Princess Zelda, Light of the Kingdom v3


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
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"Destiny has a strange way of making you do things beyond your control. Such the will of the Twin Fates..."
Basic Information
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Name: Zelda

Nickname(s): Light of the Kingdom, Princess of Light, Hylia's Incarnation
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Clan: Noldor
Nindo: Will of Fire
Alignment: Lawful Good

Zelda is often described as a beautiful and elegant princess. Zelda has amazingly beautiful hair, glistening blue - green eyes with depth as brilliant as the seas. Her ears are always pointed, as is characteristic of all Noldors in the world.

Personality: Zelda is as a kind and benevolent ruler with a wisdom beyond her years and a deep love towards the people she watches over. She is a caring, gracious, and self-sacrificing person. Zelda's most prominent display of compassion and selflessness was when she saved the life of Midna, the Princess of the Twilight Realm, who had been nearly killed by the false King of the Twilight, Zant. Zelda's wisdom is her most valuable attribute. As a matriarch, it is imperative that she makes the wisest decision concerning the fate of Hyrule; like during the Holy War when Zant threatened her life and the lives of all of her subjects, she wisely surrendered to him. She upholds her responsibilities no matter the cost and is always willing to help her friends, such as when Zelda faces her duties as the reincarnation of Hylia and willingly remains in a deep sleep to keep Demise imprisoned within his seal. Above all, Zelda is known to be a forgiving person even towards those who have harmed her before.
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Village Info.
Land of Birth: Hyrule
WSE Clan: N/A

Rank//Chakra Info.

Ninja Rank: Sage

Apex Handseal Specialist (Holy Fire)
You can perform techniques of the skill you chose to specialize in without the usage of handseals, though you must still perform complimentary and logical body movements related to the technique. This applies even if said jutsu does not have specific movements detailed in its description.

Peak Elementalist (Wind Release)
The user’s Elemental prowess is considered elite, amongst the best of the others. This causes one of his base elemental releases to gain elemental neutrality to all other base elements, including its weakness, while maintaining its strength.

Apex Tracker Specialist:
With more heightened senses, the user is capable of gaining a now increased x2.5 tracking. This allows him to physically track faster movement without chakra sensory

The Human Principle
The user is able to ignore Health and Combat Fatigue penalties for the usage of their Atavistic Flame techniques OR the user’s highest level of Will to Survive will passively activate when their Health Points fall to 25% of their maximum. If the user is a Grandmaster, they can either activate Blaze or Inferno.

Pervy Sage’s Wisdom
The user is capable of summoning multiple summonings at one time. This Specialty allows the user to layer summoning, capable of summoning up to 2 A rank summonings at one time. S ranked and higher Summonings will still require singular summoning. This does not apply towards Mythical or higher Contracts. Jiraiya bios are capable of summoning an S + A rank combination.

Yin Specialist:
Yin Specialists gain increased awareness of spiritual abilities, translating to the ability to detect any Genjutsu or spiritual technique affecting them below MS-level. This awareness also allows them to sense spiritual entities, like Katsuryoku spirits or Hungry Ghosts. Yin Specialists are also able to utilize Genjutsu Kai passively, up to B-Rank. Inducing Genjutsu on a target causes you to siphon some of their spiritual energy, augmenting your own spiritual prowess. For each illusion placed on a target(s) your spiritual techniques gain an effective 10 chakra and no more, 2 base speed levels stacking up to three times, and 10 damage stacking up to three times. The bonus is lost one turn after a target escapes from the illusion placed on them. They cannot be self-induced illusions or those applied to Summonings, Edo Tensei that belong to the user, and Chakra Creations.


Basic Five Elemental Natures
Yin & Yang Release
Perfume Release
Algae Release
Dark Vacuity Release
Seraphic Water Release
Solar Wind Release
Holy Fire Release

Your Ninjutsu: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu , Kenjutsu, Kaito Taijutsu, Fūinjutsu, Medical Ninjutsu, Kinjutsu, Atavistic Flames

Blood Contracts: Wyvern Summoning Contract & Toad Summoning Contract & Sea Horse Summoning Contract
Custom Fighting Styles: Namikazeron - Lazy Fist - Duel Monsters - Serengeti Spears - Trick Archery

Zelda's Attribute Points (27 AP):

Mind: 6 | Body: 5 | Spirit: 6 | Agility: 5 | Dexterity: 5 | Vitality: 0 (Chakra: 0 | Health: 0)

Background Info.

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"I maybe a Princess, but I am more than capable of defending myself too!"

Zelda’s life is rather…complex to explain. Having been from a mixed origin of the Otsutsuki Clan and Noldor Clan, many from her linage are seen as rather “unhuman”. However Zelda is the current crowned princess of Hyrule, a kingdom located to the northern area of Tobusekai. She is the 80th of the women of her family named Zelda, with many ranging back since the days of Hagoromo. She travels the world frequently, always leaving her clone in the kingdom to over look things as she ventures far and wide to discover the world outside of the confines of the palace. Alongside her trusted companion, Link, whom is her most trusted knight from the Kingdom, the who travel far and wide with hopes of one day finding the Master Sword, an ancient and powerful sword based relic said to have the power to kill the very gods that threaten the world.

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Other Information
Elven Origin: Zelda is a direct descendant of the Goddess Hylia, a member of the celestial alien beings known as the Otsutsuki. Over time, Hylia’s descendants would spread far and wide; with those who are direct reincarnations of the goddess are birthed by default as “Zelda”. This name would become prominent even after Kaguya’s defeat and sealing; with the first of the Zelda linage starting with Zelda the First. For many centuries, the children of this linage become deeply rooted and intertwined with the Noldor of Gondlin. This makes the current incarnation of Zelda being one of the same. She possesses the unique amber like substance naturally infused into her being, allowing to tap into the power of Holy Light. This allows her access to the unique advance element of the Noldors but also among other things such as all the physical attributes associated with the Noldor. Zelda is naturally in tune with her clan’s ability, being called a child prodigy by many within the Noldor.

Atavistic Flames: Despite her linage; Zelda's more or less a human at heart. With the turmoil and evil plaguing the nations and world at large- an inner desire to protect and prevail became a known feeling within her heart. During an expedition along ago, Zelda accidently awakened a usage of an ancient form of fire but the lack of knowledge lead to her being unable to control or reproduce it until recent years. At the helm of a ship to Kamiyasumi- Zelda would come to learn what that power was, the Atavistic Flame. An intrinsic part of her soul, she learned to harness said power while there and eventually became a Master of the Atavistic Flames.

Hyrulian Incantations Zelda's body is littered with seals; normally hidden from eyesight until triggered. They are special and essential to her overall kit; though she rarely ever tries to admit this herself. These can also been seen in her snake like tattoos that curl around her limbs.

Iryo Hijutsu: Herena no ibutsu - Hidden Medical Art: Relics of Helena † Arc of Abstinence
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: 20(X2 if used to augment the relics)
Damage: N/A
Description: To use the Relics of Helena, the user must have a unique sealing mark while each has its own duty. The sealing script is in the form of a small crucifix tattoo on the user's back. The relic's aim is to further advance passive medical jutsu, either by using them alternatively or by taking them to another level. However, some of this improved medical practices would now require some chakra to be spent if they don't require chakra before. Rudimentary medical practices which are passive in nature are the "Power of Resistance", "Diagnosis", "Extraction", "Blood Coagulation" and "Cleanse". however this particular relic only works for Power of Resistance.

Arc of Abstinence is a sealing script that is in the form of a small crucifix seal. It is represented by kanji for "resist" and thus it augments one's power of resistance. Basic power of resistance requires no chakra input but with the addition of chakra sealed within the seal of abstinence, power of resistance is taken to another level. The newly advanced power of resistance not only maintains its primary duties, it goes further to augmenting the user's anatomy from more factors that's affects him. It also goes beyond the anatomy and add power of resistance to the user's mind and body seals. The default "power of resistance" must be in use before the seal can be activated and like the default, the seal is passively activated albeit one would spend chakra this time but only to activate the seal.
In addition to getting a boost to one's natural resistance to disease, poison, toxins, acids, alkaline substances, etc and because this is done by an invisible warm barrier(shield) around one's body, the seal flushes sealed medical chakra into the user's chakra network, which is used solely to increase the density and power of the resistance aura around the user's anatomy. The user uses this premise and create a tougher and advanced form of non-physical shield, though now would not only shield the user's body as a whole but would shield every cells on his body. This makes it able to withstand higher level bio hazards more potent than those originally mentioned, even to some extent, stop the decay(natural) of tissues and cells(cosmetic). This would also make the cells resistance to radioactive decay. Elaborately, this means, one's resistance to the effects now are enhanced and would even shield the user if it were enemy techniques, though the only thing that won't affect the user is the effects(venom, disease, bioharzards, etc) within the technique, the user is still susceptible to anything else like heat, shock, force, sharpness, impact etc., that might come with the technique.
The arc of abstinence not only works for the anatomy which is the physical, but also works for the spiritual thus at the same time, it also creates a shield around ones mind. This also increases one's mind resistance to foreign intrusion. The mind would resist any form of mind reading, control, false emotion implant and emotional effect arising from infusion of foreign chakra. This however does not resist genjutsu but would resist residual effect from genjutsu which affects the mind, like pain, fear, perception of time, etc. This means it can resist residual effect from S-rank and below genjutsu only and cannot resist effects from MS level genjutsu in any form. The user's chakra also is influenced by the power of resistance, however, it only resist external phenomenon from siphoning away or sealing off the user's chakra, unless the user has something to do with it or with the user's consent. By spending "double" the chakra when activating arc of abstinence, the power of resistance would extend to the Relics of Helena. Spending double the chakra would make the relics be able to resist any form of seal corrupting technique(so far the techniques don't harm the medium on which the seals are placed), thus the reason why double chakra is spent, as half of the total chakra is focused on fortifying the relics.
Though the seal is merely supplementary and cause no harm in any way, they have their drawbacks due to the user's advanced exertion of medical fuinjutsu, using normal fuinjutsu while the relics are in use costs +10 more chakra if they are A-rank and above.

(Fūinjutsu: Mu Gen no Kensei) Sealing Art: Baseless Blade Works
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Self
Chakra: 20 (-5 per turn active)
Damage: N/A
Description: Created by a fabled Blacksmith in an attempt to preserve his own creations through chanelling them into lesser works so as to not ruin his own blade's with wear, tear and rust, Baseless Blade Works is a seal applied to one's body that possesses a two-directional seal. Aesthetically it takes the form of a sword tattoo, the seal's primary application is similar to that of a generic Sealing technique, allowing the the user to seal and unseal physical targets, in this Jutsu's case specifically weapons, and store them within the seal for convenience and protection. What seperates this seal from the countless seals that provide the same function is the second application tied to the seal. When activated at the cost of 20 Chakra, the user selects one of their stored weapons and, should they be utilizing a weapon(s) of a similar nature, the seal identifies and targets unique aspects of the weapon and imparts that weapons properties on to the weapon held in their hands, effectively creating an "imitation" of the chosen target. This includes access to Jutsu that can only be performed through that specific weapon, abilities or techniques inherent to that weapon itself, or factors of the weapons design that make it unique, such as a specialized version of an existing weapon whose design is altered to achieve a greater/ different effect than its standard counterpart, all of these become avaliable to the weapon(s) in the user's hands.

Naturally there are limitations and drawbacks to the properties this seal. Firstly, due to the transformational nature of this technique, to "overwrite" existing weapons with the nature of another, this technique cannot be used on weapons that already have their own abilities. The weapon in the user's hands needs to be a "blank slate" that a unique weapon can be imprinted upon, or the technique fails to produce an effect. Next, weapons recieving the unsealed properties are still bound by their own inherent/ original properties and limitations. For example, regardless of a stored weapon's durability, the weapon in the user's hands does not recieve any additional defensive capabilities, such as indestructibility. Rather, when the "imitation" weapon's durability is too low (less than B-Rank in strength or durability (freeform weapons are classified as unranked), they can only maintain the imprint for a short period of time (4 turns max) before being destroyed as the enhancement turns into something more akin to a hostile invasion, causing the weapon to self-destruct. Additionally, utilizing techniques or abilities unique to a specific weapon while falling under the aforementioned durability range instantly causes this same destructive reaction. Finally this technique still requires the user abide by the rules regarding Custom Weapons and similarly restricted weapons, as well as any and all limitations the weapons themselves have.

Baseless Blade Works can last for as long as the user is willing to maintain it, provided the application doesn't expire due to the aforementioned durability factor, at a cost of 5 Chakra per turn. If an application of this technique lasts longer than 4 turns, it cannot be used for at least 2 turns once that usage ends. Finally, storage and withdrawal of weapons within this seal costs 5 Chakra per each activation, with the former costing a move when performed in combat, while the latter is always passive. Techniques used used through the imitation technique decrease in strength by a rank.

Note: Requires Advanced Fūinjutsu.

(Fuinjutsu/Kenjutsu : Shi no Ōgama) - Sealing/Sword Arts: Lost Blades
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage points: N/a
Description: Lost blades is a very unique type of technique. Applying both sealing techniques with kenjutsu, making the technique, Lost Blades. The user will apply a seal on the blade portion of their sword. Doing this, the user is able to slash at anything that pertains to chakra in it, be it medical chakra, other forms of chakra. (excludes senjutsu or fuinjutsu). By doing this, the moment the user slashes at something, the seal instantly activates, sealing the chakra inside said technique, allowing for the slash to disperse the technique. This makes it look like everything the user cuts at, gets slashed and dispersed.
Note: Can use two times per battle
Note: Both Fuin and Kenjutsu is S rank, allowing the user to seal S rank and below
Note: The seal is pre-applied to the sword before battle. After usage, the user has to manually apply the seal to the sword again (This portion does not take up a move slot, but using the technique does)
Note: Seal stays dormant until clashes with other technique

(Fuuin: Hakari no Doragon) - Sealing Technique: Scales of the Dragon
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A (-40 on activation)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user has a seal on their body with the Kanji for "Impervious" that automatically activates upon the user being struck with a Taijutsu attack. A barrier instantly forms over the user (before the user can be harmed) and mitigates the damage dealt by the strike and any subsequent strikes encompassed in the technique or freeform combo. Whether a Taijutsu technique deals one single hit or a multitude of them, each activation of this seal will defend one single Taijutsu attack/combo, be it freeform or a technique. The effect of the barrier is to reduce rather than eliminate the damage the user takes from being struck physically by the opponent so it will only halve the damage of any Taijutsu technique no matter how powerful (e.g. S-Ranks will fall to 40 damage, D-Ranks will fall to 10 damage). Due to this seal only reducing damage rather protecting the user completely, it acts as a failsafe more than anything else in case the user is caught unawares by someone much faster than them. The user’s body will sustain the remaining damage after the barrier halves it’s power.

Note: Can only be used twice per battle
Note: User still takes half the damage
Note: Only applies to Taijutsu techniques
Note: No S-Rank or above Fuuin in that turn or next

(Fuinjutsu: Kyūmin Erementarudomein) Sealing Style: The Dormants Domain
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 (-10 per turn, -20 per turn if used twice)
Damage: 80
Description: This technique has an application of both a body seal and a active regular fuin seal, being able to brand their body with the Kanji utilizing the technique. By applying this technique onto the user, (Be it in the start or mid way through the battle) the seal will activate causing said element to form into a small creature on their shoulders roughly the size of pakon (Kakashis Dog) This element can range from the basic elements, Advance Element, or Custom element but it needs to have an element component to it. Once the seal is active it stays dormant until an enemy is within short range. Once an enemy is within short range, the elemental creature that is on said body will instantly use a technique from said element that their body is composed of, of equal rank or lesser by using their own body as that source but having to be a projectile technique or a defensive technique that doesnt spawn larger than five meters around the user. Once the technique activates, the said creature would then disperse which the user is able to apply another seal on them, replicating this technique but will cost double the chakra to sustain it.

Note: Technique stays dormant until use
Note: Technique used from the creature can be defensive or offensive in nature, not supplementary and cant be a stream nor continuous
Note: This technique can be applied before battle in said bio. By doing this it can be activated as soon as the battle start.
Note: if applied a second time it uses double the amount of chakra to sustain said technique until active
Note: Can only be used twice per battle.

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"Oh great spirits, hear my plea..."

Misc Information: Zelda carries a wide assortment of tools that she uses throughout her life as shinobi, ranging from kunai, shuriken, ninja wire etc. She also has specialized tools in which he uses quite often for example her own version of explosive tags. She also carries a wrist mounted launcher in order to utilize Trick Archery in combat.
(Jūhō Kibaku Fuda) Heavy Artillery Exploding Tag
Rank: N/A
Type: Offensive
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: +20 to Explosive Tags
Description: A heavy-duty version of the standard issue paper bomb, this exploding tag has substantially more power than a regular exploding tag, and is generally used in heavy demolition. Other than being .5 inches longer than a regular exploding tag and with the kanji for “erupt” instead of “explode” in the middle, they cannot be discerned from their weaker counterparts at a glance. These exploding tags can be used in place of weaker ones in jutsu involving them.
*In order to use these, it must be mentioned in the user’s bio that they carry this version of the exploding tag – otherwise, the user cannot use these.

Scientific Tools:
(Anesidora) - Anesidora
- (Nen Resu) Sensory Dampener
- Beacon
- September
- Echo

(Anesidora) - Anesidora
Type: Technology
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: (Varies)
Damage: N/A
Anesidora is a Camera that comes with two Bangles that are worn on each of the user’s wrists. The Bangles act like “printers” for the user, capable of creating light copies (colour custom to user, cannot be invisible) of solid chakra Tools and Weapons that the user has photographed previously. The user can passively create freeform standard tools and weapons in their hands from the Bangles and they always look like solid chakra “wireframes” of the weapons or tools they’re mimicking; the user can substitute tools in techniques with this version of the weapons. If they’re Kunai, Shuriken, Metal Cards or small thrown tools like that any amount can be created around the user - larger weapons like swords are created in the hand. Even though they’re “wireframe” chakra copies, they act like the standard weapon they’re mimicking. Anesidora can mimic weapons needed for the user's custom fighting styles and create them in their hands or on their person at will without the user needing to carry them around. These tools can have seals placed or already placed on them recorded in the camera, the kanji or pattern take a wireframe look as well.

The real usage of this technique however is that this Camera stores the memory of Jutsu as well. The User can look through the Camera lense and can take a picture of a shape manipulated technique, examining the taken Jutsu and it’s structure in a Three-Dimensional shape and what abilities/strength it possesses and will store or print a copy for the user whether it be projected out from the bracelets or from the front of the Camera itself until formed and performs/sustains on it’s own - a Chakra deduction is made from the user's chakrapool which reflects the amount of chakra inputted into the taken technique. The created constructs will also have a Wireframe effect made purely of Chakra that is neutral to everything, the Wireframe construct can do what it’s original could do but instead of an “Earth Entity” firing “Earth spikes” it would be a Wireframe entity with a similar appearance firing “Wireframe Spikes” that can stab targets. If the printed entity can perform elemental jutsu up to a certain rank, this is replaced with Wireframe Constructs from the ground or their own body (Which are down to the user’s imagination) up to that certain rank, relevant chakra for the chosen rank construct much be deducted still (30 for A-Rank, 40 for S-Rank). The Construct lasts until a new Construct is made, sustained by the Camera which stores 150 Chakra Points, deducting -40 per turn that a construct is active. The user can passively give the camera 10 chakra a turn when there isn't a construct active.

Note: The user can have one of their own jutsu chosen to be “stored” in Anesidora. Posted with this technique in the relevant Technology and Artefact section or posted at the beginning of a Fight.
Note: The Copied Jutsu can be from the user or the opponent, they can be summons, entities or creations. Their strength is the same and their abilities are mimicked through Wireframe meshes (Within reason) which are neutral to everything. Unless they have unique abilities which cannot be copied as it's impossible for a Wireframe construct to use Yin parasites for example or to utilise absorption in any way.
Note: The user can take a Picture three times per battle, but only have one Construct on a field active at a time. When a Construct is destroyed it cannot be used again unless taken a Picture of again.

(Chakra Saifon) Chakra Siphon
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A (-20 per turn)
Damage points: N/A
Description: A basic automated siphon tool attached to the users back and designed to passively absorb and store the users chakra. This Nin-tech is able to sense foreign chakra and then pump all the stored chakra back into the user creating a shock that spikes and restarts the users chakra flow. This allows the user to break out of Genjutsu using the chakra surge method, being able to release any genjutsu, excluding Yin and MS level Genjutsu, so long as the surge of chakra released into the user is higher then the chakra used for the Genjutsu. This Nin-Tech is able to store up to 100 chakra into it, taking up to five turns before it reaches capacity. If the user has Senjutsu, the siphon can still absorb the senjutsu like chakra and release the Senjutsu back into the user, following the foreign chakra/energies release method of Genjutsu, instead of the chakra surge method. This allows the user to break any genjutsu, including Yin release genjutsu however it cannot break Mangekyou Sharingan Genjutsu. This Chakra Siphon begins absorbing and storing the users chakra at the beginning of battle and stops absorbing once it reaches capacity and/or when the chakra/senjutsu is released back into the user. Requiring a two turn cooldown period before it begins absorbing chakra/senjutsu again. While the siphoning of chakra is a passive ability, the release of chakra back into the user will still cost a move for that turn. Lastly, this Nin-tech cannot be used to enhance techniques in any way. The chakra/senjutsu released back into the user does not replenish their chakra or senjutsu reserves. Only working to release foreign chakras and genjutsu under one of the two presented methods.
-Must be placed in the users biography
-Can only be taught by Serpent

(Bīkon) Beacon
Type: Tool
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: As the Kote has gained notoriety among Shinobi, Samurai too have looked at the technology as a way to expand their arsenal. The Beacon is an altered Kote, capable not of using Ninjutsu, but of preforming Summoning in place of the user, intended for use by Samurai. A beacon has a disk inside it upon which a summoning contract is inscribed, much like how one would sign a traditional contract. Unlike Kote, to use the Beacon does require chakra - an equal amount as would be required to normally preform a Summoning, but unlike traditional summons, the Beacon acts as its namesake, allowing Summons to pull themselves to the wielder's location.
*Note: Allows Summoning to be preformed by Samurai.
*Note: Chakra Cost and Damage are dependent on the Summoning being used.
*Note: Use of the Beacon itself is passive, but the Summoning still consumes a moveslot.
*Note: The Beacon can only be attuned to one Contract at a time.

( Kyuu-tsuki ) - September (200 Regular)
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( +50 per turn ) ( -50 per turn to an opponent )
Damage: N/A ( -20 to an opponent's technique )
Description: September is a small orb-like self-sustained chakra battery that can be pre-charged with basic chakra, or senjutsu chakra. If charged with basic chakra it will be compatible with any non-hostile shinobi. The battery has two capabilities called charge and drain. Charge allows a shinobi to draw chakra from the battery or apply it to their techniques and drain allows the battery to draw chakra from a shinobi or their techniques. The battery has a max capacity of 10% of the wielder's normal chakra supply.

Charge: While in direct contact with the battery or while it is on their person a shinobi can passively absorb chakra directly from the battery through contact. It can be used while still hidden or in a pouch not needing to be pulled out. It allows the shinobi to draw up to 10% of their chakra supply from the battery at a rate of fifty per turn allowing for them to regain chakra or to supply exhausted allies with chakra. It can also be used to provide senjutsu chakra instead of chakra at a quicker rate allowing them to gain ten percent of their chakra as senjutsu chakra passively, this senjutsu chakra allows them to enter Sage Mode but can only be done once usually exhausting the battery. When exhausted the battery is still able to use its drain ability. Alternatively, like the name implies the battery can be used to charge a technique with ten extra chakra providing it a twenty damage boost. This is done in the same timeframe as the augmented technique and can only be done twice with a two-turn cool-down.

Drain: If a hostile individual tries to use the battery it will absorb their chakra instead of giving them chakra at a rate of fifty chakra stolen per turn. The wielder of the battery is also able to instigate this process passively by making direct contact with the opponent allowing them to instigate the process stealing fifty chakra per turn where contact is made. Additionally, through this draining ability, the battery is able to steal ten chakra from a technique causing it to weaken by twenty damage. This is similar to the capabilities of the Scientific Ninja Tool: ( Abusōbu Ude ) - Absorption Arm on a much lower and more basic scale. Where that can absorb entire jutsu this battery can only absorb ten chakra storing it in the battery. This portion of the drain ability will cost a move slot, can only be used once per turn and only twice per battle.
Note: The wielder can only carry a single chakra battery
Note: Must state the ratio of basic chakra to senjutsu chakra that is found in the battery

Theme Song and Background Music

Lost: 0


Biography Approved
Checked by Red-Robin
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