Naschez (074)


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Oct 1, 2010
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Naschez is a small village located in the Great Wind Desert. The denizens of the village are a tough, hardy people, a requirement to survive in the unforgiving wasteland. The village itself is located in a vast canyon that stands out from the vast desert surrounding it and protects the village from the worst of the rough sandstorms that often roam the area. Structures of wood, clay or sandstone are the norm here; save for the town well, which is elegantly made in stone; a testament to the reverence with which the citizens view water. Many laborers who fled the north made their way to Naschez and found work in various fields including masonry, as well as the delicate excavation of the canyon's walls in an effort to expand the livable area within it.
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Pyro NB

Apr 22, 2015
Trait Points
Desmond and co continue on
Chakra: 2040-5-5=2030
Coming from x

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Desmond and co continue on
Chakra: 2100-5-5=2090
Coming from
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Active member
Jul 27, 2011
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Starting Clan Mission:
-Stop a brewing or exploding revolt
-Establish control over a hostile area

"I Already told you! This wont end up well. We dont approve of your methods! The day is coming soon that we take back our land!" Some random person said shouting at the mansion made of sand sitting atop of the hill. Body Guards standing steady. The tension in the air was thick, as multiple civilians stood behind the yelling man. Consistent yelling for multiple hours.. You could tell that something was going to come soon.

"Kurapika.... Stay here for awhile... Im going to be back" Arthur said as he walked over to the yelling guy.

"Hey.. Whats with the noise" Arthur said innocently. "Wha... What?!" The guy said startled. Who the hell are you?" He began to yell at Arthur. "I bet you are one of the Govt Lap Dogs huh?! You came here to silence us huh?" He continued. "No No No! Arthur said stepping back a bit, to let him know his position" Im simply a wanderer and would like to aid in whatever I Can" Arthur said, lying. "Oh you are?! " The guy said with a smirk. "Then you very well could help us. Our TYRANNICAL government plans to enforce a military around the landmark.. A police force if you will, to keep track of us. They say its for control and to keep people away but we think its because they want complete control. They want to outkast some of us! They want to rid this place of the poor people!!" The guy said angry, as if he was raising his voice so the guards could hear. "We wont stand for it! Thats why in a couple of days, we plan on -" He said, stopping with a random person hand coming over his shoulder. "Enough" The woman behind him said. Her Aura was totally different.. Her vibe, her energy.. Her presence.. She was strong.. Very strong. "Awh.. uh.. Im sorry.. Im sorry" He said, turning red. She didnt only look strong but she was very beautiful. Her hair was short and slightly blonde. She was a busty one as well, almost caught arthur slacking. Unique clothing. As this happened, him and her walked away. Doing this, Arthur took the time to walk over to kurapika who was off into the distance.

"Yeah... Things arent looking good. One guy over there almost foiled the plans. But some lady stopped the guy.. Shes strong and you dont even need to be a sensory ninja to feel it." Arthur said looking back to make sure nobody spots him. "This might be tough.. But I will need you to infiltrate the Government.. Im going to infilitrate this group of people. Get as much as intel on the police force and any shady business they plan on doing. Im going to get as much info as I can... We will either meet up earlier to squash this, or we will meet on the battle field.. To forcefully end it" Arthur said with a serious face. "I hope it doesnt have to come to war with these people.. Our Clan will suffer greatly" Arthur said turning his back, walking away. Giving a thumbs up with a smirk. He had faith in Kurapika, and it showed. Walking over to the guy, Arthur drew his sword and hovered it over the guy.

"Im in!" Arthur said. The guy looked confused at first, then it clicked. "Awh! You're in?! Awesome" The guy said "Now you have to earn your stripes to meet with the leader" The guy said. We cant just trust you yet.. First we need to see just how powerful you are.. Meet us at the sand dune in two hours.. For now we have to let these government dogs know how we feel!!!" The guy said turning his back to Arthur, back to the sand castle. The more that guy yelled, it seemed the more people flocked to him.. Either way, Arthur was slightly in. Finding a hotel, to stay at for awhile. He also had to ask for directions.

Upon arriving, roughly one hour late, he spotted several people who seemed to be in Nomad clothing. Faces not revealed. One was obviously the yelling guy, but one of them not dressed in Nomad clothing.. The blonde hair girl. She was here but why? "Hey! You really showed up! Nice! Well in order to be the part you need to be strong. Something nasty is brewing and we need manpower incase things happen." The man said finally in a low tone. "The person you will be sparring is the lady over there" The guy said pointing.. It was the blonde woman. Her mood was like her guard was always up. As he said this, she approached Arthur, only thing seperating us was a large amount of sand on the ground.. Her Aura got alot more fierce.. "Dimaria is the name. Dont hold back!" She said allowing Arthur to speak. "Arthur, I would say its nice to meet you.. but under these circumstances.. Im not sure" he responded with the hand on the hilt of his blade.. This could get dangerous he thought to himself.. But it was too late to back down. She already launched herself at him ready to strike.
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Active member
Nov 15, 2012
Trait Points
Starting Clan Mission:
-Stop a brewing or exploding revolt
-Establish control over a hostile area

"I Already told you! This wont end up well. We dont approve of your methods! The day is coming soon that we take back our land!" Some random person said shouting at the mansion made of sand sitting atop of the hill. Body Guards standing steady. The tension in the air was thick, as multiple civilians stood behind the yelling man. Consistent yelling for multiple hours.. You could tell that something was going to come soon.

"Kurapika.... Stay here for awhile... Im going to be back" Arthur said as he walked over to the yelling guy.

"Hey.. Whats with the noise" Arthur said innocently. "Wha... What?!" The guy said startled. Who the hell are you?" He began to yell at Arthur. "I bet you are one of the Govt Lap Dogs huh?! You came here to silence us huh?" He continued. "No No No! Arthur said stepping back a bit, to let him know his position" Im simply a wanderer and would like to aid in whatever I Can" Arthur said, lying. "Oh you are?! " The guy said with a smirk. "Then you very well could help us. Our TYRANNICAL government plans to enforce a military around the landmark.. A police force if you will, to keep track of us. They say its for control and to keep people away but we think its because they want complete control. They want to outkast some of us! They want to rid this place of the poor people!!" The guy said angry, as if he was raising his voice so the guards could hear. "We wont stand for it! Thats why in a couple of days, we plan on -" He said, stopping with a random person hand coming over his shoulder. "Enough" The woman behind him said. Her Aura was totally different.. Her vibe, her energy.. Her presence.. She was strong.. Very strong. "Awh.. uh.. Im sorry.. Im sorry" He said, turning red. She didnt only look strong but she was very beautiful. Her hair was short and slightly blonde. She was a busty one as well, almost caught arthur slacking. Unique clothing. As this happened, him and her walked away. Doing this, Arthur took the time to walk over to kurapika who was off into the distance.

"Yeah... Things arent looking good. One guy over there almost foiled the plans. But some lady stopped the guy.. Shes strong and you dont even need to be a sensory ninja to feel it." Arthur said looking back to make sure nobody spots him. "This might be tough.. But I will need you to infiltrate the Government.. Im going to infilitrate this group of people. Get as much as intel on the police force and any shady business they plan on doing. Im going to get as much info as I can... We will either meet up earlier to squash this, or we will meet on the battle field.. To forcefully end it" Arthur said with a serious face. "I hope it doesnt have to come to war with these people.. Our Clan will suffer greatly" Arthur said turning his back, walking away. Giving a thumbs up with a smirk. He had faith in Kurapika, and it showed. Walking over to the guy, Arthur drew his sword and hovered it over the guy.

"Im in!" Arthur said. The guy looked confused at first, then it clicked. "Awh! You're in?! Awesome" The guy said "Now you have to earn your stripes to meet with the leader" The guy said. We cant just trust you yet.. First we need to see just how powerful you are.. Meet us at the sand dune in two hours.. For now we have to let these government dogs know how we feel!!!" The guy said turning his back to Arthur, back to the sand castle. The more that guy yelled, it seemed the more people flocked to him.. Either way, Arthur was slightly in. Finding a hotel, to stay at for awhile. He also had to ask for directions.

Upon arriving, roughly one hour late, he spotted several people who seemed to be in Nomad clothing. Faces not revealed. One was obviously the yelling guy, but one of them not dressed in Nomad clothing.. The blonde hair girl. She was here but why? "Hey! You really showed up! Nice! Well in order to be the part you need to be strong. Something nasty is brewing and we need manpower incase things happen." The man said finally in a low tone. "The person you will be sparring is the lady over there" The guy said pointing.. It was the blonde woman. Her mood was like her guard was always up. As he said this, she approached Arthur, only thing seperating us was a large amount of sand on the ground.. Her Aura got alot more fierce.. "Dimaria is the name. Dont hold back!" She said allowing Arthur to speak. "Arthur, I would say its nice to meet you.. but under these circumstances.. Im not sure" he responded with the hand on the hilt of his blade.. This could get dangerous he thought to himself.. But it was too late to back down. She already launched herself at him ready to strike.
Kurapika would watch Arthur walk away, he had watched the exchange and Arthur's recap helped him get the full story. With his mission now clear, the Bartholomew would take a few moments to come up with a plan before relaying it to his puppet Akipa, Infiltrating a structured unit like the police force wasn't going to be easy and his autonomous was going to help. The duo would disappear into the shadows and tail a lone police officer on his way back to their headquarters.

Using his cloak to cover most of his features, Akipa would jump the officer and easily overpower him. After the beating had gone on for a while Kurapika would make his entrance. Like a good samaritan, he'd charge Akipa and fend him off with his superior skills - All an act for the officer. Still playing by the script, Akipa would flee after being bruised by Kurapika.

Thank you, My name is Ben.. These rebels are getting bolder by the day.

I'm Kurapika. I almost got jumped earlier myself, I've been looking for the particular man who tried to jump me. I'll like to give him a piece of my mind... while breaking a few of his bones.

Taking the bait, Ben - The police officer would offer Kurapika a job. Hahahahaha, You know what kid? We could use someone with your skills. There are rumors that a war is coming between us and the rebels. I'd like to have you on our side... You'll also get to break all the rebel bones you want.

That sounds fun. I'm in.

Good, Come with me. I'll introduce you to the boss

Akipa would watch the whole thing play out from a vantage point in the shadows, the plan worked well.


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Jul 27, 2011
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The fight seemed to drag on. Her Stamina was incredible, like she wasnt getting tired, but Arthur.. With the Infection still in his system he was very well on the weaker side.. But it was like she wasnt. The fight was going on for about two hours, and still no signs of it stopping. It was as if they were enjoying it. For more reasons than testing his skills.. Right when he was going to activate his MS, he grabbed her leg as she delivered a round table kick. But he didnt let go.

"Thats enough" Arthur said, letting her foot go, causing her to lower her leg. "We didnt decide that. We still havent gauged enough of what you can -" "Thats enough..." Arthur said interupting him. This time his eyes revealing a sharingan, with a stern look. This struck fear in the guys. "So we didnt see all you could do.... Very well, you pass" The guy said. "Welcome, and greetings. I am the leader" the guy said with snark look. This didnt take Arthur by surprise. Looking over at the woman, she went back to sipping on what seems to be some nice coconut water.

"We strike in four days... Be ready" He said walking off. "You will know where its at, no need to ask for directions" he spoke as he wandered off. The woman staying in the area looking at the dry sun. The heating beating on her face. Arthur was very intune with people.. She was ALOT stronger than she gave off. This was evident and very obvious. Walking away he spoke "Be safe out there" "Yup" she responded non chalant. She was indeed strange. As he got back to his cabin, he thought of countless ways on how he could stop this revolt, without lives being lost, or casualties. With his head back on the pillow, he went into a deep sleep. He was forever thinking, and never thoughtless.. and so he was for the days leading up to that day.

The day finally arose. The air was indeed filled with ease and peace. Easily to be distorted in a few hours. The area Arthur was in was mixed with civilians and those who are revolting. In those few days he learned most if not all those who plan to take back the land, as if it was stolen. Sad thing is that he didnt have any contact with Kurapika, so he dont know whats going on, on their end. So It might come to it. Arthur had no other choice but to try and stop it himself.

Finally at the meeting place, it seems there was way more than Arthur knew.. Hundreds... This wasnt a revolt.. This looked more like a wage on war. As everybody stood there, you could hear some doubts. You could hear people wanting this to be over with. You heard people scared. This hurted Arthur. How did this place let this area turn into such a hostile zone. The leader stood on the table and began to speak. "Tonight!! We take back whats ours!" He screamed. They wont see it coming and even if they do they wont have the time to react.. Its a RAID! If they dont give it to us peacefully.. we will take it by SPREADING BLOOD!" He spoke again. The more this guy talked, the more it irritated Arthur. It just didnt sit right with him. So he left.. He left to the area where the raid was supposed to happen. He took a pigeon out and attached a letter to send it back to the Black Order to give the updates.. It was finally Midnight.. The air filled with anger, hurt, and fear. The night sky accompanying Arthur, with bright stars trickling. The guards didnt say not one thing to Arthur who was right infront of him. Off into the distance, you could hear a roar of people, that came into view, looked like a tsunami of people.

"What.. Whats this?!" The guard said.. "Call for backup.. This is bad!" The other guy responded.. "Be calm" Arthur said.. This is a revolt. The plan on overthrowing the government here.. I Infiltrated them." He said softly "WHAT?! So you are with them? Then DIE!" He screamed unsheathing his sword. "No!" Arthur said, gazing at the raging tsunami of people. "Just the opposite. Nobody will be harmed..But I do suggest you call for backup incase my way dont work" Arthur said . As the people approached him, the leader with a scythe in his hand. With a nasty smirk "Awh.. So you was a spy huh...It dont surprise me. Arthur Uchiha, of the Black Order... Yeah word get around fast.. Thats why we never intended for you to be with us, but simply to die." He said towards Arthur.. this guy didnt want liberation, he wanted war.. A revolt beyond revolt. "Guys... This isnt what you want to do.. So lets not do it.. Lets talk with them to reach an agreement" Arthur said.. This was his one and only trump card.. Hopefully it works.


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Nov 15, 2012
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Being offered a job by Ben was just the first step of Kurapika's infiltration plan. He'd follow the police officer back to their headquarters where Ben would introduce him to the other officers in the office - all going according to plans. The tour of the headquarters would end with Ben introducing Kurapika to the head officer, a beautiful bright eyed woman, Kurapika guessed she'd be either Chunin or Jōnin based on the vibe she gave. The woman had a wisdom about her and she'd eye Kurapika warily as if she could see through the whole facade.

You shall refer to me as Brandish, Ben tells me you helped fend off an attacker.

The lady would continue, slightly shifting in his seat This isn't the first time we've had rebel spies trying to infiltrate the Police force. Only reason you're not behind bars already is because my sources say you're not from around here. She'd pause as if baiting Kurapika to say something, the Bartholomew would keep his mouth shut and his expression blank.

Prove your loyalty. We've been hearing rumors of a group holed up somewhere, break their bones and their will. Ben will show you the way.

Kurapika would follow Ben out of the police headquarters to another part of the settlement, he wouldn't be using Ninjutsu for the fight. Mainly because he knew that'd make him too powerful for the police force and men like Frank don't like people more powerful than them, also because it'd be overkill and Ben would realize the Bartholomew wouldn't need anyone's help if he intended to wipe out the rebels.

In a few minutes, they'd arrive at the run down two storey building. Kurapika would leap straight through the window of the second floor rightfully guessing that the defenses would be set up at the ground floor. With the speed and stealth expected of a Ninja of his calibre he'd dispatch the rebels one after the other with well aimed kicks and punches all aimed at vital points. After clearing the top floor, he'd make his way downwards knocking them out one after the other.

In under a minute, he'd have cleared the building. In another 5 minutes, all the rebels would be tied up outside the building ready to be picked by other officers after which Ben and Kurapika would make their way back to the headquarters only to meet the entire Police Force just assembling outside and ready to move out.

Ben would beat Kurapika to the question What's happening ma?

The rebels are making their grand move. This is our time to shut them down once and for all. We move in 5.
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Jul 27, 2011
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"Guys! I have been around you guys for three days, and I already know that some of you truly dont want this" Arthur expressed, as multiple shinobi dressed in the village attire ran to the front gate, with a larger one in the front. It was as if his Aura gave off that he was about to massacre these people. "If this is what you really want, then this Revolt is going to turn into an all out war.. Is that what you want?!" Arthur said. Hearing chatters in the wind, the discussions taking place. "Tsk.. you're just trying to throw our guard off. You are a spy.. You want us killed huh" The leader of the rebellion said. "You're all scum! You all just signed your death wish!" The guy behind Arthur said.. Was this guy really an official, speaking like that to his people?

"See?! They dont care about us!" The leader of the rebellion said. Hearing chatters again, in the crowd, agreeing with him. Their chakra building up. Roars starting back up. "LOOK! I will put my life on the line for this.. for you guys! I will talk to them myself! This revolt will turn into a war.. Not only will your families be collateral damage.... so will surrounding nations. PLEASE! LET ME! If this dont work out, I swear I will gladly take up arms" Arthur Said. Hoping they heard him out. "You know.. maybe we should listen to this guy" A random person said "Yeah, I agree. I dont want my family hurt" somebody responded. Just like that a wave of conversation started. "HELL NO! LETS GO GUYS!" The leader of the rebellion said. Hoping for a roar, he turned around to seeing uncertain faces. " I dont know.. Let Arthur talk to him." one guy said. This angered the leader.. It was as if his itch wasnt itched. "HAHA! They wont attack, but we will. Kill every single one of them. We dont need anybody opposing the government" The guy said in the back of Arthur. This alerted Arthur alot, quickly turning around just to be met with the same resistance. "No. We dont kill our civilians" one of the shinobi said. "It seems they have an issue. If we can help it, we will do this peaceful" another said. For some odd reason, the air became so easy.. so thin, so understanding. Arthur sighed a sigh of relief.. Upon sighing he noticed a build up of chakra in the leader of the rebellion.. Was he seriously about to attack?

"Are we doing this now? Vakon?!" The guy behind Arthur yelled. Confused, the leader of the rebellion answered. "Yes, Yvel" Arthur was confused. Just like that, both the person in front of Arthur and behind him was surrounding by a huge cloud of smoke. Following right after what seemed to be an earthquake. The cloud reaching the sky. Gazing up at the sky, Vakon and Yvel were both 75 Meter tall, Giants. The air once again filled with Tension, but more fear. Everybody was scared. "Maybe we should introduce ourselves. The We are Vakon and Yvel.. Or some would call us the Glutton Akamichi Brothers" Vakon said with a smudge look. "Glutton Akamichi Brothers?! Arthur heard about them awhile ago. Brothers going around nations, eating the civilizations and taking it over. Arthur taking out his sword, the heavens raining down on the village, which happens once in a life time. Thunderous roars from the sky. Arthur was livid... His hand clenching the sword so hard that he pierces his own skin, holding himself back from slaughtering the Giant. These guys toyed with the Innocent, just to betray them. Arthur eyes facing downward as water slid down his hair. Slowly raising his head to reveal that his Mangekyou has been active. "You guys just used and abused people... for your own gains.. how DISTASTEFUL!" Arthur said taking out his sword

"Thank you Arthur" a sweet voice from behind him spoke out. Dimaria! "But this is our battle" She spoke again. As she said this she looked off into the distance. It was another woman. "Awh, There she Go.. Brandish" Arthur was once again confused. This lady seemed to dressed like Royalty. "Truthfully Arthur. Both me and Brandish control this landmark. I do it from behind the Gold Gates. I handle the dirty work, and she handles the political work. We knew the Akamichi Brothers infiltrated. Thats why I stuck so close to Vakon, but we didnt know about his brother and where he was at. Because of you, we weeded him out.. Now we will liberate" She said walking towards Vakon while Brandish walked towards Yvel. "Thank you Kurapika. Because of you, He was comfortable enough to think we was going to engage in battle with our own people" The Brothers were strong but Slow. Kicking and punching down, harming others. Both Brandish and Dimaria, somehow sprung into action, dodging the kicks and punch. Touching them. By doing this both their bodies began to glow. As big as they were, they were targets.

(Jishaku Ninpou: Denji Genmu ) - Magnetic Ninja Art: Electric Phantasms
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 5 per metal object that hits
Description: Through physical contact, the user turns the opponent into a living magnet by manipulating their polarity. This causes non chakra infused metals within mid range to become drawn into the opponent, causing damage as they collide with him. This technique can also be applied to items to either extend the reach required to strike the opponent, hitting them and magnetizing them then or to draw metals towards an object.

Note: Can only be used by Toroi and custom Basic Magnetism bios.

Once done, Both brandish and Dimiria in unision unknowing to each other, gathered sand. Dimaria gathered what seemed to be Gold Sand and Brandish Gathered Iron sand... They were Magnet KG USERS! They were glowing because they were magnetized. The Iron sand from brandish came swarming towards Yvel. Due to the magnetic force, no matter how hard he fought it off, he couldnt shake it. The Iron sand completely encasing him finally, as if it was a huge black coffin, making sure nobody was caught in the cross fire. While Dimaria cause Gold sand to surround Vakon, He was also trying to fight it but since he was technically a magnet, he couldnt. Before his last eye was surrounded he looked into the eyes of Dimaria, reading her lips "This is your funeral" She spoke to him, fully covering his body with Gold sand into that of a sphere, lifting it into the air, making sure nobody was in harms way. At the same time, Brandish caused the Iron sand to Constrict, Killing Yvel, while Dimaria caused the large Gold Sphere to slam on the ground, Killing Vakon.. Both creating a very large title wave of Gold and Iron sand on both sides. This all happen so suddenly. Arthur was instructed not to fight so when Vakon was attacking, he was simply dodging and protecting people. The Revolt was over... Everything... Done.. IT was harder than meets the eye. Arthur gave a sigh of relief.. He went over to speak with Brandish... and Kurapika.

(Jiton: Kinchiri Joutomurai) - Magnet Release: Gold Dust Imperial Funeral
Type: Offensive/Supplemental
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user first forms handseals to create a tremendous amount of gold dust to spill forth from the earth in a wave that surrounds the opponent and begins compacting itself very tightly, trapping them. Once trapped, the gold dust continues forming itself to be thicker, ending up in a large sphere. The sphere is then raised from the ground with gold dust magnetic properties, causing it to violently collapse in on itself.

Note: Can only be used by Rasa (Fourth Kazekage) bios and only twice per event.
Note: Courtesy of Rexii

(Jiton: Satetsu Sousou) - Magnet Release: Iron Sand Burial
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: This technique encases the enemy with iron sand and then crushes them to a pulp within seconds.

Note: Can only be used by Third Kazekage and custom Iron Sand bios.

Wrapping up something else in the next post
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Active member
Nov 15, 2012
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Kurapika would watch the whole thing play out, he'd listen to Dimaria explain things. So that's what was happening. Following Arthur's lead, he'd also restrain from joining the fight. Brandish and Dimaria had things under control already. After the Akimichi brothers had been dispatched, Kurapika would turn to Brandish and ask her a question If this was your plan all along then why did you ask me to take out rebels. The lady would respond with a warm smile I had to force his hands, She replied pointing to what was left of Vakon and you seemed eager to do the job.

With this Kurapika would laugh I only did that because I assumed you wanted me to. With that said, he'd turn to his comrade Arthur I suppose it's time to leave? Dimaria and Brandish seem to have this under control.


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Jul 27, 2011
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Arthur Finally meeting up with Kurapika, with a warm smile. It was like not seeing his brother in so long. Right behind Arthur was Dimaria, walking past to greet brandish.

"Nice Job, Dimi" Brandish said with a chuckle. "Likewise" Dimi responded. It seems the landmark was ruled by women. Strong Unity and strength. Who would have known. Arthur was actually excited. He didnt see alot of strong female leaders. "Arthur!" Dimi said, snapping Arthur out of his own thoughts. "You are strong... Way stronger than you showed" She said as she walked up to him. We hard that the Black Order Established nearby in the next landmark. If possible, we would like to join as well.. We are looking for allies" Dimi said "Yes. Kurapika loyalty makes me believe that he is without unwavering loyalty. He alone makes me want to be part of the Black Order" Brandish said interrupting.

Arthur was slightly caught off Guard. All he did was Stop a possible revolt. Scratching his head as he blushed. It was like he was the center of attention. "Yeah! Lets do it!" Arthur spurted out. The Black Order was gaining territory. This was big news. "Great.. Please stay the night.. We have a huge celebration set up" Brandish said.

Everything seemed so smooth. Time finally seemed to be moving at a steady pace, and so night time finally showed. The amount of laughter, and fun that was displayed between the civilians and the shinobi was unmatched.. They were finally carefree. In the middle of the celebration, he intended on going to talk to Dimi and Brandish as he set off, but realized they were drunk.. "Heh.. Ill see them again soon" Arthur said to Kurapika as he took his belongings "Lets head back" .. And so they did



Active member
Nov 15, 2012
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Arthur Finally meeting up with Kurapika, with a warm smile. It was like not seeing his brother in so long. Right behind Arthur was Dimaria, walking past to greet brandish.

"Nice Job, Dimi" Brandish said with a chuckle. "Likewise" Dimi responded. It seems the landmark was ruled by women. Strong Unity and strength. Who would have known. Arthur was actually excited. He didnt see alot of strong female leaders. "Arthur!" Dimi said, snapping Arthur out of his own thoughts. "You are strong... Way stronger than you showed" She said as she walked up to him. We hard that the Black Order Established nearby in the next landmark. If possible, we would like to join as well.. We are looking for allies" Dimi said "Yes. Kurapika loyalty makes me believe that he is without unwavering loyalty. He alone makes me want to be part of the Black Order" Brandish said interrupting.

Arthur was slightly caught off Guard. All he did was Stop a possible revolt. Scratching his head as he blushed. It was like he was the center of attention. "Yeah! Lets do it!" Arthur spurted out. The Black Order was gaining territory. This was big news. "Great.. Please stay the night.. We have a huge celebration set up" Brandish said.

Everything seemed so smooth. Time finally seemed to be moving at a steady pace, and so night time finally showed. The amount of laughter, and fun that was displayed between the civilians and the shinobi was unmatched.. They were finally carefree. In the middle of the celebration, he intended on going to talk to Dimi and Brandish as he set off, but realized they were drunk.. "Heh.. Ill see them again soon" Arthur said to Kurapika as he took his belongings "Lets head back" .. And so they did

Kurapika would leave the landmark with Arthur. It was a great day.


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Jul 27, 2011
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Departing Landmark 074 At 6:31
#065 - 6:42
#066 - 7:42
#262 - 8:42
#014 - 9:42
#015 - 10:42
#261 - 11:42
#202 - 12:42
#147 - 1:42
#145 - 2:42

Arthur was traveling to to see his son. He needed some healing... big healing. His next stop was the dark tower afterwards


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Jan 4, 2017
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Continuing From:

Waking up to inside the wagon Zapp comes to his senses only to find himself face to face with Mr. Genbushi's daughter. Jumping up and away in response, the shinobi would find his back against the carriage's walls as he watches Ami who finds his response amusing.

You alright?

Yeah, just a little.....germophobic, he.

It's alright, but please don't pass out anymore. We just left Poppy Sanctum a few hours ago and I'm starting to feel a little scared as sunset approaches.

Looking out the window of the wagon Zapp would notice the barren wastelands of Naschez stretching as far as his eyes could see. Without any trees or animals he could see why this place would come off as uninviting to a woman, and the terrain's harsh winds didn't make anything better either. A powerful gust of wind would suddenly rush throughout the travelers, hitting the wagon along with the soldiers outside with scattered sand from the surroundings as the forceful winds prolong for a longer than usual time. This sets an ire feeling throughout the group for reasons unknown, it was just a mutual vibe, and after collecting themselves after the passing winds they would all exchange looks. Amongst the silence Sinci, Zapp's Scientific Tool that specializes in sensing, would reveal itself popping out from the neck of his overcoat, squeaking in haste to it owner who responds with frequent grunts as if he understood. A worried look would then appear on the Youngin's face.

EVERYONE GET ON THE WAGON, WE HAVE TO GO!! Zapp yells as he opens the doors to the wagon from within, waving on the outside soldiers to enter, but they acted rather uncooperative and would begin to exchange murmurs with one another. Exiting the wagon he would then run up to the lead guard of Mr. Genbushi's troops and stand before him with a look of fright in his face.

You're insubordination is gonna get us killed! We have to gather up in the wagon and leave while we ca-

Zapp's speech would be interrupted by the looming shadow that crept over their position, grabbing the attention of all outside, all who turned to look at the oncoming cloud of sand that towered over them. It was a raging, gigantic sandstorm and in Naschez, sandstorms could last for weeks, meaning those who were unfortunate to get caught up and lost within were doomed.

RUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNN!!! Was the last words spoken by some random guard as everyone adjusted to flee before the situation at hand. Ami would open the wagon's door and extend an arm out in an effort to help those outside get within, successfully saving few, but it was just too many men running outside unable to keep up with the wagons speed while fighting against the harsh winds flowing into the sandstorm. Zapp remained outside, close to the wagon, as he ran trying to survey their options in such a predicament, but he was unable to think as he became faced with the problem of men being sucked backwards into the raging sandstorm. In a desperate attempt to save as much as he could, the Youngin would use his chakra and manipulate his coat of iron sand making thick rope like cables that extended outwards grabbing some of the men being picked up in the air, but the screams of the ones that were too far away could be heard as they vanished within the enclosing cloud.

WE'RE NOT GONNA MAKE IT!! The head Guard yell's to Zapp who scoffs in response as he realizes that it didn't matter if they all got into the wagon or not because they still would be unable to outrun the sandstorm due to their weight. Waving a hand seal the Youngin would then clap his hands causing a plethora of iron sand to raise from in front of the group which spreads over and above before cascading down behind them creating a 15m dome of iron sand that shelters the group within. The howling of the harsh winds beating against the dome outside could be heard along with the sound of frequent clashes of debris, and now out of harms way for the meantime, the group individually collects themselves as Zapp keeps a hand seal waved in order to maintain their defense.

DAMN!! I've lost fifteen men from that ordeal, and now we are basically down to half our strength!!

Strength!? How does strength help us survive a situation like this?? Tsch, I don't even know how long I can keep this up for either. I mean, this sandstorm isn't regular, like, I can feel the defense weakening from time to time as if we were being attacked by nature itself. We need to thi-....... Zapp's words stopping short as Sensci once again alerts him to impending danger, but his face held the ultimate form of disaster as he realized it was too late to act. The ceiling of the dome of iron sand would suddenly collapse as a viscous tornado of wind breaches the top, falling down with tremendous force upon the wagon, shattering the thing to pieces as the wagon's debris is propelled into the bodies of nearby soldiers, Zapp dodges in order to protect himself. Ami would be seen hoisted up into the air through the openings of his arms guarding his face as he stands crouched to the ground, and without hesitating he would immediately jump upwards after her. Now inside the tornado itself the two would be faced with a constant bashing of debris into the body strong enough to cause cuts and bruises, but this didn't stop the Youngin who creates flexible disks of iron sand beneath himself to propel himself through a field of already high speed debris in order to grab Ami and shield her with his own body. Got'cha!! With the maiden now secured Zapp would encase himself along with her inside of a defensive structure that takes the appearance of a large, round chinchilla. Covered in medium to large cuts and bruises, Zapp fights through the pain and uses his Magnetism AE to move the iron sand structure through the sandstorm keeping the two protected as Sensci guides them through the less dense parts of the cloud, avoiding heavy damages from debris, while ultimately leading the two to safety.

It was now just Zapp and Ami Genbushi, and the pair would enter the main town of the landmark deep within a vast canyon which protects the city and its citizens from violent sandstorms, like the one the duo had faced earlier that day. Exhausted and on the verge of collapse due to loss of chakra as well as damage taken, Zapp makes sure that they make it to an inn before falling unconscious with sleep, and the next day the two leave the landmark on foot through the canyon.

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Active member
Jul 27, 2011
Trait Points
Starting: Negotiate for or speak on behalf of your clan (3)
P.S: This is also the thread where Im claiming this landmark, hence for some of the extra fluff.

Coming From:


Arthur clone made his way into the once harsh landmark, now brimming with such light and happiness. No guards at the front gate like before, no sounds of revolt. Kids playing on the streets. The air was so... pure. Arthur wearing his yellow cloak as he wandered the landmark. He was there on business but he couldnt help but want to check on the place he had helped saved from disparity. Not once did he feel the urge to clench onto his weapon. Going up to one of the local eateries on the sidewalk

"One Sand Possum please" Arthur said. "Coming right up bud! You're in luck. We got a fresh batch in not to long ago" The man said cheerfully as he put the possum on the stick, battered it up and began to deep fry it. The place looked as if tourism was popping. Was the situation from before really made people not want to come there. Looking over he saw two kids practicing their ninjutsu.. Still nowhere near as him, but they had potential. Moving the sand, and spitting small water balls. Enough for entertainment to say the least. As he continued his day dream, he saw the man come back with his possum. Geez did it smell Good. Taking a bit, not remembering that its hot, causing him to burn his tongue. "Dammit!" Arthur yelled. The owner of the shop simply let out a innocent laugh.

It wasnt too long after Arthur got there that word got around that Arthur has made his way back into the landmark.. The top tier ninja that is. Arthur knew this though. Waiting for the right moment, it finally approached him. Two shinobi in uniform slowly approached Arthur. Making sure not to give off hostile vibes they approached with caution. "Arthur?" One of the Shinobi said, with white hair and sky blue eyes. A pretty boy easy. "Of course thats Arthur" the other shinobi said. He too had white hair but a scar on his left eye, voice a bit more gruff than his partner. They could pass as brothers if Arthur didnt already guess. "Yeah thats me" Arthur said with a cheeky smile. Both Shinobi looking at each other with a pleasing smile. "We was awaiting you!. No need to eat street food. We have a banquet in preparation for your arrival" The pretty boy said. Arthur could tell that even though things were settled, most Shinobi didnt try to eat at local spots. Saying that out loud hurted the owners feelings. Arthur could tell. "HAHA! If its anything like this guys food. I can eat for days.. You guys should try it out.. Who knows.. He might be the next big chef!" Arthur said in hopes to brighten the guys day, though it wasnt a lie. The owner face lit up. "Yeah? I guess we can come back later today.. Aye pops! Make sure you save us some of what you gave him!" The gruff talking shinobi said with a smile as he turned away and walked away.

Arthur never been inside the castle. Kurapika did though. It was very elegant.. Though it wasnt Arthurs style. "Awhh.. Arthur!" a lady voice off into the hall-way traveled. There he was met with a a beautiful blonde bust lady. Still as beautiful as he remembered. "Tehe. Brandish.. Long time no see" Arthur responded. "Its been four weeks" Brandish said with a blank face. "Yeah.. Four weeks alot can change" Arthur said as he looked outside. "You're right.. Alot has change... and we have you to thanks for that." Brandish said. I made preparations in the top suite for you.. We can discuss things tomorrow night, tonight you can simply rest and enjoy the dinner we have planned out for you" Brandish once again said. Arthur was pleased with the hospitality. He never received this before. He almost wished Kurapika was there to receive some of it or even his other clansmen. Taking brandish up on her hospitality invite, he follows the shinobi to his room. "Ring us if you need anything" The young one said. He was too excited with Arthur. As if Arthur was truly a hero. He slowly got undressed and sent off a mail pigeon back home. He wanted to inform them of his whereabouts.. Not that anybody cared much. It was crazy how a clone could enjoy this much and even eat. It was as if this was his real body. Either way, he put on his clothes provided in the bathroom, and made his way down to the banquet hall. There it was a bunch of random people.. Civlians and Shinobi.. So it seems the mansion is open to everybody.. This pleased Arthur. They made sure to wait for him to arrive, cause the moment they arrived they started talking alot. Laughs and smiles.. He sat at the table and began speaking to everybody... not even minutes later he was face first in the food.. Nobody could stop him now

The next day finally arrived. Arthur getting up, starting off his day. Wandering around the village... It was just like that night time hit. Seeing wonderful people was always great but he was here on business. Making his way to the dinner hall once again. He noticed two people next to her. Not the ones from the other day but an older woman and older man. "Dont worry.. These are the Advisors for this landmark" Brandish said with her legs crossed. Not nearly as much food as yesterday but not that many people were there. Arthur gave his greetings and decided to eat first before the meeting. "So... I know you are wondering why I..We requested you?" Brandish starting the conversation. "You did us a great deal last time you here. If it wasnt for Kurapika and you, then this revolt wouldve turned out worst than we wanted" Brandish continued to speak. We know very much about how you freed the slaves back at whats now called the Black Order" The old lady beside he spoke. "That type of power we would love.. Not for greed, but for protection" The man followed behind. "Arthur simply scratched his head. He was slightly confused. "Im not following that statement" Arthur replied. "Simply put, we would like to join you.. This Landmark be under the supervision and ownership of the black order" Brandish responded. "Im sure you noticed that the God Child has brought about some very interesting people and could possibly bring about something more than we.. alone can handle. Demi already set out on other possible alliances but this is more of a rebrand" Brandish finished. Arthur was slightly stunned by the proposal.. "Hmm.. Im sure my clan has no issue with me talking on their behalf.. Though I am hesitant on siding with you guys.. Or rather taking over the landmark" Arthur said. "Why?" Brandish replied.

Arthur sat there for a moment.. Thinking.. Why exactly was he hesitant. He didnt ask for none of this, yet took it all in as if it was second hand nature to him. He tapped his hand on the table... Maybe this was his fate. "If this happened, then we do collect taxes.. I personally appoint different people for each area, As I handle the main area.. The Black Order Myself" Arthur began to speak.. "What exactly do you guys have to offer" He continued. This startled them.. They thought this was going to be pretty easy.. but it wasnt. All of them thinking.. Though it didnt look like brandish needed much time to think. "We have militia... We have power.. but most of all, we have family" She responded. "Our resources would be yours, and yours will be ours.. Or rathers ours will be ours." She said. "I dont know.... This will be alot" Arthur responded. "No.. It wouldnt. Because the only thing that changes is we arent an independent landmark any more.. We are governed by the Black Order.. I truly dont know your Goal but I promise.. you benefit from this just as much as we do.. After the war with Tiamat, things havent-" "What do you know about Tiamat?!" Arthur interrupted her.. It was a blur and out of nowhere, though his tone risen.. "Ahhh.. See.. So I do have something valuable that you may want..." Brandish said.. "Our Information will be your information.. Nothing held back" Brandish continued. This almost immediate caused Arthur to agree.. The tiamat bit was more Icing on the cake as he was starting to lean towards yes. "Very well Brandish. Lets do it" Arthur said. Both the older people looking at each other with a smile. Brandish bringing out a piece of paper. "This is me giving over our legal government to you. As you requested, I will be the leader of this landmark still.. I will sign it and store it." Brandish said as she signed it. Everything else was smooth sailing. Finishing dinner he saw them off, and it was time for him to make his way back home himself. But before he left Brandish visited his room.

"Tiamat..." Brandish said soft.. "She took away some good people I knew... Luckily she is sealed up... So they say" She continued.. "I dont know what you wish, But I can tell you where you can find information.." She said. "Tsumi..." Arthur responded.. "Yes... Have you been there?" She responded. "No.. Cant find it.." Brandish looked confused.. This was public knowledge.. Was he bad with directions or something? "Uhhh.. I can give you the coordinates." Brandish said as she wrote on a piece of paper the coordinates.. Follow there and you should see Tsumi.. I also showed the surrounding landmarks too just incase.. " Brandish said. How was he able to get this information so easy... Arthur didnt think much of it.. Just happy. Finally Parting ways he was on his way.. now to Tsumi.. "Wait.. Im a clone.. lemme go ahead and disperse giving this knowledge to my real me." *Poof*

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Jul 4, 2012
Trait Points
39⚔️ Coming from

Mission: Save a large community from danger

Hades bad feeling grew the closer he got to the village in the Canyon. The closer he got, the weirder things got. From a distance, he could see smoke, as well as smell it, billowing out of the canyon and into the sky above. While the smoke wasnt black, as if something was currently on fire, but a thick grey, as if just recently being extinguished. Walking to the edge of the Canyon, Hades was finally able to see the damage, and the carnage, as well as, something that made his stomach twist. From a distance, he could see the villagers, some burnt horribly, and some with missing limbs, however, what made him on edge, was the fact that these people seemed to be moving as if nothing had happened. Men and women, with blood pouring from large open wounds, and missing limbs, walking around without a care. Burn victims, whose skins was black and dead, sitting down casually drinking water as if most of their bodies weren't destroyed. Another odd sight was, the fact that every person looked as if they hadn't eaten in months. An entire village of malnourished people, barely alive from the distance Hades was looking at them from. A concerning sight, and Hades made the choice, where as he would usually stay uninvolved, his curiosity, and sheer insanity of the living conditions these people where living in drew too much of his attention to let it rest. With that in mind, Hades stepped off the ledge, and began walking down the cliff face while channeling chakra into his feet.

As Hades walked into the village, many people he was unable to see from the top began emerging. People in their burnt and charred homes, looking sickly, and weak, yet, oddly alive and vibrant, it was confusing to say the least. However, it seemed there where alot more people than Hades realized, as more and more came into view as he walked through the main street, if it could even be called that, assessing the damage with his own eyes while taking in as much information as possible. It wasn't long, until whispers turned into talking, and talking turned into signalling, as more and more people emerged, curious of Hades arrival, and they appeared to be waiting for someone else to address Hades, as no one had the courage to do so themselves. Mere moments later, a some what elderly man appeared from a crumbling wooden shack. His face rough as leather from the conditions, and his body almost nothing but bone and skin, yet he was able to walk, unassisted, towards Hades, which was interesting to say the least. With a toothy smile, the old man spoke.

Why, hello there stranger. It is not often we get people stumbling across our little village. Unfortunately, you will find little here as of late, our once thriving little town has unfortunately come under some tough times, so hosting visitors in these trying times will prove difficult, my apologies.

Hades eyes narrowed, as a growing crowd began to appear, everyone looking near on the same, open and festering wounds, missing appendages, malnourished appearances, cracked and dried lips, it was a miracle these people where even alive, let alone gathering around Hades like he was some form of specatcle worth looking at. With a soft smile of his own, Hades responded.

Well, i guess the gods have favored you today, because i am not here for anything in particular. I merely smelt the smoke, and saw it, and decided to come and see if i could help, and by looking around, i believe my help may way be needed here, if you would like to accept it, that is. If this is the case, please, fill me in on what has transpired here, and i will see if i can do anything to assist.

Whispers began to erupt through the growing crowd, some angrily spouting about their misfortune, others saying he was a gift from the gods. Some where weary, mumbling about how this was merely a trick to take what little they had left, while others began to cry, as if their burdens all lifted at once upon hearing the words Hades spoke. Never the less, every word spoke reassured Hades that coming down here was the right choice, something was plaguing these people, and it appeared as if they did not deserve such fate, so it was the right choice for Hades to use his own strength to try build up those who where too weak to fight. A small hearty laugh from in front of him broke Hades train of thought, as the old man spoke once more.

The gods favor no one no more, all they did was curse us. As for the smoke you see, well, we are frequented by Bandits, usually they just take food and water, and leave, however, this time, we had nothing to give them. We have run out of food, and the well is dry, probably another curse from the gods. The small river is too far for us to walk, as we are all too weak, so, as punishment, they burnt the houses, and attacked most of us. They even destroyed our prickly pear plantation, which wasn't much, but it was getting us by, and now that has gone as well. So with that being said, young man, i am unsure how you can help us, let alone anyone else in this time.

Hades blinked at the mans words. Some more confusing than others, some problems harder to fix than others, some a simple fix. The mention of a curse was the most prevalent on Hades mind, and likely if someone had cursed their land with ninjutsu, it would be a difficult fix, yet they believed it to be gods. The bandits, well, that was a simple fix, Hades could just send Zagreus to deal with them in a matter of moments, the well being dry could be fixed, and the plantation could be regrown, in theory, but Hades had more questions first before he opted to start coming up with idea's.

So, you believe someone has laid a curse of misfortune upon you? I don't know much about curses, but i could try lift it. As for the Bandits, i can deal with them with ease, simply killing them shouldn't take me more than a breath. The well can be filled with ninjutsu, and the fields can be reploughed. However, what does concern me first of all, are your injuries. May i begin healing the ones i can? While even i am unable to regrow limbs, i should be able to at least ease the pain of most.

More murmurs broke out, some laughing at Hades words, some clutching their injuries and sobbing. Most of the whispers, however, seemed to condemn Hades, calling him a heretic, and claiming he would be no better than the bandits that terrorize them, which once more confused Hades. He was not going to help people that did not want the help, but it was strange that they codemned him so quickly. That was, until the old man connected the dots for him.

A curse upon us? No. A curse upon the world, yes. I pose a simple question for you boy. How will you simply kill people who cannot die? The gods took away our ability to pass on. They stripped the very land from the embrace of death. Now there is only life, but i ask, what does life require? If people cannot die, what happens when the food runs out? When the water dries up? When the elderly become too weak to move, yet cannot pass? The people suffer, live in agony. While our wounds might be healed by you, whats to stop it from happening again? What happens when you help us, yet the other out there, suffer? Can you help them all? Will you help them all? And even if you do, how long will your help last? A year, 2 years? My boy, you are but a single person, the world is vast, and eventually even the prosperous will fall like we have, its inevitable.

The words hit hard, but many thoughts ran through Hades mind. He had not been gone that long, how could the very prospect of death be gone? The concept they spoke of in itself baffled Hades. He had seen inside the depths of darkness, he had ripped the very souls from people, and watched them fizzle and fade away, yet, the more Hades looked around, the more real the concept became. His bad feeling was heightened, as he glanced around, he knew from his medical experience, that most these people should have died a long while ago, yet here they where, walking and talking to him as if it was nothing but another day. Clearing his thoughts, Hades placed his hand on the mans shoulder as he spoke.

Well, if i cannot kill them, i was remove their ability to take advantage of your people, but leave that with me, it is unkempt of me to begin explaining such things with children around. As for the rest, while i am but a single person, and you are right in the fact that i can only do so much, it would be far worse if i merely ignored the plight, because the task was too hard, than it is for me to try and help, would it not? The best i can do, it help those i come across, and pray to the same gods that my intervention keeps them safe. Now, how about we start with healing these wounds? Make everyone a little more comfortable. If everyone could form a line, that'd be the easiest. The more severe at the front.

The old man looked defeated, and tired, before knodding to a man in the crowd, who began to rally the village, and orderly, line them all up. The man mentioned some where too weak to leave their homes for healing, and as such, Hades would have to go to them, which was no issue. Using his Medical ninjutsu, Hades began. The most severe patients, where those with missing limbs. The best he could do for them was to fully seal the wound, regrowing the tissue around it, and closing it from possible infection. This would bring the wounds to a state as if they had been healed over many years, and while the loss of the limb was still evident, it would no longer cause them pain.

Many of the others had severe burn wounds, and deep lacerations. With his Mystic palm, Hades was easily able to seal these wounds, and regrow the tissue for the burns, bringing most of the village back to a perfect state. The entire process took Hades over five days, yet by the end of it, the villagers themselves looked more like a bunch of people who survived a war many years ago, and less like victims of a recent attack. However, the next problem was the water and food issue.

( Iryō Ninjutsu: Saibō no saisei ) - Medical Technique: Cellular regeneration
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A (can negate up to 60 points)
Description: The medical ninja forcibly controls the cell cycle of the target tissue, causing rapid proliferation of the cells, thereby regenerating the tissue. This is done by infusing the cells of the target tissue with the users own healing chakra, potentiating mitosis and tissue growth. The drawback of this technique is that its not actually a healing technique but a tissue growth technique. It can serve to grow missing tissue but it cannot heal in the truth essence of the word and in essence is a much simpler application of the Mystic Palm technique.

( Iryō Ninjutsu: Shōsen Jutsu ) - Medical Technique: Mystic Palm Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (2x the amount of damage healed, 200 max)
Damage: N/A
Description: This medical ninjutsu allows the user to speed up the body's natural healing process by focusing chakra onto their hands, forming an aura of greenish chakra which he then sends into a wound or afflicted body part. This allows the user to heal a patient without the need for medical equipment or surgery, making it very useful on the battlefield. It can be used to treat both external and internal injuries. It is vital to match the amount of chakra used to the severity of the affliction or injury. This requires a great amount of chakra control. Because of this, only a few highly skilled medical-nin are able to use this technique. The limitation of the technique is that it cannot regrow missing body parts or remove with poisons or toxins, though it can heal damage by them. Additionally, perhaps its more severe drawback is the chakra cost, which is much higher than any other medical technique. For each damage point the user of the technique wishes to heal, he needs to spend twice as much chakra. Basically, for x amount of damage the user needs to spend 2x amount of chakra to repair/heal. The user can also use this technique on himself and it can be used with one hand or two and even in two targets at a time or while using another technique with the other hand. The speed of the healing is fast but not instant.
Note: Can be used on up to 2 targets.
Note: Can only be used by Medical Ninja.

Over the days, Hades was informed about the lay out of the Canyon, and where was the best area to create a natural spring. Around 400m away from the main village, the canyon opened up, revealing a large open area, which spanned hundreds of meters, before tapering back into a more narrow cliff face. While Hades had never created a natural spring before, he figured simply filling up a massive crater with water would suffice, at least for the time being, he hoped. With this thought process, Hades set to work. Using his Earth ninjutsu, Hades forcefully lowered the surrounding area. This took a few attempts, and his own fair share of chakra, but over the coarse of two days, Hades created a a pit, several hundred meters around, and close to 600m deep. The shadow of the cliff face would help keep the water fresh, as would his infusion of chakra. How long the water would last in the heat of the desert, however, was unknown to Hades. The next step, was filling it up, which was far more difficult. Using his water ninjutsu, Hades proceeded to summon large amounts of water multiplically above the pit, which would endlessly flow water, so long as Hades provided chakra. Even so, this act took several days, the entire project take a full week. However, by the end of it, the people had a massive reservoir of water at their doorstep, and as long as they boiled it, it should be clean and safe to use for many years, especially with the cliff face protecting it from direct sunlight at all times.

(Doton: Daichidōkaku) - Earth Release: Great Moving Earth Core
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: This technique grants the user the ability to freely lower or raise the terrain within a specific area surrounding them, in a similar manner to its parent technique, albeit on a much larger scale. The user will slam his hands on the ground which he can then lower or raise the ground up to 100 meters in a large section. The rise will be fast enough to pin enemies to the ground, restricting their movements as they struggle to get up and the drop will be fast enough to leave almost all enemies without a footing (albeit not airborne). Because of the large chakra needed to alter such a large area of the terrain, the user will be able to use it only a limited number of times.
Note: Can only be used twice.

(Suiton: Haran Banshō) - Water Release: Stormy Blockade
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will slam their hands against then ground allowing him/her to summon a massive amount of water from the sky, crushing it into the opponent. If needed, the user can cancel the technique in an instant.

Note: The water needs to be summoned at least 10 meters above the opponent to have any real effect.

The final act Hades was able to help the people with directly, was the food situation. Over the weeks, the people did what they could to dig the rough soil of the burnt plantation, pulling up Bulbs and unfertilized seeds from the plants they had once used as food. When Hades finished the water pit, he gathered up all the seeds, and began his plan. Holding a few seeds in his Palms, Hades would meditate, pulling in natural energy into his body, however, instead of storing the energy, Hades was transfering the conversion into the seeds themselves, brimming them with Senjutsu, causing them to enlarge, and in turn allowing Hades to somewhat control their growth. Some seeds exploded from too much chakra, and some simply where incompatible with the infusion, and shriveled at the first sign of the chakra, however, plenty of seeds survived the five day process, and once the seeds where ready, Hades got to work.

Slowly, Hades planted each seed, and using his chakra, forced the seed to sprout, and grow, almost instantly, into a large plant. These plants, however, towered well over the usual size, becoming almost 3 times larger than the normal plant they where supposed to grow into. As such, the fruit it was bearing was also three times the size, big enough to feed one person for multiple days. Over the coarse of the day, Hades planted well over 50 of these, sprouting each one, until a massive plantation of Cacti bearing prickly pear fruit was created. As the plants grew, their root systems linked up, and Hades manipulated the root system, having it travel directly to the bottom of the large water pit, allowing the roots to take hold there, and gain the water they needed to keep bearing fruit. With a plantation this large, the people would never need any other food, and through Hades manipulation of the seeds, the fruit bore all the nutrients needed to survive on, so while the people may grow sick of it, it would keep them alive.

(Mokuton: Kyousei Mokuzai No Jutsu) Wood Release: Greater Wood Technique
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user focuses and molds his chakra, using it to create Wood structures, Pillars, Trees, etc to defend, attack or support him. The Wood can be created from the users body or from earth sources and its limitations are only set by the users own imagination and the chakra put into the technique.

Lastly, Hades, using his Wood Release, Hades rebuilt every house, more secure, and sturdier than before. The houses where built to run up the side of the canyon, allowing more room for the people inside, to make things a little more comfortable. All in all, Hades was here for well over a few weeks, the process surprisingly leaving him quite drained and tired himself, so he sympathized with the people. That night, a large bonfire was lit, as Hades showed the people a few different ways they could prepare the fruit, and they in turn showed Hades a few different ways they had prepared the fruit in the past, creating several dishes which all tasted and looked different, a small celebration for a village that was almost on the brink of ruin. Sitting down on a makeshift chair he made with his Wood release, Hades spoke with the old man.

I hope what i have done here will, at the very least, allow you and your people to live more comfortable and stress free lives. However, i have no forgotten, there is 1 more problem that requires a solution. Can you tell me, where are these people that terrorize you?

The old man took a large spoonful of food, deep in thought. For a moment, it seemed like he had no desire to allow Hades to know where they where, yet, as he looked upon his people, some ruined for life, he swallowed, and turned to Hades.

While the gods have forsaken this world, at least you have not. What you have done here is created a miracle, and i fear there is nothing we could ever do to properly repay you. As for the other matter....while i wish no ill will against those who attacked us, i cannot allow them to come back and possibly ruin all your hard work. To the South , a skeleton of a large beast resides, they have set up camp there. Be wary, some of them know ninjutsu, while nothing as powerful as yourself, they are underhanded. There are around forty of them in total, but only the strongest ones came here. However, as i told you when you arrived, no one can die any longer, so what do you plan to do?

Having his own spoonful of food, Hades stared into the flickering flame of the fire, its light dancing in his cold black eyes. With a soft smile, Hades spoke.

Well, at least they're close then. As for repaying me, you can repay me by living your lives the best you can, that is all i ask for. The matter of what i will do well...i have a few things in mind, if all else fails, i will simply dismember them and scatter their body parts across the desert, they may be unable to die, but if i remove all their limbs, they wont be able to do much anyway.

A small trickle of fear crossed the old mans face, as he swiftly looked away, but Hades saw it. The rest of the night ran long, as people filled their once empty bellies with food, and drank as much water as they could stomach, having a night of happiness. How long the village would last with Hades make shift fixes, he did not know, however, he knew these people would at least be able to live in relative peace for some time, and that was the best Hades could do. Under the cover of night, as the flames died down, and the boisterous festivities turned into a mumble of snoring and sleep talking, Hades slipped out of the village, vanishing like a shadow, and making his way towards his next goal, discovering just how cursed the land really was.

Mission End

LLM-Heading to LM 69 dragons rest.


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Storyboard Mission:
Help a local trader by transporting his wares

Third day in the desert..

Fath.. i'ca..

Lilith was on the brink of collapse as she was completely dehydrated. Unbeknownst to her, however, Alucard was testing her durability in this alien world. He knew that there were settlements along the sand dunes. They were too far away for Lilith however. She sat down in the sand but got up quickly noticing how hot the sand was on her buttocks.


Alucard removed his glasses and looked at the spectacle he had created with his Yin/Yang release. He confounded in his thoughts for a while as the distant screams of mourning parents echoed through out the land of fire where he had met up with Barney and Panthalassa. His child or Creation as it was called had survived the ordeal. He started to realize perhaps that he was a lucky one, not just because he was alive along with his kinsmen but that he also had a father-daughter relationship with Lilith. A thing he had never considered when he performed the Creation of All Things technique back on Moon Isle in the caverns of the Vampire Squids. He picked up his little girl and carried her over his shoulder while gathering up his water release through his fingertip while inserting it in Lilith's mouth.

(Suiton No Jutsu) - Water technique
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: D
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 10
Damage: 20
Description: Creates small waves of water,small blasts, and small shields of water.

Note: Doesn't require a water source but can be used to manipulate existing water.

She rested on his shoulder until Alucard picked up a chakra signature from behind and as he looked he noticed a caravan of traders waiving towards him. He stood still with Lilith over his shoulder, awaiting their arrival. They were all weak and he felt completely unthreatened by them. Once the approached talking distance they asked if he could assist them transporting their wares across the desert towards the village located further north.

Greetings friend, would you mind helping us? We packed too many wares in preparations for a deal we struck with the village of Naschez but the storms have destroyed the wheels of our caravan. You look like someone who's not from here, one might think you're a warrior for that reason coming to help the people in these times. Please help us.

Alucard looked at them, he was still without his glasses and once his Tenseigan met their regular eyes it instilled a certain level of respect in their expression as if they knew these weren't regular eyes that Alucard had in his eyesockets. With Lilith unconscious it was probably in his right interest to head over to the town as well for a while to let her recover.

I'll send you and your wares to heaven.

Alucards reply caused a very confused face on the tradesmen, who for a second thought that he was going to kill them in cold blood. However, he only said so as a mere joke but he wasn't technically wrong in his statement as he gathered up his chakra to create a platform made out of sand that formed into a large sphere, carrying the caravan and the traders ontop of it. Alucard himself would control the platform from underneath it as he preferred to walk at this point and time for [Redacted] reasons. The platform would float about 5 meters into the air above Alucard and Lilith while simultaneously cast a shadow on both of them which also would help Lilith in her condition to cool off from the sun. The traders were mesmerized with Alucards feat.

( Kinbō Tensei Jōzai ) - Localized Reincarnation Tablet
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 30 (+15 per turn active)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user creates a floating sphere from nearby debris beneath them, using the gravitational control to levitate the sphere of debris and use it as a floating platform. Keeping it active, however, requires the user to expend chakra.
Note: Can only be used by Tenseigan Bios.

Whoa there, what sort of powers do you have, Crimson One?

The powers of the Otsutsuki is installed into me. I claimed it from one who i deemed unworthy... Our battle raged on for five days until i severed her head from her body and plucked the eyes from her skull.

The tradesmen were silenced after this and Alucard had a grim smile on his face. His cold blooded nature had not decayed.

Have any of you heard of Azura? She was another Otsutsuki i tracked down in the wind desert years ago but managed to escape. She was a Daedric Princess and a fugitive.. I came to the wind desert to track her down after all this time.

We do not know this one i'm afraid Crimson One.

I see..

After a few hours of walking and floating, the two shared an ordinary dialogue as they approached the town. The tradesmen thanked for Alucards services and as it would have it, his entrance into the village caused quite a scene. He carried Lilith into a local tavern where he rented a room for the two of them and got some rest. Tomorrow they would hunt Daedra.

*Mission End*