North-West Kinai Island (144)


Active member
Oct 1, 2010
Trait Points
North-West Kinai Island

After tragedy befell Hokurikudō to the North West, a massive wave resulting from the impact of a shard of the Moon crashing into the pirates' haven flooded the various valleys and depressions of North-West Kinai Island. Once thought safe from the dangers posed by the land's many quagmires and marshes, they ultimately became many people's tombs, drowning them in the homes intended to save them from such a fate.
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
This post marks the beginning of my mission using these storyboard elements:
- Perform a moderate workout routine (2)
- Draw out a picture of the scenery (1) (Custom)
- Defend yourself from wild beasts (2)
- Gather resources from the land (1)

Also starting new NW timeline with

And so the story of this young individual has finally come to light, Hokusai has always been secluded in her home back in Tobusekai, having to always being under the watchful care of her superiors within Radiant Order but ever since she had left home, she was now able to see the world for her own eyes. There was so many things she loved about this continent – ranging from the vast ocean, to the large mountainous regions – but she was currently within the Water Peninsula; more specifically the North Western Kinai Island where she currenly makes her residence. It was a light morning, the air of the city was perfumed with salt water from the ocean port near by but this wasn’t her main concern – as she grabbed onto her backpack as she placed all her materials into it including her ninja scrolls, extra paper, ink brushes and so forth as she ran through the city.

Her ear buds were tucked into her jacket as she ran through listening to her favorite work out theme, as she bobbed and weaved through the town as she headed towards the jungle area as she leaves the city. This run lasted a roughly half an hour as she ran for roughly three miles – something that was childs play to a kunoichi like her but once she reached the base off the jungle areas, she began to do sit ups, roughly two sets of 100 each, taking a small break beween em.

This leads into jump jacks, squats and fast break sprints – as the sweat gathered on her forehead she sat down near a tree as she pulled out a water bottle from her backpack while taking in the scenery around her. “Sometimes I cant help but appreciate what this continent has to offer…solidifying it into memory is always idealistic.” she said to herself as she got out her sketch book and began to draw the trees, the dirt and everything little thing around her. This was done rather quickly due to her unnatural skill in art.

She then took out her ink brush and began to ink the pages as she filled over it similar to that of a manga panel – but her session was interrupted when a strange growl can be heard from the distance. At first she ignored it, but then two three meter tall boars appeared from the flora.

The young artist took heed in their presence as she slowly got up from the ground, not wanting to cause a scene. She began to back away from the boars but they crept slower in response until they had enough and charged towards her; prompting her to quickly draw a giant hawk that appeared from the paper as it lifted off the and came in front of her and the boars.

It was large than them, and roared loudly enough to scare them away. The hawk didn’t dispel – as the girl still needed it, stepping onto its back and taking off into the air as she used her kunai to begin to slash the fruit in the trees for her morning shake.

Bananas and Papayas, yum. Once she had enough, she flew back into the city towards her apartment as she finished up inking the scenery of the jungle on her desk due to her photographic memory. “Milkshake time!

Fin~ TBC.

( Ninpou: Chou Choujuu Giga ) - Ninja Art: Super Beast Imitation
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: A more powerful version of Ninja Art Beast Imitation, the user uses his Ink to create significantly larger animals. These animals can reach up to 15 meters in size and range in their selection. The user can create up to 3 gigantic animals.


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
This post marks the beginning of my mission using these storyboard elements:
- Take part in local festivitie(s) (1) *
- Do some moderate meditation to improve focus (1)
- Explore the history of something (3)
- Draw out a picture of the scenery (1)*

Those marked with an asterisk are custom story board elements.

And so, the days of the one of the most beloved times of the year had arrived. It was the North-West Kinai Island’s carnival season! Hokusai whom was within her room; sat down at her desk as she reviewed over the last work of art she had drawn in the jungle a few days ago – but alas it was still an imperfect work of art. Disappointment was visible on her face due to her crafty work having been lacking lately and needed some time to think; to which she walks around her room in a steady pace. “What to do…” she asked herself as she jumped, flopping into her bed but bagning her head on her night stand. She cursed in response to this but noticing her open closet, she got up and shifted through her clothing. Dresses, sweaters, T-shirt. All standard forms of clothing and fashion but the one that caught her eye was her red bikini and thus the idea of her next work of art will come from.

She gathered her things, namely her paint brushes, ink posts and switched into her bikini. This was hidden from sight as she puts on a shirt and shorts on – slinging her bag over her shoulder and dashed out of the apartment complex as she ran down the streets heading to the southern beach. The Umi! she gleefully said as she jumped into the air after arriving to the beach after a few minutes of walking. It was completely empty; just as she wanted.

Getting into her bikini, she laid out a yoga mat onto the soft hot sand; and sat down with her legs crossed in a lotus form – as she sat down in peace and harmony. The waves gently crashed onto the sand, the sea gulls flew overhead and the sun’s rays beamed over as well, but she focused on her mediation – as her hands started to move on their own.

It imitated the waves, with each stroke starting small but upon crashing she whipped her hand swiftly but also powerfully as she utilized a famous brush stroke. She continued this motion of meditation for several minutes as she finally opened her eyes, taking her scroll and ink brush. She closed her eyes once more, continuing her practice but once she was ready she dipped her brush into the ink and did it.

With several strokes, it was done due to her mastery of drawing and ink ninjutsu it came out as a master piece in her eyes now; as she became one with nature in order to achieve this but her focus was tainted when she heard someone in the distance singing. At first it was nothing major but this person was interrupting her as she saw a tanned skin girl passing by. Hokusai had some things to say but her thoughts trailed off when she was mesmerized by the dancing of the girl.

Bang bang, you know I shot you down, Bang Bang when these lyrics hit the ground…” the person continued to sing; but the artist was so fascinated with such control of the pelvis. Hokusai dropped what she was doing and stopped the young girl. Yuno, took her headphones off and stared at Hokusai with such weird look. “Ah wa ya want gyal?” she asked in strange dialect.

Hokusai was thrown for a loop as she no clue what that meant but ignored and asked straight to the point what kind of dance was that. Yuno watched her strangely, and simply sighed. Foreigners, she thought but she couldn’t help but explain. “It’s called wuking up. Ya neva try it?” she asked the artist who replays with a head shake. Yuno unplugged her headphones and pulled out another cord from her back pack – now using her phone into a sound system on her bag. It started to play music out loud, some of which was amusing to hear.

She spent roughly an hour explaining the movement to Hokusai whom had adapted quite fast and easily to it, which surprised Yuno. “Buh gyal ya got waist mehson!” she said holding onto Hokusai as she wined on Yuno. Theforeigner was enjoying herself;so much so that she wanted to learn more about it.

Yuno directed her to the library after packing her things and heading home; to change. It was at the library they opened some books about the island’s tradition. “ J'ouvert or Jour Ouvert, is a large street party created in Kinai held during Carnival though now celebrated throughout many Water Peninsula Island Settlements, and subsequently in areas where Kinai peoples have immigrated. ” she started to read out loud while learning more of the islands culture.

So when is this event?” she asked Yuno – the latter of whom pointed to a calendar. It was tomorrow morning, and this excited Hokusai so much. She wanted to be a part of this, now looking at pictures from the previous year. Yuno took her out shopping for some clothes for the event. It started at 4am; so she needed to go to bed early.

Several hours had passed and now at 4am she woke up, placing the wet fete shirt she bought with Yuno and a some shorts; some slippers and headed out the door. There she would see many people from all the Kinai islands gathered with giant trucks with mass speakers on them and the bands playing the music.

She had spent time learning some of the songs from Yuno’s phone. She had been dancing on her own for about an hour and decided to be bold as she jumped onto one of the trucks, taking control of it as she started to sing “It’s Carnival”

Carnival in Kinai Island
Is so special to all ah we
Like we need blood in we vain
Dats how we feel about Port-of-Spain
When de posse dem come in town
Beating pan and ah bongo drum
Is madness everywhere
Carnival is ah true freedom
Make ah noise or ah joyfull sound
And jump up in de air

Her voice was majestic, as she continued to sing the whole song while wining on one of the band members. It was a wonderful time, as she continued up until the end for the beach party. It was time to get lit!

She eventually came home at six pm, tired and had enjoyed her day.

~ Fin


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Arriving from [ ]

Alucard has arrived to the marketplace. This would be the very first time he had the chance to recover an artifact for his clan.

Upon arrival he spotted a few goods but went mostly in love with the description of one of the artifacts. The Last memory of Fujiwara. No bidders so far but that changes when Alucard started to bid..


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
This post marks the beginning of my mission using these storyboard elements:
• Spy on an important target and remain undetected (4)
• Capture an important target (4)

You know, you can at least hear them out… a voice said across the room – the Surgebinder in her bed with her head turned away from the beeping noise. The voice came from her special partner, Nala whom was a Kozui summon of the Barnacle Contract – while in her human form. The beeping as mentioned came from a communications device that was connected to the main dispatch office back in Avalon. Hokusai’s head was in pain after several days of festival attendance; the alcohol getting into her head. She groaned, not wanting having to work now of all times in the world but she can only bare the noise for so long; as she flung herself out of bed and stormed to the device. As she accepted the call, a hologramed face would pop up – with the face of a female dispatcher. It was a familiar person however, being Hokusai’s older cousin. Do you have any idea how long I’ve been calling you child? Have you already forgotten the deal that was made with Sir Galahad? she said to Hokusai who simply rolled her eyes as she moved to the bed once more to hear what they needed. Make it quick, I don’t have much time to chat. she said to which Gwen (her cousin) narrowed her eyes, but decided not to say anything in relations to it. You’ve been assigned a mission of capture, in the island your on there is a well-known black market trade going on. We’ve received a plea for help in removal of the targets. It was a near impossible mission due to our knights not commonly being involved in western affairs but this was a personal request from an acquaintance of Galahad. You’re just unfortunate to be the only Knight in the near vicinity – namely in the exact same town. she said, as the information was relayed to Hokusai’s own device.

Once the information was loaded in, she began to brief her on he target. Nasashi Kurokiba, age 25. He’s a titan in the underground world and is your target of interest, but we’d rather you spy on him and gain any information first before proceeding to taking him down. Be careful, if he notices he’s being trailed – he won’t hesitate to run or retaliate in return. Galahad expects a lot out of you, cousin. It be in your best interest not to disappoint. she said, as the screen faded to black. Hokusai threw her device onto the bed as she laid there staring at the roof of her room. Nala simply sighed and took her master by the arm and pulled her up. No time for lounging! Let’s get the mission on the road she said as Hokusai smiled and gotten out of bed. Once she had gotten dressed, she figured she’d need a lead and she knew just the person to seek.

After a quick run through the city, she came into the library where she knew how to find her new friend, Yuno. The tanned girl sat at a table, her glasses on as she read a book about the culture of the eastern continents but she saw Hokusai and Nala appear before her as they took a seat next to her. It seems your homeland is quite knightly. she said, for the first time Hokusai can understand her. Yuno closed the book, knowing the girl was here for a reason having contacted her prior to her arrival. I need to know more about Nasashi Kurokiba. Where can I find him? His looks? Anything you might know. she went straight to the point, but Yuno had a confused look on her face. She knew him, but what did this young lady wanted with him.

Gyal you crazy a wha? Da man ain’t good people, stay away from him. she said now in her usual speech pattern, but Hokusai slid her communication device for Yuno to see as well as doing the “hush” gesture. Yuno read the mission and face palmed herself, this was it huh? Mi son, ya people tryna get you killed. Nasashi aint no f*ck around, and will mash ya up…but if you insist on doing this – he can be found in the back allies of western side of the city. Ya aint gonna catch him slipping as he got vast jutsu under his belt. she hated to admit. This however didn’t deter Hokusai as she left the building and started to head to the western side of the city – as it only took fifteen minutes by feet.

As she cuts the last corner, she heard a cry for help coming from up the street – as noted a woman with her hand bag being yanked away from her, Hokusai rushed in before the thief can notice her, as she ducks under his body and leg sweeps him off his feet while Nala attacks with a fist to the jaw, knocking him out clean. She returned the bag to the woman as she bowed in respect, as Nala cuffed the thief and leaving him teathered to a street pole for the local police to deal with him.

Another figure walked past her, it was him in broad daylight. Nasashi continued to walk, not paying attention to anything that had happened but the duo was on his trail. They snuck around, using the Silent Homicide technique to surpass their movement as he turned into an ally way but going in would only giveaway her position in spying on him. I’ll go in. You take to the skies and observe whats going on. she said , as Hokusai nodded – using the Cameo technique as she jumped onto the buildings as she gained a visual on Nasashi – as the summon walked into the street.

It was smelly, drenched with the scent of death , dried blood and booze – it was draining just being in there but Nala continued anyways; finding herself lost in the black market street. Nasahi was at a stand, eyeing some sort of jewel – but Nala was coy as she walked up to the same stand. The man eyed her for a moment before turning his attention back to the gem as he placed it back down and walked away; but soon after Nala was trailing behind him. Hokusai was observing from the building until she noticed him stopped. Nala bummed behind of him, falling onto the ground as he picked her up by the collar.

Any reason why your following me? Give me one and I might just not hurt your pretty little face. Nala cowered but managed to say a few words I was…just interested in knowing more about this side of town, and that you were the main guy to ask. Nasahi’s eyes widen as she tossed her back to the ground and walked away. As this happen, Nala waved her hand as a signal to Hokusai – as she waved three hand seals as an arrow of Prana formed on front of Nasahi – the latter of whom simply channeled chakra into his palm and sliced the arrow in half.

He would turn to Nala, eyes glaring – but Nala didn’t back down as she formed a calcite sword in her hand – and rushed him. Hokusai provided support, as she continuously used illusion to distract him. The inhabitants of the blackmarket observed in awe as this seemingly harmless girl is holding her own vs the behemoth of this street. However before he had a moment to strike her down once and for all, a Fuin Barrier came down onto his position; restraining his chakra. Hokusai had been done what was needed, as Nala dealt a blow to the head and knocked him out.

The others in the street began to gather in order to challenge Nala next but Hokusai appeared before them and took Nasashi with her, having called the local police once she had cleared things up. They arrived in a matter of moments, and with the man captured – it was a mission success. Gwen had been notified and congratulated her on a job well done.

Techniques used in mission below
(Kuchiyose : Zonbi) - Summoning : Zombies

Type: Offensive
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
From the very body of The Gravemind (Sprout the Gravemind Summon) it's flesh is in the control of a Rhizecephalia Parasitic type barnacle which manipulates the flesh to it's entirety, this is normally called a Kōzui. In this case these Kōzui are personal to the user and are seemingly trapped inside an ordinary sized Acorn Barnacle shells which are attached to the user's body, armor or some accessory they keep on their body due to the way Barnacles permanently attach to surfaces. The Shells are pretty small so can be attached to places like the underside of the tongue and the summon can seemingly grow out from the mouth or can act as the jewel on a ring that the user wears. The user channels chakra into the Shell on their person and the Kozui will pop out (like they are growing out from it) and have a humanoid shape, they can take the form of a Human if they so wish (As long as they have two legs and two arms and are around the same size as a person they can look as cosmetically wacky as the user's preference), a realistic transformation very similar to the Shadow Mirror Body Change Method with clothes and all. The "Zombie" can be spawned with a weapon each made of Calcite Shell, and can be any weapon the user desires - they're just an ordinary weapon. They can be summoned through ordinary summoning means if the user so wishes.

The Kōzui have a very strong resistance to ordinary weapons and taijutsu, anything powered with chakra would hurt the Rhizecephalia normally and being sliced in half with an ordinary blade would still cause the drawbacks of having no legs for example, however the Kōzui can still move and drag themselves with their hands. Kōzui can still feel pain and can break out of genjutsu through pain, however they cannot really be crippled by it (For example pain so severe it would paralyze them or stun them). Kōzui can perform B-Rank Ordinary Strong-Fist Taijutsu OR B-Rank Kenjutsu that the user knows (must be stated when summoned or in the user's bio which of the two they are allowed) and can use Legs of the Thoracica and Body of the Thoracica, and even be fused with the Organs of the Thoracica, the Kōzui also Wield Gadget Barnacles. The Restrictions of the Barnacle Arts when the Zombies use them apply to them separately as they are a singular entity with it's own abilities, their number of usages of an Art will not clash with the Users. Moreover, The Zombies can through the mental command of the signer use ONLY the Legs of the Thoracica and Body of the Thoracica from their Shell which they are trapped within until summoned that is on the User's person.

The Rhizecephalia act as travelling companions and last indefinitely on the field upon summoning, when they take C-Rank Ninjutsu Damage they will disperse from the battlefield back into their shells. They usually come in pairs, but each use of this Technique is a single separate Kozui and so the user can have up to two of these on their bio - each being different.

- Must have Signed Barnacle Summoning Contract
- The Zombies can communicate with the user in their shells, this is mainly cosmetic
- Can only have a Maxmimum of Two of these on ones bio and can only summon two per battle.
- Must be stated in the User's Bio to be capable of being used
- The user can have the Kōzui be taken back inside the acorn shells if in short range
- Can only be used 4 Times
(Fujitsuboātsu : Thoracica no bodi) - Barnacle Arts : Body of the Thoracica
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: C - A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 15 - 30
Damage Points: 30 - 60
All "Thoracica" Type Barnacles can use this, manipulating their shells so that the essentially grow and they become spiked like many needles are protruding from them and this just makes their body more dangerous so they cannot be touched by enemy hands. They can then manipulate to form ninja tools, weapons or other kinds of constructs, though depending on the size of the Barnacle Summoning using this they can only make a certain amount of things.

C-Rank : Can be used by Single Thoracica Barnacles or above and can create small tools like Kunai and Shuriken can be made in singles, Senbon can only be made in threes - since these shells can only be manipulated to an extent, once the form is taken it cannot be changed unless this technique is used again to manipulate it

B-Rank : Can be used by Small Groups of Thoracica Barnacles or above and can create a barrage of Kunai or Shuriken, a wave of Senbon. They can create weapons as big as Spears or even shields all the barnacles would contribute by stemming off their shells to create a large shield. They can create singular pieces of armour like gauntlets, chestplates or masks - can only create one of these.

A-Rank : Can be used by a Community of Barnacles like "Oregon" or above and can fire ordinary-sized swords or large shuriken, create and wield Large weapons like Battleaxes, giant swords, even walls or a group of spikes from the earth (Contact with the earth must be made). The Communities can create full sets of armour.

The barnacle usually creates these tools for the user but they can launch them towards enemies at short range as well if need be. The Launched Shell Tool can stand up to elements however the shells are weak to lightning and strong to water. Like "Gadget Barnacle" the user can use this technique but only by clicking his fingers to summon a weapon within the limits of the chosen rank, the user cannot manipulate the shell though

- Can only be used by Thoracica Type Barnacles and not by barnacles without shell.
- C-Rank only has Short Range, B-Rank is Limited to Mid and A-Rank Long.
- User can only use the A-Rank version four times
- Must have signed Barnacle Summon Contract
- Can only be taught by LonelyAssassinn

(Muon Satsujin Jutsu) - Silent Homicide Technique
Rank: D
Chakra Cost:10
Damage Points:20
Description: Muon Satsujin Jutsu, the ability to commit a silent homicide, is a technique to dispatch your foe with no warning. Your quick speed and skills will instantly kill them before they can provide a defense. Best tactic is when used with Hidden Mist jutsu. The technique works by having the user focus his chakra and his complete attention on moving fluidly, rapidly but muffling any sound he may make while moving as well as his presence, etc. It doesn't suppress his chakra or hides it but it can make the opponent virtually undetected if he manages to get on the opponents blind spot.

(Meisaigakure no Jutsu) - Hiding with Camouflage Technique
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30 (-10 per turn active)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: This is a ninja escape technique that allows the user after performing the Tiger hand seal to control how light is reflected around their body with chakra inflections. The technique also erases the user's scent and shadow, and is usable on any terrain, making it ideal not only for covert maneuvers but also offensive strikes. Perceiving the user's position is possible only for ninja who are astute enough to observe minute variations within their surrounding environment, such as distortions of air currents in the immediate vicinity or distinguishing sounds, i.e. footsteps etc. However, the usefulness of this ability can be entirely negated by those with special vision or sensory skills. The Second Tsuchikage, Mū's mastery of this technique helped earn him the moniker "Non-Person" seemingly having neither form nor chakra while the technique was active. Thus, he could not be sensed through traditional means.
Note: Technique lasts a total of 3 turns
(Kanki: Kigen no Kamigami) – Surge of Evocation: Era of Gods
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: D-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 10-40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: This technique encompasses the basic applications of the Surge of Evocation. The Surge of Evocation is the usage of Prana in its raw and unrefined form; whatever this Prana touches is transformed into ethereal energy and transported to the Throne. Prana will neutralize and be neutralized by techniques that possess the same amount of chakra. Similarly it will be useless against attacks of greater chakra and will not be weakened by techniques of lower chakra. However when used on living targets this ambient energy will feel extremely frigid to the touch and induce cold burns on contact or even freeze a target solid for higher ranked applications. D to B-Rank uses will inflict cold burns as well as all of the effects of frostbite. A-Rank uses will cause necrosis of the afflicted parts of the body, making them appear dark purple and bruised to signify the death of cells. Affected appendages and organs will cease to function, becoming completely immobile in the case of limbs. S rank uses will freeze the struck targets solid. In the case of Surgebinders, who are immune to all of the above effects, they will be transported to the Throne when struck by the prana of another member of their clan. Era of Gods can be split into three separate applications, all based on the same principle: constructs, armors, and familiars made of prana energy.

Pride of Gilgamesh – Gates of Babylon
The Pride of Gilgamesh allows the user to produce Prana either from the user’s body or on the battlefield. The Prana can only be manifested within short-range of the opponent if the user is also within that range, in which it must be created a minimum of one meter away. This restriction does not apply if the user chooses to release the Prana from their body, rather than manifest it away from themselves. The energy can be released from the body via various hand signs depending on the user's rank in the clan. This can be done to generate constructs bound only by the rank of technique used and one’s imagination; alternatively the user can simplify the application by creating streams, waves, and constructs of Prana. Manifested Prana is capable of taking solid form, granting tangibility at the user’s volition. Non-projectile uses of this technique are capable of levitating and can be governed through mental commands and a sustained chakra cost. B-Ranks and below are sustained through 5 chakra per turn, A-Ranks and above require 10 chakra per turn. Created constructs will last three turns per usage unless they are prematurely cancelled. S-Rank applications can only be used once every three turns and no Prana in the user’s next turn.

Embrace of Ishtar – Armory of Akkadia
This variant allows the user to manifest armors, auras, and coatings of Prana around their body. This can be used to enshroud a single or multiple body parts in a layer of colored energy. These defenses can be made to fit the body like conventional armors or enveloping it in a formless manner. The first type can be created with additional limbs and appendages such as wings which enable flight. The user can also constantly reshape it and create small-scale weapons from the body of the armor, though at the cost of one of the user's three moves. It should be noted that these constructs remain attached to the main body of the armor and so act as an extension of it. The second type generates a “flowing aura” that appears to flicker like an open flame. This aura is often made as an upwards column that is streamed into the sky with its base remaining around the user. It should be noted that its power is not split or divided as all of the Prana energy is part of one whole. The armors can exhibit tangibility, although this does not hinder the user’s techniques and their passing which can freely move in and out of the armor per the user’s will. B-Rank and below applications require being sustained with 5 chakra per turn while A and S Ranks require 10 chakra per turn. This technique can last a maximum of three turns. S-Rank applications can be used twice per battle. After an S-Rank application expires the user is unable to utilize Prana single turn.

Divinity of Merlin – Garden of Avalon
The Divinity of Merlin allows the user to produce Prana in the same way as the Pride of Gilgamesh and can be shaped in the same way, limited by rank and imagination. However, unlike the Pride of Gilgamesh which creates static constructs the Divinity of Merlin creates constructs imbued with a limited form of sentience – familiars. These familiars can be created anywhere on the battlefield, with the exception of short-range of the opponent unless the user is also within that range; in this case the familiar cannot be created within two meters of the opponent. This restriction does not apply if the user chooses to release the Prana from their body. Familiars are capable of taking numerous shapes, not simply limited to animals. These familiars are also capable of taking solid form at the user’s volition. Familiars are capable of remaining on the battlefield for four turns. B-Ranks and below are sustained through 5 chakra per turn, A-Ranks and above require 10 chakra per turn. S-Rank applications can only be used twice times per battle and no Prana in the user’s next turn.

Note: The upper echelon of the clan (Servants and above) are capable of using this technique without hand signs for B-rank and below. A-rank will require two hand signs and S-rank requires three.
Note: The lower tier clan members (Phantasms to Guardians) will require 5 to 3 hand seals for all ranks, decreasing as they they ascend in rank.


Active member
Sep 10, 2008
Trait Points
Coming from

Gwen landed atop one of the buildings overlooking the buildings that made of the port town. The air smelled of saltwater and brought a sense of calm to Gwen as she jumped down from the building and continued to use her flight ability to make her way towards the markets of the town. As Gwen flew, onlookers from below were amazed by the sight causing many people to stop in their tracks to see the flying woman. Not drawing to draw to much attention, Gwen landed. As she walked into the town center, here the trade hub was bustling with activity. People hard at work, others doing shopping, and so on. The sight of it all was relieving to Gwen, this area was much more different than the Lightning Mountains, and Gwen appreciated the change of scenery. Soon signs pointed Gwen towards the bank and marketplace, the two areas the fisherman had told her she might be interested in visiting.

Gwen would start by making her way to the marketplace to do some shopping, before finally making it to the bank to open an account depositing 100 Ryo. Once, Gwen, had her fill with the trading district, she set off again after getting directions at a local bar. A few drinks in her stomach was going to help her with the remainder of her voyage. She set off back towards the port, commissioning a trade boat to take her to the Tea Country.

LLM -> 23
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Active member
Nov 7, 2015
Trait Points
This post marks the beginning of my (our) mission using these storyboard elements:

Fight an enemy much stronger than yourself [5]
Survive a near-death situation [5]

Summary: This mission will focus on revenge story, as well as her introduction to the WSE.
The scent of smoke filled the air. Its dark and thick texture filled my every being. I could still feel the warm and tender embrace of the raging fire, consuming what I hold so dear. My tavern. My bar. Gone before my eyes. Burnt to ash and my life almost taken. I did not know much of this world. I was not of it. The tavern and singing were the only things I held dear. Now both gone. Rage was within me, bubbling like a raging fire itself. It grows, ever so subtle yet so powerful. A brimming red color filled the environment as it shakes. The ground swallows up the entirety of the tavern and suddenly...a jolt shocked me awake. I dreamed of it again, didn't I? My brow filled with sweat, and my body shaking. I could not leave this behind. It wasn't something simply forgotten. Years had gone by, yet I couldn't. I couldn't leave it. My face contorted as I became a vessel for anger yet again. Knowing what I had to do, I lifted myself from my bed and dressed myself. A dark brown coat with a fluffy hood, white in color. The coat dons a large yellow and orange symbol. Beneath it, a casual black dress, coupled with some heels. Within the compartments of the coat, I carried my Shinobi accessories. I had an errand to run. Not only had I gained a whiff of the one responsible, but I now knew of his location. With a strong determination at heart, as well as a focused mind and soul, I knew what I had to do. My heart was broken, but I would return that payment.

The dark night was further enhanced with the every imposing mist ravaging through it. Leaving the small room, I would make my way to a confidant. A dark alley and a mysterious area made it all seem like it was I was out to smuggle some scientific tools. The area was seedy, and so were the individuals, especially at night. Despite my appearance, individuals knew not to mess with me. Formerly known as a singer, people had empathy for me, but understood my rage upon recovering. However, they too understood that I could channel this rage into my training and within a few months, I stood toe to toe with some of the better Ninjutsu users around. My signature sword stood out, and so did my unorthodox attire. However, I kept this specific mission silent. Under wraps. I had to find him. And someone reached out..for a viable amount of Ryo, however. A quick exchange of information would take place in the dark night, and even less illuminated alleyway. He stood, his arms crossed and a cigar hanging from his mouth.

"You have the Ryo, Red?"
"....It's been said that an odd man stays in a small tavern along the eastern side of town. He recently came into town, and has spoken of something that carries a lot of similarities...of what happened to you. He carries a scar upon his left hand, in the shape of a skull. Perhaps a tattoo, perhaps a scar. Source wasn't too sure. Nonetheless, he's extremely dangerous. He apparently belongs to a larger gang, capable of taking down even skilled individuals with ease. I have to tell you, Red. The attack on your tavern was something bigger. It wasn't about you."
"I don't care that it wasn't about me. He took something from me, and I'll do the same."

The man shook his head, and drew a last smoke from his cigar. A quick launch of it to the ground, causes it to gush as it draws its last oxygen and the flame is extinguished. I couldn't help but think of how I would extinguish the flame of the enemy's existence. His very being would cease at my hand. However, the reality of the situation drowned out my passion of hate, just like the fire dwindled down around my tavern. Would I be able to stand against him? I knew I was skilled. I had not only perfected my use of the sword, but also capable of utilizing the Storm element. Even then..My determination was low..but, I was determined. With this in mind, I would travel onward. Not even the dark of night would stop me from reaching my goal. With my new information, I knew where I would go. I was already equipped, and read to lay to waste the man, or woman..

The road was simple, as was my plan. I would confront him, and he would admit. He would not leave this world without knowing how much pain he had caused. How much he had to reconcile for. Nonetheless, I did not take that long to get to where I needed to go. Before it, I stood. A small brown tavern, with a large sign before it. The area was relatively quiet. However, the tavern itself was bustling. The outside was filled with individuals standing around and drinking. It was a lively night. I was used to it, the life of a singer really brought me into contact with the chaos of a bar. The ever-so-often fight as well as the drunk laden speeches of the patrons, always loud. Yet, it never bothered me. I found solace in it. I entered the tavern, my entrance barely noticed among the screams and rages of the party life. Several individuals sat at the bar, while others sat around a large table, playing some sort of games. Betting and Ryo, these two things ruled the aspects of some lives. In a dark corner, a few individuals stood. Ominous indeed. Perhaps he was among them. My eyes scanned the bar furiously as I looked for a way to find this man. Trap him..and hopefully, deal with him.

"Raise it!"

A large voice growled above the others. The table of players. My eyes quickly focused there. A sudden slam was done on the table, whatever this game was, the man was controlling it. His hand, quickly caught my attention as it held the cards before him. Oddly shaped and dark in color, was a small scar. It was him. His hulking frame and laughter easily separated him from the rest. Suddenly, it was as if the rest of the crowd dimmed away, and only his image could be seen. I knew I would find him. I had to have. My right hand gripped my sword tightly. I could take him down in one swoop right now. It would be solved, so easily! I shook my head, was I insane? Killing a man in front of others just like that.. Could I handle the circumstances that come with it? Could I go through with it? Would it help feeding this rage? I questioned myself. I hesitated. My train of thought was interrupted as the man suddenly stood up.

"Ghahaha, its all mine now, laddies. Settle down, I'll be out for a smoke."

He states as he pushes back the chair, and leaves for the alternative exit to the back. Now was my chance. A silent approach would be initiated, as I blend with the crowd, and make my way towards the exit. As we move, it gets quieter and quieter. The door flips open, and closes as he leaves, and I wait. A few mere moments that would determine the rest of my journey forward. My mind raced on the possibilities of how this would go, and perhaps, it was the adrenaline kicking in. I pushed forward and opened the door. It led to the cold outside, dark and silent. There he stood, smoke emerged from his mouth. I silently approach. SWIIIIIIISH! The sound of a kunai rushes right by my head, into the door, slamming it shut. My eyes enlarged and my heart races faster, as the large hulking man spins around in an unorthodox manner. A smile covers his face, as his cigar hangs onto one side of his mouth.

"You think I wouldn't notice you following me, lady?"
"...You are quick to act."
"It's a dangerous world..Let's just say I'm cautious. What business do you have with me?"
"You don't know my face? Does the Golden Tavern ring a bell?."
"Look lady, I've made a lot of enemies. You're not that important. Gahaga. You were probably just another contract I had to complete, its all."

Did I mean that little? Was my plight really worth so little? My pain, my suffering? Left almost dead, and my business in ruins, yet the man who perpetrated it all didn't even care enough to remember? My eyes squinted as I looked at him. I carefully scanned the area. A perfect place to take down a foe.

"OH, the singer. You did look familiar I'll give you that. Good job surviving that fire, not my best work, I must say."

He had the audacity. My blood boiled. He wanted to anger me, to mess with my emotions. I could take him, I could handle this. A smile crossed my face. I would receive the redemption I needed. The redemption I craved. I would avenge myself, my own aspirations. My tavern, my dream that was taken. I had the power to take it back. My hand grabbed the sword once more, only this time, I would unleash it from its sheath. A quick channeling of chakra to it, I would unleash it forward. This would unleash a red crescent of chakra, aimed at slicing right through the man. Our short distance between ourselves would easily be able to handle him. To rip right through him perhaps. Much to my surprise, my attack is met with laughter as the man suddenly disappears from sight. His large hulking body dodges the linear strike with ease, as his body evaporates from its original position, shifting much closer to my own with an insane speed. I could barely keep up. His face engraved in my mind, and my wrath fueled by his laughter. As he got closer, I knew I had to do something to keep up with him.

As he suddenly appears closer, I would jump backward, sword still in hand. My jump allows me to easily escape his grab, as his right arm emerges toward me. His large hand aims to grab me by my clothes, and pull me toward him. With his large frame, he could easily crush me. My jump wouldn't be purely defensive however. As I jump, I enhance my sword with chakra and it glows brightly. Suddenly, I spin forward furiously, aiming to slash through his arm and possibly, the rest of his body. The spin is initiated, and clank. Its like I've hit hard metal. My eyes enlarge as I see the man grab the sword by his bare hand, stopping it. I am stuck in mid air, perpetually frozen by his might. How much strength did he carry? Impossible! The sword dulls, as the color retracts from a bright blue, back to its silver. He smiles, and the foul smell of his cigar breath, mixed with liquor fills the immediate vicinity around me. A quick pull, and I am suddenly slammed into the ground. The sword cracks and breaks. I hold but a broken sword in my hand as I hit the ground at a tremendous force. Its like all life leaves me for a second. Dust rises, and I can barely breath. With my blurred vision, I see him throwing the cigar to the ground as he steps on it and exhales. A large plum of smoke against the dark background. He screams;

"Weak. You dare come against me? You stand no chance, girl."

He was strong indeed, I thought as I mustered the strength to get up. Dusting myself off, with the severed sword, I stood before him. A few ribs were possibly cracked due to the force I was slammed, but I could stand still.

"I'll get my revenge either way."

I state, as I dash forward. I had a plan in mind or so I thought. He remains still. His large body casts a shadow over mine as he stands ready. The broken sword is launched toward him, as I channel some Lightning chakra into my free hand. A sudden surge of Lightning is created, as a hound of Lightning is shaped. This hound bursts forward, attached to my hand still. An attack from both sides. Suddenly, his body starts spinning at quite some speed, unleashing a powerful wind at point blank range. The two cancel out, as he grabs the flying broken sword mid air, and spins, as he launches it back toward me. Had he no weakness? He could easily handle the onslaught of attacks?! Aiming to dodge the sword, I would bend down, and slam my hand onto the ground. The ground sizzles, as a massive amount of Lightning chakra surges through it. It aims to shock him, as he is quite closer. I had a plan in mind, and my left hand reaches within my robe, grabbing a small tag, different in color while I send the chakra through the ground. He retaliates, as he is covered in a mass of Wind, and dashes forward with great speed in a zig-zag pattern. Quickly, he was before me. Still large before me. He grabs me with ease, and aims to lift my body. My arms felt lifeless, so did my legs as he lifts me by the throat.

"Lady, don't you goddamn get in my way. I've killed a lot of individuals over the years. Do you know how many assassinations have been tried on me? Countless! I've calculated every move you'll make."

He screams, as he rushes with me in his hand. Bang, he slams me against the door. The wave of pain rushes through my body as he does. But suddenly, a new introduction of pain, as he thrusts a large sword into my left shoulder. This sword pierces through not only the door, but my flesh with ease. Hanged like a portrait, my body hung lifeless against the door. Blood ran down it, painting it red with ease. He jumps back as he looks at me. He laughs, as he proclaims;

"Perhaps I'll leave you hanging. Maybe I'll burn you alive. Haven't decided yet."

My eyes were barely open, and my body sore. He was stronger indeed. Faster, larger and more combat ready. Perhaps I rushed. But I had a plan. In the time he slammed my body to the door, I dropped a small tag into his coat. A simple tag, easily missed and just as obscure in weight. With a slow, yet string voice I stated;

"You're wrong...You-..You miscalculated."

A single hand seal is formed. Boom. A large mass of his body would rupture from his being. His waist ruptured, as well as his left arm as a massive explosion occurs. Completely torn to the bone, he would be blasted to the right. His body is flung with ease. With great pain, I would aim to remove the sword that hung me to the door. With quite some difficulty, I would pull myself off it. Profuse bleeding, several cracked ribs as well as internal bleeding was a possibility. Barely in a standing position, I could still hear his voice, soft yet saying something.

"They...uh..they will find you."

Silence. I walked closer, slowly. Holding onto my wound I would creep closer to my foe. Barely at the speed of a crawl. Perhaps he carried something that would be an indication to what he was referring to. His body was lifeless, his eyes closed. His dark coat was ruptured, and he was bleeding quite some. Suddenly, his massive hand emerges and grabs my leg. A last ditch effort, as it grabs and twists, easily fracturing it.


I fall to the ground, as I unleash a mass of Lightning from the injured leg. A sudden buzz and bright blast of light quickly sizzles into his body. Even then, his large hand remained. Only after a while of unleashing the mass of Lightning would it weaken and fall to the ground. Completely black, as it sizzles with heat, due to the extensive Lightning that burst through his half body. The man was finally dead. However, the information was left hanging. What did he know? Who was he referring to? I would never know..

At the same time, I lay there. My body aching, as well as my leg. Perhaps completely broken, luckily there were no open fractures. My breath was quick, and so was my heart. Racing and pumping. I was bleeding. Cold, it fell to the ground in a small puddle around me. A quick sizzle of Lightning would suffice to burn the wound closed, at the expense of some jolts running through me. It didn't help the pain, no. That remained. I stayed on the ground. My eyes turned to the sky. Perhaps it was time to leave as well. Slowly, clouds began to gather. He was dead. It felt odd. What would I do with my leg? I wondered. An idea crossed my mind. Perhaps, through the use of the sword I had, as well as some bandages, I could create something. Using the broken swords' handle, as well as some bandage, I could tie it around the leg. While I wasn't able to immediately walk well, this was a tavern after all. Perhaps, I would spend the night..

Techniques Used:

( Suraisu Shinku no Nami ) - Slicing Crimson Wave
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: The user does a simple cresent-shaped slash at the opponent, expelling a red chakra wave.

( Chakura Bōsekiken ) - Chakra Spinning Blade
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: The user will channel chakra into their sword, making it glow blue, and then jump into the air. They spin at a rapid rate, creating a spinning circle and cutting through the enemy target.

(Raiton: Raijū Tsuiga) - Lightning Release: Lightning Beast Tracking Fang
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user channels his lighting chakra to his dominant hand and then radiates it out making it a hound shaped stream of lighting which stays attached to the users hand through a bolt of lighting and rampages towards his target.

(Raiton: Amigumo) - Lightning Style: Spider Web
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: After kneading chakra in the body and converting it to lightning, the user places their hand on the ground which creates a surge of electricity which originates from them and spans out around the user creating a web of electricity around them. Anyone caught within this web is electrocuted by the lightning's effect.

(Ninpo: Jibaku Fuda: Kassei) - Ninja Art: Exploding Tag: Activate
Rank: C
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 15
Damage points: 30
Description: Utilizing chakra, the user is able to activate the explosion mechanism of a distant bomb tag. The exploding tags that the Third Hokage used were different than the usual bomb tags, being yellow in color instead of white with a red border.

(Raiton no Jutsu) - Lightning Release Technique x2
Type: Offensive
Rank: D
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 10
Damage: 20
Description: The user will manipulate their chakra to create small bolts of lightning to attack their target.
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
This post declares me swapping Hokusai out for Noelle as my WSE bio.

It’s been several weeks, actually nearing a month since the finally of the local festivities on the island – many had returned back to normal lives, while this was the first of many adventures Noelle was bound to be apart off. Comfortable in bed, the young kunoichi was in deep slumber – until she heard some soft but audible screaming from the kitchen. At first it didn’t bother her, but soon after pots began to fall, causing a loud crashing sound. She immediately awoken, disturbed in her sleep as she marched out in her and into the kitchen. Her face was filled with annoyance – evident as she slammed the door open to find Es flying around the kitchen frantically.

The heck is going on in here Es?!” she questioned her Genki who stopped instantly and flew into Noelle, the spirit physically shaking. Noelle rose up as Es pointed to the cabinet – where squeaking sounds can be heard, as she immediately knew what it was. She put her finger to her lip, telling Es to keep quiet as she waved her hand, willing some chakra causing a spirit from the Impure world to appear before her. It would consume the chakra, and become under her command as she bends its form into that of an ethereal hand – and with focus she swung the door open and saw the mouse. It would react almost instantly, dropping the cracker and ran out to safety but Noelle wasn’t having that. “Not so fast!” she said, having the hand follow behind it as she kept track of it’s own spiritual energy. Unfortunately the mouse managed to jump out the window in time to avoid being caught.

Defeated, she released her control of the Genki as it returned back to the Impure World. She looked at Es, who was petrified from seeing the mouse – she couldn’t help but smile at her. Once the dilemma was over, she bathed and got ready for a day out in the city. It was always busy here, something she enjoyed very much as it reminded her of her time in Chungsu before it was destroyed several years ago. Her first stop was the market, but it seems some commotion was going on. All she heard was “Zombies!”, “Chungsu” etc. Upon hearing this, she tapped the shoulder of a local – which she asked what was going on. It seems some rumors of zombies where seen at the Ruins of Chungsu, but there was no proof as it was simply word of mouth.

Interested, Noelle would continue her daily errands and upon reaching home she explained it Es. The spirit would become scared once more, but she had decided she would investigate the matters. Taking up some gear and switching into a more combat appropriate – she and Es would head out to the port. Taking a boat, she heads out to Five Point Island.

(Shojun no Hel) Δ Hel's Alignment
Rank: C-S (C)
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 15-40 (15)
Damage Points: 30-80 (30)
Description: Shojun no Hel is perhaps the most essential technique throughout the House's epitome of techniques. The jutsu is based on the use of the generic Genki which whom traverse between the Pure and Impure Realms, a.k.a into our 'dimension' per say. Through the convinction of the user, and a sacrifical portion of chakra, depending on the strength of the Genki, and the Rank within the House of the user, they will forcefully be able to persuade the Genki to do their bidding. Now this can be used in a various amount of ways, essentially by bending the savage spirit in it's else deformed mass of ethereal spiritual energy, the user is capable of forming 'constructs' of ethereal energy throughout the field through hand motions or else body movements. These constructs carries a certain colour of Kūki no Yōna depending on the user, upon materilizing in the desired area of the user's choice. Ontop of that, the contructs are either flame-like or solid in the appearence, thus adding for verstality. Once the sacrfice have been made the user can freely without further payment manipulate the Genki, with the only cost being spending a move. Being hit by a Genki will either do nothing (if the spirit decides to not take a tangible form), or produce kinetic, physical damage (if he takes physical form). In this case, the Genki still has the ability to select which matter he will interact with, though that is not true for energies, as per the clan description.
Note: This technique can only manipulate one genki at a time.
Note: S-Rank can only be used three times per battle and not in consecutive turns.

[Leaving Landmark 144 for  Landmark 139]
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Active member
Aug 25, 2010
Trait Points
Coming From:

Making it to the Market Place, Hei and Nagato stop in to get some Taco's. Hei eats and makes small talk with the shop owners while Nagato keeps watch. After some time passes, Hei learns of some tomfoolery happening around the ninja world, He decides to head back north, across the sea. Hei and co. continue onward.

Chakra: 1540 - 20 = 1520

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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Came from:
Arriving into the city once more, Noelle would find it not in a state of emergency but rather in yet another jovial time of the year; as the people are now celebrating the Conqueror’s End event like every year. Noelle simple ignored most of the others, heading back to her apartment in the shopping district with Melody in tow. I’m going to be leaving you here on your own for the time being…I need to head back to the Ruins and do some investigating. Can I trust you to remain here ? she asked Melody who agreed with a simple nod.

With that established, she took out the scroll from earlier and messaged to Sigurd “Tell my summon to summon me now” she would then close the scroll, giving a quick tour of the house and the city to Melody who surprisingly knew how to use ninjutsu but only the bare minimum such as walking on walls etc. This lasted roughly two hours, with Noelle leaving the city as she waited for her summon to do it’s magic.

[Message sent out to Sigurd via Communication Scroll]


Active member
Apr 7, 2010
Trait Points
Coming from

This post marks the beginning of my mission using these Conqueror's End Story Elements:

- Defend a marketplace from a horde of zombies (3)
- Examine the corpse of a zombie for clues about the necromancers (2)

Summary: Medusa located the market in Archipelago to gather information. While doing so, the undead would once again begin to show up to cause unrest. This irritates her and encourages her to dig deep into the cause.

Arriving at the shore of North west Kinai, Medusa alighted and move towards the market. It was packed with goods and traders. Archive beeps as new information are being gather. Without further ado, Medusa would not hesitate to locate the nearest notice board and see the current information which comprise of several bounties, wanted posters and rumors. She would interrogate some of the traders, asking them about the any current abnormalities they've heard of. Medusa would learn that some headless warriors have risen in 4 different locations causing chaos and they are the probable cause of the zombies that attacked her earlier. The locations and directions to the locations were even revealed to Medusa. They are Kulna, Aridakumo, Dead Plains and Giant's Lance. Medusa stores the information within Archive's infinite database coupled with what archive has gathered from the surrounding network. Medusa has everything she needs to visit the stranger.

Archive | Akaivu
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (-30 for active usage)
Damage: N/A
Archive is a smart device worn as a wrist watch. However this is due to technology improvement. It's prototype is a super computer which is quite big and not easy to move about. Archive is simply a massive brain and a reservoir for information. Having a microprocessor exceeding 100s of TeraHertz, an infinite memory space via an embedded fuinjutsu seal and an inbuilt holographic system which makes Archive display high resolution holographic images from its memory as a way of displaying it's output. Archive is also connected to the internet that it constantly and continually draw new information into itself and thus is quite updated all the time.
Archive's usefulness is the ability for the user to be able to draw information from it at any time in a freeform manner. This is quite easy as the user needs just touch a button or speak as Archive is built with biosensors and a voice recognition feature that only recognizes the programmed user. Like an electronic data card, The user is able to retrieve any ninja data, group/affiliation data landmark info and map, hospital and police records, bingo book, advertised upcoming events and tournaments . Retrieving a Ninja's data is done by searching through its extremely wide database and instantly locating the data and displaying it via a hologram.
There are two ways that Archive gets and updates it's information. For the passive acquisition of info, automatically, Archive would download any ninja's data information that are freely advertised or publicized. For example; Bounties and Wanted Ninja have their name and known information placed in universal Bingo Books. Archive can only get information if the user happens to make acquaintance with such ninjas or the user happens to traditionally gather intel which he can then give Archive to store. The Ninja World Map would automatically be in Archive's database but the landmark description and topology/inhabitants can only be stored when the user has passed through the landmark during his travels. Major landmarks like the Witchhood Arena and The NW Market would have their full detailed information within Archive though. If any ninja has his data already in Archive or a particular object/landmark has its information within Archive , Archive would upon mid-range proximity to them , match their appearance with those in it's database and immediately display their data for the user to see and this is done even without the user's consent.
Medusa was about to move out though when she hears a loud scream. Immediate, she would pick up the same chakra she picked up earlier at the Oudaju's hideout. The zombies have invaded the market. She knows for a fact that if she does not do anything, they would wipe out the entire market place in minutes. Also this is another opportunity for Medusa to examine one of the undead to see if she could find clues about their existence. To do this, she'll have to spare one of the zombies and probably dispose off the other. While Medusa was thinking a zombie would storm in, grabbing a young trader and biting down on him. Medusa would throw a sealing tag Kunai to hit the zombie on the thigh, sealing him and making him stay put. As for the rest, Medusa would tell Crona to restrain all of them.

( Fūin Fuda ) – Sealing Tag
Rank: B-Rank
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: N/A
Description: A basic sealing technique where the user places one or more tags either directly on a target or on a technique which is restraining it. As its placed, a sealing formula spreads around the technique or the target, sealing it. This technique has been seen used with Sand ninjutsu, Earth, Water, Wood, Cloth Ninjutsu, etc but basically any technique in which you can apply the tags can be used. In the case of expert ninjas, the tags might even be incorporated into the restraining technique, with no need to actually manually place the tag or tags. Additionally, less experienced ninjas can find that throwing one or more kunais with the sealing tags attached at the technique which will trigger the same effect when the kunais stick on the technique. This prevents the target from moving, molding chakra or even being summoned.
Note: The seal takes a while to form, so most opponents can either counter the restraining technique (thus preventing the sealing formula of taking effect) or rip off the tags from themselves negating its effects entirely. If the target, however, fails to counter the restraining technique or is counter to it fails or if he doesn't remove the tags in his next move, then the seal will fully be placed and the target unable to release himself.
Note: This technique is specially designed to be used on summons and Edo Tensei Summons but will work on any opponent except Jinchurikiis.
( Senpō: Muki Tensei ) - Sage Art: Inorganic Reincarnation
Rank: A
Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: This technique allows the user to control things that have no life functions by gifting them with some of their own life force, allowing the user to freely manipulate the substance according to their will. The extent of the user's control goes beyond normal manipulation through chakra, meaning that even drastic alterations to the immediate environment can occur both suddenly and unexpectedly, making attacks using this method extremely difficult to avoid. Intense heat such as that produced by the flames of Amaterasu can counter the effects of this technique, causing affected inorganic materials to revert to their previous state.
Note: Effects of the technique last two turns and can only be used while on Snake Sage Mode.
Upon Medusa's command, Crona would cause the ground to begin swallow each and every zombie except the sealed one. The ground would swallow them up to their waist restraining all of them. Medusa would then cause four giant snakes to emerge from her body. They would all bear the kusanagi in their mouth and one by one the snakes would assault all the zombies, decapitating their heads until all of the restrained zombies are headless. The heads of the body would then be swallowed by Crona's jutsu once again. The aftermath of the assault would redecorate the surroundings of the market place with half buried headless bodies all lying around. The terror however would have made all the traders scramble for their lives. Several of them already fell to the jaws of the zombies while other escaped with their lives. Some injured while other are 100% healthy. Even when the market was saved from the hands of the zombies, they could not risk staying there to see what comes next. Many ships already departing the port, not waiting to pack their goods. To them life is more precious. Medusa smirks and move towards the sealed Zombie. She could very well sense the dark chakra within the zombie but she thinks by getting closer, she could sense where the chakra is coming from. She was right, the zombie is bound to a main body. The connection she perceived when she got close was stronger and she could even trace the direction from which the main source of dark chakra is situated. With her infra-red, she noticed their body is rather cold with no heat signature which means it quite the dead corpse. Now to see if the dead corpse is real or just created from chakra, she uses her sense of smell to perceive the rottenness and decomposed corpse. She could as well say it's a real corpse but revived from the dark chakra which is the only link to the perpetrator.

(Yokoshima Kyojin no Jutsu) - Evil Giant Technique
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: Orochimaru unleashes several snakes from his sleeves which wrap his opponent and binds them tight. From the mouth of up to 4 of the snakes, a sword of kusanagi comes out and pierces the target.
Note: Can only be used by Orochimaru.
After examining the zombie and extracting the information, Medusa stores the information in Archive and looks to move on to the nearest location on the information she gathered. She seeks to find answers there and go further in getting information about the Necromancers. She already knows there is an abominable creature at her next destination. She could already sense the dark and almost unreal chakra from where the creature resides. Medusa would do a preparation of her own, summoning Riku. She would put a scroll in Riku, breathing life to him and then they would not move out of the port and into their boat and would be leaving the market place.

( Kuchiyose Kinjutsu: Edo Tensei ) - Forbidden Summoning Technique: Impure World Reincarnation
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 40 (-20 per resurrection per turn )
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation is a forbidden technique used to revive the dead. To perform this technique, the user must first acquire some of the DNA of the person they intend to revive such as limbs, organs or merely blood samples. The soul of the intended revived must also reside in the pure world (jōdo) those whose soul has been consumed by the Death God, or have been previously sealed by other methods cannot be resurrected. Next, a living sacrifice is required for the soul of the resurrected to use as a vessel. Once all prerequisites for the technique have been met, the acquired DNA of the person is smeared on a special scroll and once the scroll is activated, the remains spread out in the form of a special seal with the living sacrifice in the centre. Then dust and ash encase the sacrifice's body, giving them the same appearance that the revived had at the time of their death. The person is then revived and the end product is usually stored in a casket until summoned by the user by performing the Tiger → Snake → Dog → Dragon → Clap hands handseals. When the user summons the revived soul, a casket first appears before revealing the revived soul. The Edo Tensei Summoning can be countered by sealing away the targets soul or by having the summoner cancel the technique. As they are unlikely to do this voluntarily, using a genjutsu to trick them into cancelling the technique is ideal. The sequence of hand seals for cancelling the technique is Rat → Ox → Monkey → Tiger → Dragon → Boar and saying Kai. If the summoner dies before the technique is deactivated, then this method is impossible. If the summoned soul's controlling tag is overcome or disabled by a technique or if the user so wishes it, the summoned soul or the user can both sever the contract through the use of the Snake → Ram → Boar → Dog → Tiger seals. The summoned soul is then left as an immortal revived soul, autonomous and without any link to the summoner.
Note: A bio can only have up to a total of three souls for revival which must abide by a few rules, specific for the technique.
Note: The user of the technique can only have up to 3 Vessels in total. Orochimaru, Kabuto and Tobirama are able to have up to 2 Vessels present in battle though only one of these can be a vessel from a battle.
Note: If the user purchases the vessel, it can only have access to single abilities such as their HA/KG/AE. If a vessel is obtained through battle, he is able to utilize the bio's Dual Abilities, Modes and AN if obtained. Only the canon techniques of these are possible, however.
Note: The Edo Summons pertain to the bio and not the user, and only one of the bios of the user can use Edo tensei.
Note: A member must attain biographies in an offical match approved by 2 roleplay moderators for both the revival and sacrifice and cannot be given a biography willingly.
Note: Technique can only be used once per battle/event.
Edo Tensei
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Basic Information

Name: Riku
Nickname: Death Eater
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Clan: Uzumaki

Looks: Riku Uzumaki has fair skin and hair that stands on it's ends and a short beard. His hair color is a deep red, owing to his Uzumaki heritage. He wears an advance flak jacket which is white and grey in color. The back of his flak jacket and his headband have the kenji for "hunter" commonly displayed upon bounty hunters.

Personality: Riku is an unexpectedly softhearted, kindly individual who is quick to give compliments but loath to accept them. He appears to care very little for his own well-being, much less his dignity, and is therefore often put in situations that give him the impression of being goofy or eccentric. He is slow to anger and apparently a bit of a pacifist. Riku would much rather talk out disputes than fight, frequently doing so even while he himself is under vicious attack. Riku lacks the ambition of others, clearly content to take his time dealing with things that do not demand urgency.

Village Info

Land of Birth: Dainashi (175)
WSE Clan: Death Eaters

Rank//Chakra Info

Ninja Rank: S-Class
Specialty: Elemental Ninjutsu | Rinnegan
Elements: Fire | Water | Earth | Lightning | Wind | Tar | Jade
Your Ninjutsu: Ninjutsu | Genjutsu | Taijutsu | Kenjutsu | Fuuinjutsu | Kinjutsu
Contracts: Animal Path's Chimera Contract | Eel Contract

Background Info

Death Eater of the Rinnegan
"A Hero always waits until the last moment."​

Beginnings: During his youth, Riku was noted to be an intelligent individual. A Genius in both strategy and proficiency in Ninjutsu. Growing up Riku had a love for history. This lead him to study his clan and many others in search of the origin of Ninjutsu.

Death Eaters: Later in life, Riku would help found an organization called the Death Eaters. A mercenary group that would take bounty's to gain influence. This not only helped to support him along his travels but also provided a form of protection from hostile threats.
(To be continued as RP advances.)


Scientific Tools: N/A
Artifacts: N/A

[Rinnegan] Paths:
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The Rinnegan is reputed as the most exalted eyes amongst the Three Great Dōjutsu (三大瞳術, San Daidōjutsu; Literally meaning "Three Great Eye Techniques"). It is characterized by its ripple-like pattern which spreads over the eyeballs, with light purple irides and sclerae. One who gains the Rinnegan has access to a multitude of abilities. On its own, the Rinnegan allows the user to see chakra, including otherwise hidden barriers such as the one which surrounded Konohagakure. The holder of these eyes have the potential to completely master all five basic nature transformations that form the basis of ninjutsu. One of the Rinnegan's trademark techniques is the Six Paths Technique, which grants the user multiple abilities, known as Paths. The Six Paths Technique (六道の術, Rikudō no Jutsu) is the origin of the unique techniques bestowed by the Rinnegan. In total there are actually seven of these paths that grant the user powerful and near god-like abilities:

(天羅, Tendō) Deva: Grants the user the ability to manipulate attractive and repulsive forces.
(修羅, Shuradō) Asura: Grants the user the ability to form mechanized limbs, weaponry and armor.
(人間, Ningendō) Human: Grants the user the ability to read a person's mind by removing their soul.
(畜生, Chikushōdō) Animal: Grants the user access to the Chimera Contract.
(餓鬼, Gakidō) Preta: Grants the user the ability to absorb all forms of chakra.
(地獄, Jigokudō) Naraka:, Grants the user the ability control the King of Hell.
(外羅, Gedō) Outer: Grants the user the ability to rule over both life and death.
[Rinnegan] Chakra Disruption Blades:
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These cylindrical black rods allow the user to transmit their chakra across vast distances through an application of the Outer Path's ability. According to Shizune, these rods act as high-frequency chakra demodulators, which become appreciably warm to the touch whilst currently receiving chakra. They possess incredible durability, damaging every scalpel Shizune used to extract just a small sample during her autopsy of the first Animal Path, and even displaying some resistance when struck by Naruto's Rasengan. They originated from the black rod in the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path's abdomen. Rinnegan users can create the blades as needed from their arms, with no apparent limit to their length. They can also detach the blade from the arms when requiring to use several of them, or to be thrown as spears. These blades disrupt the chakra of its victim, rendering them incapable of moving. When a victim is stabbed by the blades, the Rinnegan appears in their mind, implying that the user has some degree of influence over them, similar to how one controls the Six Paths. The blades are very sharp, as they were able to pierce the skin of Sage Mode users. Though the blades are made from durable material, they can be broken with enough strength
[Basic Elemental Natures] Affinity:
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Rinnegan users possess equal, full mastery of all of the 5 chakra natures. The user has no specific elemental specialty, being able to use all elemental chakras with increased speed with the same ease. Users are also able to choose one Elemental Specialist jutsu to use per event.


Won: D/C
Lost: D/C​

*Note: All text in RED means the ability is locked until the required rank is acquired.

Updating: (This is a Nagato Uzumaki Skin and is bound by all Nagato Rules.)

Bio Checked - Approved

2165 -10-20-30-40

SC Stored 912
SC collected 180



Active member
Jul 25, 2017
Trait Points

At last, Lizzy neared her goal destination. North-West Kinai Island. One of the more modernized lands in the archipelago, it served a central role for packaging & transporting of goods from the neighbouring lands. She did find herself getting impatient with the mist though. Much like when she was searching for the black diamond -- which by the way she subconsciously reached for to check if it's still in her pouch -- she experienced some qualms trying to find it, mainly because of that. Thankfully the clarity her sharingan provided, and the fact that the mist was devoid of chakra, allowed her to navigate past it. She did the same here.
Eventually, she reached the marketplace. A smorgasbord of items were on display, none of which interested her in the least. Her attention remained faithful to the weight in her pouch. However she did take the liberty to walk around, waiting for something, someone, to happen...



May 28, 2014
Trait Points

At last, Lizzy neared her goal destination. North-West Kinai Island. One of the more modernized lands in the archipelago, it served a central role for packaging & transporting of goods from the neighbouring lands. She did find herself getting impatient with the mist though. Much like when she was searching for the black diamond -- which by the way she subconsciously reached for to check if it's still in her pouch -- she experienced some qualms trying to find it, mainly because of that. Thankfully the clarity her sharingan provided, and the fact that the mist was devoid of chakra, allowed her to navigate past it. She did the same here.
Eventually, she reached the marketplace. A smorgasbord of items were on display, none of which interested her in the least. Her attention remained faithful to the weight in her pouch. However she did take the liberty to walk around, waiting for something, someone, to happen...

It wasn't long for Lizzy to notice the sky darkening. But despite the black clouds billowing above in the sky, the hustle and bustle of the marketplace seemed to continue unabated even as the storm approached. It was as if they had no idea that these events were going on around them. Moments after the darkness reached its apex, and the day had appeared almost as if it was night, Lizzy began to hear a voice in her head. "You have done well, Champion. But there is so much more for you to do. What you hold is nothing but a drained weapon core, the heart of an ancient relic. You must power that core. Find your purpose in life. Power the core and you will find the Sunlit Forge." The voice went silent after, leaving Lizzy with only her thoughts as the sky brightened again.
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Active member
Jul 25, 2017
Trait Points
It wasn't long for Lizzy to notice the sky darkening. But despite the black clouds billowing above in the sky, the hustle and bustle of the marketplace seemed to continue unabated even as the storm approached. It was as if they had no idea that these events were going on around them. Moments after the darkness reached its apex, and the day had appeared almost as if it was night, Lizzy began to hear a voice in her head. "You have done well, Champion. But there is so much more for you to do. What you hold is nothing but a drained weapon core, the heart of an ancient relic. You must power that core. Find your purpose in life. Power the core and you will find the Sunlit Forge." The voice went silent after, leaving Lizzy with only her thoughts as the sky brightened again.

This post marks the beginning of the second part of my Candidates mission.

Storyboard Elements:

• Decipher the riddle left behind by ??? and find a way to activate the weapon core (5).​

The subsequent sequence of events were beyond peculiar. Without warning the sky above me darkened, as if the dwellers in there decided to switch off the lights and go to bed. Naturally, I looked up. My hot, auburn, red hair falling to my sides as I inquisitively searched for the cause. Disappointingly, nothing. As my gaze returning to earth, what I saw next left my perfect jaw slightly agape. Nobody in the marketplace had batted an eyelid; all of them were intently minding their own business; marketeers continued to shout above their lungs to attract consumers, beggars did what they do best - begged, and conniving thieves coyly manoeuvred around place, (in)auspiciously picking out their next unsuspecting target. I looked around in veritable amazement, not believing what I was seeing. Then, as if circumstances couldn’t get any weirder, an eerie unwelcomed voice spoke into my conscious.

“You have done well, Champion,” it congratulated me. “But there is so much more for you to do. What you hold is nothing but a drained weapon core, the heart of an ancient relic. You must power that core. Find your purpose in life. Power the core and you will find the Sunlit Forge”.

What in the ever-living **** was that? Last time I checked, I was neither a Jinjuriki nor a schizophrenic. With my blood-red eyes –- the pride of the Uchiha clan and my birth right -- I madly scrutinized the marketplace for anybody closely resembling a competent shinobi. My eyes, never missing a detail, couldn't spot anyone. So shamelessly I comforted myself with this knowledge and my erratically beating heart began to settle down. Still though, I felt hijacked. Violated. And that translated into the real world, as my eyebrows angrily furrowed at nobody in particular and my cheeks vivaciously flared red. This clearly very personal moment earned the intrusive stares of a few onlookers. So now you look, you fuckers.

Its voice still echoed in my head, reluctant to leave. Power the core and you will find the Sunlit Forge, it said. How though? With a surge of electrical current? At the heart of a volcano? Suddenly, as if in response to my question, the weight in my pouch increased. Albeit only fractionally, but sufficient enough to alarm me. With all the freakish things that had just transpired, I was all the more sensitive and alert. Grudgingly, I reached for it. What I hoped would be the signature smooth, cold touch of the black diamond was instead a rough surface, warm to the touch. Carefully, I pulled it out. A stupid rectangular block of wood. Palpable anxiety visibly drained from my face as I saw a few sentences cursively inscribed on it. It read:

“What you hold is nothing less than a gift from Us. But it is powerless. A husk of something once so bright and dark. It must be powered. In order to do this, you must undertake Our arduous task. Seek out the blood of the guilty, one hundred offerings should suffice. Then purify its essence in the tears of an innocent soul, unharmed by you.”

This lead was perhaps the only good thing to have happened today aside from finding the reactive core. Picking out the essential points, I understood that I had to accrue the blood of one hundred guilty people and thereafter tears of someone innocent. Honestly, I was happy that it didn't explicitly say to kill them; doing such a thing would undeniably weigh heavy on my conscious - so much so I would seriously consider abandoning the mission right here. The first thing I thought of was prisoners. Clearly puzzled, I wondered how the hell was I going to be able to determine who was guilty and who had been falsely locked up.


Lana Del Rey calmly sauntered around the market for the first time since the blackout. Forbearingly, she waited for one of two things to happen: either to have a brilliant idea that would solve her qualms, or come across an item in the market with the same effect. Out of the corner of her eye she eyed something and optimistically turned to look at it. At the far end of the stall, circa twenty differently coloured scrolls coordinately lay behind a glass vase. Maybe one of them would have her answer, she thought. Although, it pained her to see each of them ran for three thousand Ryo, she made her way over there anyway. She couldn’t help but think about the voice that unabashedly spoke into her mind earlier. Who could it have possible been and how they did that? Certainly, it was no commonplace Ninjutsu. Was it a Kekkei Genkai? A clan ability? A Yamanaka perhaps? Yamanaka! That was it. Upon that cognition, a series of thoughts (that you, the reader, won't be privy to until later) connected to each other in a flash - and just like that, she was a man woman with a plan. Quickly abandoning her initial plan that would see her pockets empty, she silently disappeared into the thick conglomeration of people and made way to get off the island.

Type: Supplementary
Rank: C - A Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15 - 30 ( -5 per turn for 1T and 2T, 10 per turn to keep active for 3T )
Damage: N/A
One of the Three Great Dōjutsu (San Daidōjutsu), the Sharingan is the kekkei genkai of the Uchiha clan. Unlike the other Dōjutsu, not all members of the Uchiha Clan possess the Sharingan. This great Dōjutsu seems to awaken only on exceptional Uchiha members and only in times of great stress. Once awaken, the pupil turns red and a single tomoe (巴) seal appears around the center pupil. As the user masters and evolves their eyes, the tomoe (巴) seals increase, topping 3 per eye. The main ability of the Sharingan, like any other Dōjutsu, is to enable the user to see the flow of chakra. This ability is further improved as the Sharingan gives color to chakra, enabling the user to differentiate chakras from different people or from different sources. Although the user can see chakra through matter, he cannot see beyond dense matter or in long distances. Coupled with the ability to see chakra, Sharingan users gain acess to an incredible clarity of perception that enables them to read insanely fast movements or minor details, enabling them the ability to foresee in an easier way, traps, incoming attacks, etc. This clarity of perception is so great that a Sharingan user can sometimes start performing a counter to an attack that is still being performed, enabling the counter to be launched only a split a second after the attack. This clarity of perception leaves Sharingan users able to track high speed movement easily as well as to read through handseals. This last ability enables them to learn techniques much faster and sometimes copy them directly from the enemy, as long as the user has the necessary chakra affinities and requirements to perform it. Finally, the Sharingan is often linked to Genjutsu and mind-manipulating illusions, mostly because the user can, mostly through Eye Contact, directly and precisely use his chakra to manipulate the enemy's chakra flow. In return, the users clarity of perception gives him the ability to more easily decipher visual illusions cast upon him and see past them. The Sharingan has a great cost to the user though. The chakra consumption disables its use for long periods of time and, even when the user grows stronger, it's still hard to keep it active for long periods of time.
Note: The user, if he hasn't gained full mastery over his Sharingan, will need to spend a move to activate it, although as long as he has chakra and enough stamina he'll be able to keep it active until the end of the match. If the user is Sannin Rank or above and has gained his 3 Tomoe Sharingan and held it for one month, he becomes able to passively activate it, meaning he'll no longer spend a move of his 3 per turn.
Note: To avoid direct Eye Contact and be able to focus only on the body movement below the chin, the opponent needs to have mastered Taijutsu to possess the necessary skill
Note: C rank usage is for 1T Sharingan, B rank usage is reserved for 2T Sharingan. A Rank usage is reserved for 3T Sharingan.
Note: Predicting the nature of a technique or what it exactly is requires the user to either know the technique or that its a cannon technique.
Note: Danzo and Kakashi bios activate the Sharingan by removing the covers in their respective eyes and suffer a +10 chakra consumption per turn penalty
Note: The user is bound by the abilities and limits of the stage of sharingan he possesses, stated in the rules of the KG.

Last edited:


Jul 4, 2012
Trait Points
coming fromō-island-133.756146/#post-21990077

Hades stop meditating, weaving handseals and summoning 4 clones, each with Rinnegan active and Sm active.


(Kage Bunshin no Jutsu) - Shadow Clone Technique
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20 (total chakra is divided by the final number of clones plus the user)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The Kage Bunshin distributes the ninja's chakra evenly among the clones and himself and creates a real copy with form and substance. The clones, a max number of 4, are capable of performing techniques on their own and can even bleed, but will usually disperse after hit by a strong enough force, returning 10% of its individual chakra to the user. Shadow clones can't be distinguished from the original with Sharingan, Byakugan, Rinnegan or normal Chakra Sensing. The clone itself can also utilize any jutsu the original ninja knows. When the clone finally disperses, any new knowledge it has gained is passed back to the original ninja and any additional clones.

Chakra- 7486-15/5=1492 chakra per person
Senjutsu- 246 per person