Vilvake's earlier post, as well as my own with some new adjustments;

- Writing related posts only, do not post things like "Hey, how's it going," "I've got a new job at the local supermarket today folks!" etc. - This goes for the thread you made, but you've kind of already stated that in the first post.

- Keep it serious and clean, don't post inconsistent posts and don't go off topic unless you have something related to writing to say or something you want to ask about writing in general. Everyone should be allowed to talk about what they'd like within creative writing - shouldn't be any limit here. - Again, you've more or less already laid the ground rule for this.

Key point that you can talk about;

* General FF/OF writing on the base.

* FF Contest results. - I'm not sure about this one though, as we kind of have the winner's thread for that, but at the same time, it would be nice to kind of get the chance to talk about the latest result more deeply too, and we could also give our thoughts on the next contest. But if so, there would have to be some strict rules like not asking people to vote for you or for anyone else for that matter in the upcoming contests, no complaining on why the participation post was filled up too fast and that you didn't get a chance to post your post, no talk about the actual voting thread (during its period), as that is to be done in the voting thread. This one seems to be a give or take, so I'll let you decide on it Sara.

* Your own FF/OF and ideas you have for new ones, and how you may improve your already existing one/add flavor to your new idea. - This should be restricted to the term of "writing" itself, as all regular talk about your own FF (story, progression, what to come, etc), should be done in your own threads with your own readers.

* Other peoples FF and tips/hints on how they can improve.

* Ask questions & and get answers on writing related topics.

*Discussions about writing in general, like famed authors and books, what writing means to you, how to become an author.

* The past, present and the future of NB's Creative Writing - Past FFs, former great writers, what was great about the past (Writers x Readers), what is great now, and what can get better.

* Etc.
What could be discussed on this thread:

- Inspiration behind story - This is something that may be applied in your own thread as you post your own FF too, so not so sure about this point. But general talk about inspirations to writing stories is not a bad point - Last part added by Michael.

- How to create a strong beginning that hooks your reader

- Plot and how to make it engaging

- Story Structure

- Genres and the differences in writing them

- How to use description effectively

- Tips on making your prose flow

- Developing a voice

- Proper grammar

- Literary devices

- Themes to give your writing deeper meaning

- Creating interesting, unique characters

- Writing natural sounding dialogue

- Setting and how it should be introduced, described, etc.

- Using imagery to engage a reader's imagination and interest

- Tips on revising your work

- Posting snippets of your story and getting advice - This could work, but it could also be done in the FF subforum, though with possible not the same outcome (as in comments, making a thread out of something that could be done in a single post in this thread), so yeah, this one is not half bad - Last part added by Michael.

- If members of NB would be interested in an idea you have

- Describing your current chapter's progress or announcing a release date - If we go by what Lili posted below, this is something that should be refereed away from doing, posting such thoughts on your own FF chapters instead. Though, actual story progression is a topic that can be discussed about - Last part added by Michael.

- General discussion on NB writers and stories from the past, present and future

The list is endless.
Other than that, what Lili stated below about what we wouldn't want, is more or less things that I wouldn't want either. Naturally, it's easier to list things you want, than things you don't...

I'd like to see these sorts of threads in those areas:

Discussions about a Finished/Ongoing FF or about future FF of the author
Constructing a Time-line or Casting characters
Determining Cross-Over events from different Authors/FF
Asking for Synonyms/Antonyms/Definitions for words
Discussions about Writting itself
Discussion of various Themes/Roles/Authors on the base
Hauling Statistics, gathering Popularity of a certain type of FF/Poem
Lists of Popular FF's (preferrebly one thread, pinned, with different topics)

I wouldn't like to see:

Advertisement for a FF, posted immediately after the Chapter's release
Talk about future chapters (should done within the thread of the chapter, not outside the section on a new thread)
Voting for a chapter (done within the thread), though it is ok to put a voting poll on a FF discussion
I agree with your whole post, well made.
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Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
Good for you. I wrote a new chapter for one of my stories. There are only three stories left to update. :T_T:
You shouldn't write too many stories at once you know. You shouldn't play through many games at once either. Sooner or later you're going to prefer one over the other and you might even be unable to finish them all.
I suppose that's the reason to why I've finished all my stories so far, and only now am writing a story I panned out in 2011. Still got another project that wrote the first chapter of in 2011 waiting to be released and continued on xP

Some people are good at multitasking though! ;) But a lot of writers have unfinished work here on the Base due to having too many stories at once.
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Active member
Jun 12, 2013
Trait Points
You shouldn't write too many stories at once you know. You shouldn't play through many games at once either. Sooner or later you're going to prefer one over the other and you might even be unable to finish them all.
I suppose that's the reason to why I've finished all my stories so far, and only now am writing a story I panned out in 2011. Still got another project that wrote the first chapter of in 2011 waiting to be released and continued on xP

Some people are good at multitasking though! ;) But a lot of writers have unfinished work here on the Base due to having too many stories at once.
Don't worry I have seen great unfinished stories and I know how it feels. I am going to update all my stories no matter what. I can say you got great ability. I am good at multitasking I guess. I write my stories in the middle of night so yeah I guess I can just wake up till 4 and update them.
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