Glistening Flats (109)


Active member
Aug 17, 2010
Trait Points
Jack and the other clone moved through the Glistening Flats toward the capital.

There was a lot that needed to be handled by the representatives of the Tsumikage.

Along the way, they gathered up any survivors and took them along promising them at least a modicum of safety
Other Clone's chakra:
Jack's chakra:
ELM from LM ( 105 ) | LLM


Feb 3, 2020
Trait Points
Glistening Flats
Comprised mainly of the open expanse of an old, dried lakebed the Glistening Flats are not home to many people. The area suffers from sparse, barren vegetation due to the high soil salinity, but it is still home to a variety of animals suited to these conditions. The area was once under water and a few ancient sailing vessels can still be found in the area, preserved at least in part by the salt that covers most of their hulls and decks. Although the flats are somewhat spartan, many find that the sense of timeless silence gives the area a unique beauty.
Coming from
Takeno was relieved to finally be away from the steep falls of the divide, and walked through the landscape taking notes on any interesting flora and fauna he found along the way, and kept on his way

Leaves LM


Feb 3, 2020
Trait Points
Coming from LM 111
Takeno flew above the lands, looking at the enormous ships that were left after these flats were drained of water. Takeno would draw the landscape as he flew by the LM

Leaves LM


Active member
Jun 16, 2012
Trait Points
This post marks the beginning and end of a solo mission.


Just like that Raiden was alerted by the sudden snap of something nearby where he was walking. It seemed the noise came from behind a vessel he walked pass. His eyes quickly open and scanned the area. Someone or something could be around. Before getting up Raiden gripped on to the hilt of his sword still strap in its holster on his waist. He would quickly perform a frontal roll and unsheathe his sword while jumping up to his feet in one fluid motion, taking on a quick defensive stance. He slowly walked around the abandon boat while looking further around for any enemy intruder or enemy group. He saw no one so he eased his mind and simply sheathed back his sword. Suddenly the noise came about again with an accompanying charging sound. By the time he spun around it was a wild beast charging at Raiden from behind another vessel. All Raiden could have done was jump over it, getting out of the wild beast’s way.

Perhaps it was just that wild one running away from something, Raiden thought when he was suddenly hit in the back of the leg and flung to the ground. Quickly rolling on the ground to regain his balance he turned his head to see another animal, this one much larger in size. He seemed tired for some reason. The red fever was putting a toll on his body. While getting up he heard the sound of not only the two beast a distance in front of him but more behind. Tilting his head to the side he quickly realizes several more around. Where did all of them come from?? It seems Raiden wasn’t focusing on his surroundings. Letting his guard down was a big mistake, but these animals shouldn’t be much of a problem for a Dragon rank Hayabusa he thought to himself as he smirked.

Unsheathing his sword, he would signal for them to attack once more by kicking a rock towards the largest one, that seemed to be the ‘leader’ of the pack. Taunting the animal in a sense. And of course, it worked! The large animal angrily charged directly at Raiden to ram into him. This time he wouldn’t be so lucky though. As it entered striking range, Raiden would gracefully spin around swinging his blade at the animal’s right front leg and then ending off by stabbing its right back leg. The animal roared in pain as it seemingly trip from the sudden attack. With the biggest one down momentarily, Raiden used this chance to continue his attack by dashing around to the others and quickly dispatching them one by one. He moved around so gracefully in the forest, around the trees and through the air as he sliced and stabbed all of them one by one.

By the time he was done he saw the big boss one in the distance back to its feet now. It was injured but was standing as if it wasn’t. This surely would be a trouble some one Raiden thought as he sheathed back his sword. It’s been a while since Raiden accessed his Neidan, so he wanted to test his strength again. His sword would obviously need several strikes before putting down the animal for good, so Raiden had a better idea to get rid of him for good. As it charged into him, Raiden simply extended his arm with open palm facing the charging beast. As it entered short range, Raiden would spawn a wall in front of the beast. As the beast ran into the wall, it suddenly disappeared. Using his Wuji Dao, Raiden erased the beast from this plain of existence. It seems his Neidan was still as strong as ever he thought as he smirked and walked away, continuing his search for the cure.

Neidan: Wuji Dao) Internal Alchemy: Way of Nothingness
Type: Supplementary
Rank: D - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 10 - 70
Damage: N/A
Description: This is one of the fundamental Neidan techniques within the Hayabusa clan and the first one learned. This technique returns existence to nothingness/erases from existence. Using one of the three Dantian Hayabusa ninja render existence to nothingness. Depending on the Dantian that is used the user can manipulate physical, vital, or spiritual existence. Regardless of which application is used there are two components that can be utilized: internal or external. These two components describe the technique’s application to one’s self and outside themselves respectively. A Hayabusa ninja who utilizes the internal component with this technique manipulates their own physical, vital, and/or spiritual existence. One who utilizes external component does the same but with any entity other than themselves. Only one of the components can be used for any given application of this technique. As for the applications, only one can be used at a given time. Upon reaching higher jounin ranks (Dragon/Head Ninja and Master Ninja), Hayabusa ninja can utilize all three of the Dantian simultaneously to completely erase their own existence (internal) or that of another entity (external). When erasing one’s own existence with this technique the user can only maintain a state of non-existence for no more than one turn with and must re-appear within 10 meters of their original point. Once the user has gone to nothingness they cannot use any techniques until after they return to reality. Through the external component the user can erase the existence of another life such as summons or other shinobi though it requires prolonged contact with the target (3 turns). After contact is made the victim will begin to vanish from the ground up.

Lower Dantian: The Lower Dantian deals with physical existence. Entities such as solids and liquids, physical entities, and corporeal matter are within this Dantian’s scope. When using the internal component of this application the user is capable of erasing parts of their body as small as: bits of flesh and bone to whole limbs, organs, etc. This ability extends to physical afflictions such as poisons, toxins, pathogens and generally any other thing that integrates itself within the user’s physical being. When using this technique on the body to take off flesh and bone the user will feel as though their flesh and bone have been ripped apart and their body will suffer accordingly. For example: if the user erases their right index finger, they will feel their finger ripped off their body and will bleed profusely until stopped. The external component of this technique takes the form of transparent visual distortions similar in nature and appearance to the voids of kamui though with the ability to vary in shape and size. The shape and size are dependent on the rank of the technique. As well as the amount of matter in which one can erase is also dependent on the rank. Lower ranks means smaller areas of effect and less matter that can be erased. This technique has the ability to combat against techniques of equivalent rank or chakra input. With the external component, if anybody other than the user makes contact with the technique, they will suffer just as the user would if they used the internal component of this application. The external component of this application can be made within short range of the user but not the target unless both parties are in close range. Even then, the user cannot manifest this technique directly on their opponent without physical contact.

Middle Dantian: The Middle Dantian deals with vital existence; the existence of energy. Non-solid/liquid entities like plasmas, fire, lightning, raw chakra forms, and otherwise ethereal entities fall within this Dantian’s scope. The internal component of this application is rather simple, the user erases chakra/energy that exists within them either their own or that of another’s that is connected to the user. The amount of chakra the user can erase is proportional to the rank they use for this application. As for the external component, similar to the Lower Dantian, voids of various shapes are created which erase the chakra/energy, ethereal, and/or vital nature of entities. Again, like with the Lower Dantian, the user cannot directly manifest a chakra erasing void upon their opponents; contact with the void or between the user and the target must be established to directly affect the target.

Upper: The Upper Dantian deals with the spiritual existence of an entity. Spiritual techniques, consciousness, mental capability, and spirits are all within this Dantian’s control. The internal component of this application controls the existence of illusions, consciousness, sentience, within the user. Enemy techniques that deal with mind control or that inject their consciousness within the Hayabusa can be defended against with the internal component. Likewise, the stability and power of illusions and other spiritual techniques attached to the user can be cut down according to the rank/chakra of this technique. The external component of this application is a little different than the others. Unlike the Lower and Middle Dantian which cannot effect an opponent directly, this Dantian’s application can. With the external component the user can cause the spiritual energy of a sentient being dwindle to nothingness as long as the user has sensory perception of their target and is within range. The result of erasing the spiritual being comes in the form of fatigue and a lack of focus which prevents the target from using higher ranked techniques and progressively dims their consciousness. For example: C-ranked usage will prevent use of Forbidden rank techniques and B-rank usage would prevent S-rank and above and so on. The constraints are as follows: Only chunin level Hayabusa and above can use this technique (as it starts at C-rank) and the user must be within and maintain mid-range of the target to use C and B-rank. A-rank requires short range and S-rank direct physical contact. While using this application only two techniques can be used per turn. If the victim gets out of range of the user they will become capable of using their full power in the following turn.

Note: This technique is learned at genin level and follows similar rules for each rank. Genin can only use D-rank applications, chunin = C-rank, jounin = B-rank (upper) A-rank (lower and middle), Dragon/Head Ninja = A-rank (upper) S-rank (lower and middle), Master Ninja = All ranks.
Note: Genin and Chunin are required to use 5 to 3 hand seals respectively for any application’s external component. Jounin require one hand seal, Dragon/Head, and Master Ninja can use up to B-rank with no hand seals. Contact between user and opponent requires no hand seals.
Note: When using the external component of the Upper Dantian, using the A-ranked and above will render an opponent comatose after two turns. C and B-ranks will simply render one unconscious after 4 turns. Each turn of maintaining drains half the original chakra cost. While maintaining no other application of this technique can be used.
Note: Upper Dantian usages, regardless of the component can only be used once every other turn. A-ranked and above usage requires a two turn cool down.
Note: S-rank applications of this technique requires a one turn cool down for the Middle and Lower Dantian.
Note: To erase completely the existence of oneself or of another the user must use 70 chakra. Unlike the external component where it takes three turns to erase another, the internal component is instantaneous in its nature due to a lack of resistance from the user applying it to themselves. Upon using this advanced application either internally or externally the user will be unable to use any Neidan technique for the next two turns. Dragon Ninja and Head Ninja can use this application twice per battle and Master Ninja 3 times per battle.

Last edited:


Active member
Jun 16, 2012
Trait Points
This post marks the beginning and end of another solo mission.

Summary: After the small scuffle with the animals (story above), Raiden was extremely tired and had to stop to rest. It seems the red fever really was wearing him down. Unknown to him, he was actually poisoned from mingling with the creatures. The poison isn’t any typical one, instead it made Raiden bring up memories he pushed to the back of his mind through dreaming. In this dream, he revisits some years ago when he was still traveling the ninja world after slaughtering several villages. He'll further go back to his past life as time goes on (other missions)


It seemed the dried-up lakebed was a never-ending wasteland. Raiden was extremely tired from the long traveling and not eating for a while, so he decided to take shelter, to gather up his stamina once more. He climbed up on an abandon vessel and laid down.

(Entering dream/flash back)

Suddenly something up ahead caught the attention of Raiden. It was fast and it kept moving side to side and around. Raiden lowered his stance and grip the hilt of his sword tightly, awaiting whatever it is to come at him. He would look to the right, to the left and in the sky over and over to determine the direction it’s going to come from. When without warning, it was already in front of him. Such speed and quickness. Raiden's eyes widen as some sort of beast came charging directly at him. Ramming and moving straight through Raiden. Pushing him to the ground like a kid. He did not even have time to react to the creature, but the creature appeared to not have time to play with Raiden either. It simply continued in the direction of a small village raiden passed on his journey. Deciding this journey of his was not important right now, Raiden began to follow the beast. Heading back the same direction he came from.

The beast moved with such speed Raiden lost track of it. All he could have heard were screams and explosions ahead of him. From the villagers no doubt. But it in a slightly different direction, a new direction that Raiden took now.

Upon reaching the location Raiden realized that the explosions and screams he was hearing was not from the villagers from earlier.... it wasn't even from them. Several dead bodies laid out in the opening. The group appeared to be simple civilians that were hunting for food. Killed by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Raiden walked around the group and touched them with his sword one by one to see if any were alive. Unfortunately, all of them were long gone. Many with deep gashes and lost limbs. It was a slaughter fest.

"Yo-YOU did this?!"

A voice shouted out from the distance at Raiden. Turning to the voice, Raiden now saw the same villagers from before. It seems they too heard the noises and came to investigate.

"Report back to the village, place bounty on this man's head! The White Devil!!"

Shouted from whom seem to be the head of the group. Raiden was now the one at the wrong place at the wrong time. Receiving the blame for the death of all these people. He could not even defend himself. His sword was out, it had blood all over it from checking up on the bodies and what’s worse is that the wounds of the fallen were all cuts. Cuts and deep gashes that could have been delivered from a sword.

"Well...I guess this is where you try and kill me right?"

Raiden mockingly said to the ‘head villager’ with a wicked smirk on his face.

"Why you....GET HIM! And page in on our location at home"

The majority of the villagers took the order and began rushing at Raiden with their swords and axes. There was no point in talking to them or explaining the situation. They were all idiots and would never think twice Raiden thought as he took on a fighting stance. Spreading out his legs to lower his stance with his sword in hand. He did not need his ninjutsu powers for now.

As the first villager came within striking distance Raiden would parry his sword strike and push him off balance. In on fluid motion Raiden would spin on his right heel with his blade extended out to slice the man's throat. The other would come and would follow his comrade in the same death manner. One by one all of them were cut down as Raiden proceeded forward slowly to reach the head villager. None of them were even a threat and Raiden didn't require much effort. Finally, Raiden reached the head villager with a large amount of dead bodies slain behind him. The few villagers around him were obviously scared but the head one didn't show an ounce of fear for now. That was surely going to change sooner or later. The villagers were about to approach Raiden but the head stopped them by placing his hand out, signaling them to step back.

"You will suffer for killing my men! Do NOT think you will leave this area on your own free will"

The head villager continued to talk as he slowly began to step forward, unbuttoning his jacket. As he did so, Raiden realize that this man himself was huge in body and quite muscular. Maybe he would prove to be a better fighter than expected.

"Hmm maybe you won't die as easily as your underlings.."

The comment alone obviously angered the man as he charged in full force to strike down Raiden. He expected the bulky man to rush in like a bull and so Raiden simply side step and spun around with his blade coming around first to cut him at the side. But to his surprise, the man quickly tilted his body quickly and delivered a strong blow to Raiden's torso before the blade could hit. This caught Raiden off guard as he was sent back a few feet. Raiden quickly stabbed his sword into the ground to stop his backward movement. A man of such size moving at that speed would surely be dangerous if he wasn't careful.

"Keep your guard up! Haaaah!!!"

Just like that the man was in front of him again. Raiden didn't have time to dodge. All he could have done was to try and block the man's fist with his blade. The power of the man caused Raiden's feet to sink into the ground. He was truly strong and fast for his size.

"I'm going to have FUN slicing you open and sending your head back to your family!"

Raiden said to the villager as he began to laugh devilishly to mock the villager. Which angered him more. The villager brought up his hand and clench them both together to bring it down back like a hammer. This was the opening Raiden needed. He was wide open! Deciding to go all out for this strike, Raiden throw his blade up as a distraction. He would then leap into the air and spin around to hit the man directly in his chest with a reverse heel strike. The devastating blow knock the wind out of the villager as he was sent flying back into a tree. Raiden quickly followed up by grabbing back his sword and charging at the man before he could come to. With a couple swing of his blade Raiden sliced the man up. Cutting him around the jointed part to halt his movement and do everything but kill him. With his sword in one hand Raiden used the free hand to grab the villager by his hair on the head and drag him a bit closer to the remaining villagers. The ones that were alive. Raiden was tired of these pesky men following and chasing him as he came to this land.

"This is your leader? He was child's play so don't you dare try and fight for him anymore."

Raiden successfully captured the head villager. He knew this man could be useful, so he didn't intend to kill him off yet. Raiden required certain information.

" can speak right?"

Raiden said as he placed the blade to the neck of the head villager. The villager grunted and spat out blood to the side before replying.

"Just kill me already. I failed my comrades. I won't show my face back home. I cannot".

"You had such confidence earlier and now it’s all gone. Weaklings like you don't deserve to live in this world anymore"

Raiden said as he pulled his blade back and push the villager head into the ground, stomping down on the man's head with left foot while taunting him and the rest even more.

"You all will be my informants for now. I have some questions and I don't have the time or patience, so answer immediately"

Raiden said to all of them while lifting the head villager up to a seating position and placing the sword back to his neck.

"Firstly, how do you all know me?"

"W-well you killed some civilians and some of our village brothers some months back. There is a bounty on your head..."

Raiden tilted his head in amusement. How cute. He smirked before he began speaking.

"Go on.."

"Well that’s about it really. They want you dead or alive for your actions. Our boss over there already informed the village of the action you did here so more villagers probably comin-"


The head villager shouted. The rookie was spewing information that wasn't needed but Raiden appreciated it.

"So more of you guys are coming huh... interesting. Tell me, is there somewhere I can go for now to continue to test my power? Free of you villager scum bags."

One of the villagers pointed in the same direction Raiden was heading. The same direction he assumed the beast went.

"Over in that direction, a large town that is a mostly lawless zone which has no prisons. The town hosts a mixture of shinobis and missing-nin. The center of town is home to a very large tower with the top of it holding a huge stone head whose mouth makes for a very scenic view is one is brave enough to make the 80 meter climb to the top."

"Its where our boss came from!"

The other villager added in as the head villager smiled and looked away. The place peak Raiden's interest. But what to do with these villagers he thought. He had no use for them now. But before deciding to let them go, Raiden wanted to send a message to their village.

"Very well. I'll let you all go. Go back to your families and cherish them! Don't come looking for me."

Raiden said as he moved the blade from the neck of the head villager.

"But there is one more thing I require. I want you all to report back home that if anyone else dares to come my way again, I'll make it my goal to destroy them all!"

He said as he gripped the head villager harder, and his him in the back of the head, knocking the man out cold. Raiden followed up by delivering one quick swing of his sword, cutting off his head and spinning around to kick it back at his subordinates.

"Return with that parting gift"

Were Raiden's final words as he swung his sword to get rid of the blood on the blade before sheathing it. He was done here and so he headed off.

~Few hours later~

The large tower can be seen in the horizon as Raiden continued his travel. The tower fit the description that the villager gave so he was definitely heading in the right direction. Arriving to the law less town, Raiden could see drunken people laying around, screams being heard and the smell of blood all around. It seems this town is filled with wild and strong individuals of all sizes Raiden thought as he continued to survey the area before proceeding deeper within. He had one goal in mind, and nothing was going to stop him right now.

Raiden continued to venture deep into the law less town, gathering information as he continued along. It came to the point that Raiden was informed about a mob boss that ruled over most of the town. He was surrounded by his own personal guards due to the treasure from within. Deciding to take a different tactic this time, Raiden waited until darkness came over the town. Using his assassin like skills, Raiden infiltrated the mob boss' safe house with ease. It was too easy Raiden thought as he kept his guard up while searching. Suddenly, the lights flicked on and he saw several of the guards around him. It was a trap.

"I guess those villagers do come in handy now and again keh keh keh"

The voice from the shadows echoed through the building as the mob boss came through the crowd.

"I received a tip that a strong warrior was heading to MY KINGDOM. For such a threat to the villager you seem quite foolish to just walk on in here... do you know who I am boy?!"

Raiden glared at the man as he called him a boy.


"Yes! Only a foolish brat would dare step foot here. Now you'll suffer!"

The mob boss said as he snapped his finger twice. Suddenly, the entire place began to twirl around. It was some trance or magic. Then suddenly Raiden collapsed to the ground.

(Entering a Flash back)

He was awakened by the sound of rain and the cold water hitting his back. He slowly lifted himself up, hands and knees on the ground. Raiden shook his head rapidly to regain his senses fully. He was battered and bruise. As he opened his eyes all he saw was himself from the reflection of the small amount of water on the ground.

"The name is monsoon....of the winds of destruction"

A voice from above said as it lept off the building in front of Raiden. Landing on the ground in a heroic fashion as Raiden simply watches.

"Feasting on the insides of your enemies... how easily you ignore the loss of life when it suits your convenience."

Monsoon said to the grounded and weak Raiden.

"So tell me; who saves the weak from the man who saves the weak?"

A momentary pause ensued before Raiden replied.

"You're the one exploiting them. You take advantage of their weakness..."

Raiden then began to rise up slowly, lifting up off one knee.

"Of course they get hurt when you set them up as your human shield."

"Kill or be killed, Jack."

Monsoon said as he looked up into the rain. Allowing the water to run down his body.

"Our father taught me that!"

(Exiting the flashback)

Raiden was suddenly out of the trance in pain, twisting and turning as he held his head. The trance was but a second, but it felt like longer. Raiden began screaming in agony. He wondered what kind of trick was this man playing in him or was those his real memories of his past?

(Back into the flashback)

"Yes. You aren't the only one to grow up on the killing fields brother. War is a cruel parent, but an effective teacher. Its final lesson is carved deep in my psyche: 'That this world, and all its people, are diseased.' Free will is a myth. Religion is a JOKE! We are all pawns, controlled by something greater: Memes. The DNA of the soul."

Monsoon exhaled as he walks around Raiden.

"You see..they shape our will. They are the culture -- they are everything we pass on. Expose someone to anger long enough, they will learn to HATE. They become a carrier, brother! Envy, greed, despair. All memes, all passed along."

"How about full of shit.. is that a meme?!?"

Raiden interupted with a question, mocking Monsoon and his speech. Angering the man even more.

"You can't fight nature Jack..."

Monsoon said as he took out his weapons and began swinging them in his hands.

"Wind blows, rain falls, and the strong prey upon the weak. Sam tells me you see your weapon as a tool. Something that saves lives -- a means of justice.... now there's a pretty meme. Exquisite!"

Monsoon walked back as he continued to spew words.

"It’s spared you the burden of all the lives you've taken... absolved you of guilt when you enjoyed it. That is, until the illusion was broken. Don't be ashamed. Its only nature, in OUR nature running its course. You have no choices to make. Nothing to answer for. You can die with a clear conscience brother."

Raiden lifted his head and looked up in the sky. He not only soaked in all the words from his 'brother' but the smoothness of the water running down his body. It placed his body and mind at ease.

"You're right. About me, I mean."

Monsoon gave a shocked look to Raiden. He wasn't expecting an answer like that.

"I knew something After Father's organization plans ended, I thought I could walk off the battle field and into a normal life. But here I am, surrounded by death, arguing philosophy with foolish shinobis. I told myself this was about justice. About protecting the weak. But I was wrong."

"Heh heh heh. Then you admit it?"

Monsoon intervened.

"I learned that young that killing your enemies felt good. When I left father's organization, I founded a new family. They help me forget the devil inside. But...."

Raiden gritted his teeth and he clenched his right fist.

"But who am I kidding? I was created to KILL!!"

Raiden shouted as he slammed his fist into the ground, cracking it slightly. Monsoon left in shock stepped back a bit as he continued to listen.

"The bit about my sword -- that 'means of justice' stuff? I guess i needed something to keep 'The Ripper' in check when I was knee deep in bodies."


Monsoon questioned.

"But you -- all this -- is a wake up call to what I really believe."

Raiden continued quickly, before giving monsoon a chance to speak.

"What I really am."

"What are you saying, Jack?"

Raiden smirked as he looked at Monsoon

"I'm saying Jack is BACK!"

Raiden said as he finally got up to his feet. He was greeted by two small daggers Monsoon immediately threw at Raiden. Both successfully impaling Raiden in the chest region. Instead of screeching in pain, Raiden instead began to laugh. As if he was welcoming the pain. The blood coming out was like a sight of happiness for him. The once forgotten Jack The Ripper was back! Raiden's devilish laugh began to echo throughout the area. Monsoon was obviously a bit scared at this mad man. The pain and blood was giving him a sort of happiness.

"Pain....this is why I fight."

Raiden then followed up by ripping out the two daggers and flinging them both to the side and unsheathing his own sword. With blood all over him he was in a bad spot. He was losing blood and fast.

"This is my normal, Monsoon. My true nature."

"You've lost your mind...."

Monsoon said as he sees Raiden slowly walking towards him and laughing.

"I've misjudged you. You are like us after all."

"That Jack the Ripper nickname that you love so much... wanna know how I got it? Actually -- why don't I give you a demonstration?"

Raiden said as he took in a fighting stance with sword in hand.

"I think it's time for Jack....TO LET 'ER RIP!!!"

Raiden shouted as he charged into Monsoon to engage in battle.

Blows after blows Raiden exchanged strikes with his shinobi brother. Raiden was obviously exhausted and weak. He was on his last, but his anger and devil side continued to push him. It gave him a slight confidence to continue the fight. Despite receiving several hits, he continued to fight. The more he got hit, the more blood he saw. This pumped his adrenaline levels to its maximum level. Raiden was a wolf on a mission, and he couldn't be stop but Monsoon also seemed perfect. As if he was a flawless creation. A perfect warrior that made no mistake until he did one thing in which Raiden capitalized on. Allowing Raiden to deliver a decisive blow but at the cost of getting impaled by Monsoon's short sword. The fight was long and drawn out but miraculously, Raiden came out on top. He stood over his half dead bother with his blade pointed at his head. He was weak and couldn't go on any longer. He was on his dying bed, but he continued to talk for some reason.

"Kill...or be killed..."

"Don't be ashame monsoon. It's only nature, running its course. Your MEMES end here..."

Raiden mockingly said to his dying brother.

"No.. I passed one... to you... sure as the sun.. ( * coughing up blood * ).. will rise... the slaughter... will continue... "

A bit confused by his speech; Raiden allowed him to continue just for a bit longer.

"Now I return... to the earth... Wind blows, rain falls... the strong... prey... on the weak... all is as it should.... be"

Before he could say one more word Raiden stab the tip of his blade into the center of Monsoon's head. Dealing one final blow to end his talk. As this happened, Raiden fell to the ground. He didn't have the energy to continue on. He was mentally and physically exhausted.

(Exiting flash back)

Once more he came too but as he did, the mob boss and his guards were seemingly distracted. Raiden used this as a means to escape for now to later return and exact his revenge. The man did something for him though, and that was unlock a certain part of his memory that was seemingly gone.


Raiden suddenly jumped up from that deep sleep, sweat running all over his body. He looked at his hand. He was poisoned. His body has been infiltrated by something other than the red fever sickness. Due to his clan abilities, he knew this about his body. Utilizing a further ability of his clan, he would use his chakra to erase the poison. He wasn’t sure how or when he received the poison but that was behind him now. Instead, he simply stood up and continued his journey in search for the red fever cure.



Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Came from:ō-103.756116/post-22068629

This post begins a mission utilizing the following elements:

  • Utilize one’s new skill for the first time (4)
  • Fight against a corrupted animal or human (4)
  • Convince an enemy to fight with you (4)

With her message sent to Sado now out the way; Mirabelle continues to travel through the Badlands of Earth, arriving into the Glistening Flats. She landed on the ground; into the open expanse of the terrain. She didn’t spend much time here in all honesty, almost forgetting it was property of the village but in the end it was part of her route she needed to take. She came to a slow pace, watching the non-existing flora surrounding the area, she almost felt bad for it. “Perhaps when I come back, I should redo this area of the village…make it livelier” she thought to herself, only to get a mental scoff from the Nibi. Her brows kitted inwards into a frown, as she projected herself into her subconscious to become face to face with the Nibi once more. “You’ve got a problem with my idea?” she asked but the flaming cat didn’t reply. Sure it was a cat, but it wasn’t a normal one that’s for sure. It’s lazy personality only felt like a farce to get under her host’s skin, and well, it’s working. “You know, instead of being a stick in the mud, you can at least attempt to try and be somewhat cool with me” she told the Nibi but the creature finally opened it’s eyes and glared daggers. “You’re asking a lot from me, human. Don’t push it” it replied and returned back into its neutral position. Mirabelle sighed, as she retuned back into the normal world; as her eyes caught sight of smoke in the distance. “What’s going on over there…” she wondered, as she speed up once more and headed into the direction.

Slowly a few minutes passed as she arrived; finding a caravan of people. Mostly consisting of what you can call average folks, they seemed spooked out the moment she appeared. “P..please, we gave you all the money already…just leave us alone…” one man spoke, arms out in front of him. Mirabelle was confused, as she slowly approached showing no signs of aggression. “What happened here?” she asked, causing the group to murmur amongst one another for a second until the same man replied again. “We…got robbed by bandits. We were in transit to Lake Acuity, but then some bandits showed up and stole all our possessions…which included any form of identifications and…” but before he can continue, Mirabelle did the “shhh” gesture with her right index finger. “I’ve heard enough; I’ll get you you’re stuff back, I promise” she said. The folks watched her in a perplex way, until one of them recognized her. “Oh! That’s the Tsumikage!” it was a child who announced it, but the others weren’t exactly excited. “Aren’t you supposed to be in some…Underworld or something” the initial male asked once more. She sighed, realizing sooner or later if people started realizing it was her questions would raise. “I’m a clone of her, don’t worry about it haha” she lied, immediately getting up and kneading a gentle breeze to blow over the land mark.

(Fuuton: Chakra Kenpa no Kaze) - Wind Style: Chakra Sensing Breeze
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: A wind technique similar to the chakra sensing rain technique, the user infuses their chakra into the surround air create a light breeze across the battlefield. This breeze is capable of sensing the chakra of people or objects it comes in contact with. The breeze will die out after three turns once activated and can only be used twice per battle.
~Deactivates after three turns.
~Can only be used twice per battle.
(Kansō) Requip
Type: Tool
Rank: D
Range: Self
Chakra: -5 chakra per transformation
Damage: N/A
Description: Requip is a unique brand of ninja technology namely used for those always on the move. Coming in the form of apparel; the user has the innate ability to have clothing that morphs and changes form in order to suit their needs. Within the fabric of the clothing – there exists specialized ninja technology that controls the strings and thus with the use of chakra can command it to take any form she desires. This can range from shifting from casual wear to combat ready clothing on the fly. It mimics any clothing the user may also have somewhere at home and even the coloration changes as well. This combines two aspects: the Henge no Jutsu and the morphing capabilities of the microfibers but the transformation is permanent until changed again. Transforming the clothing is passive and doesn’t take a move slot however needs – 5 per use to do so. While transforming a bright light is also emitted to prevent others from seeing the transformation until it fully forms if needed.

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Found em” she said, drawing her nodachi – and shifting into a new part of clothing as she prepared for combat. “Please remain here, I’ll be right back” she said as the male nodded. Immediately she rushed towards the north, about ten miles away but due to her incredible speed; she would arrive in time flat. Seems they were trying to flee towards the Darkcloud Peaks but in only a matter of time she caught up to them. One of the watchmen of the bandits noticed Mirabelle approaching at high speeds, his eyes widening. “Gentlemen, we have company” he announced to the others as they stopped in their tracks. “Well well well, if it isn’t the Kage of Sin. What’s a pretty lady like you doing out here?” another one of them asked, but she didn’t answer. “Not interested in small talk huh? GET HER!” the leader, named Watson would order. The bandits consisted of four men including the leader. Watson remained behind, watching his henchmen engage in combat. “You’re mine!” the first one said, approaching to perform a left hook to Mira’s face but she would swing her sword into the path of the fist to intercept it with the flat side of the blade.

From behind her; one of the men started making a quick string of hand seals, as he inhaled and exhaled. “Fireball Jutsu!” he yelled, prompting her to push the first attacker back as she kneaded her own fire chakra to spew a fireball of the same size and power. As the two techniques clashed, another of the henchmen had jumped into the air, fist coated with
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lightning – but before he can strike her, Mirabelle simply released flames form her feet to push her out of the path of the impact zone, as she skid across the ground. The three men regrouped side by side, as Watson got off. “Not bad for a girly” he spit, spitting off to the side, but before he and his team can continue – the ground started to rumble. “What the…” Mirabelle said; as the quaking suddenly caused her to lose her balance. “RAAAAAAWWWWRRRR” a deep voice roared not too far from them. Everyone frantically looked to see what it was; only for the creature in question to pierce through the surface of the terrain. “Crap…” Mirabelle said, watching as a draconic like creature reared it’s long body out from below the surface.

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(Katon: Gōenkyū) - Fire Release: Great Blaze Ball x2 (Mira & NPC)
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user after performing two hand seals Horse → Tiger exhales a big-sized sphere of fire that carries the enemy away and causes a massive explosion on impact. The fire ball has a given solidity property to it, being able to punch through solid obstacles without exploding.
(Raiton: Chidori) - Lightning Release: One Thousand Birds (NPC)
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user must first perform the following sequence of hand seals Ox → Rabbit → Monkey → Dragon → Rat → Bird → Ox → Snake → Dog → Tiger → Monkey and they will then focus lightning chakra into their hand to create a lightning jutsu that is concentrated in the user's palm and thrusted toward the opponent at high speed. The lightning in the user's palm sounds like birds chirping, hence the name, and allows the user to perform high grade cutting damage or high penetration piercing thrusts.
Note: Someone who mastered lightning release can perform chidori with just the Ox hand seal.
Note: Uchiha Sasuke and Kakashi Hatake bios can use the technique without handseals
(Katon: Metsuryū Hokasui) - Fire style: Dragon Slayer Fire Stream
Type: Attack/Defence
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user will focus their fire chakra into their hands or feet. The the user will surround their hands of feet in flames releasing a blast of fire from their hands like when a rocket blasts off. This concerntrated stream will travel up to mid range. Due to the power of the flames, if the user doesn't have his feet firmly on the ground the blast of fire will push him in the opposite direction to which the flames are traveling.

Note: can only make max of 2 blasts per use

It would immediately charge a bolt of electricity from its mouth as it splits off into spears and strike everyone present. However, Mirabelle would retaliate releasing her own beam of electricity to counter them. The bandits however were ready to bounce. Mirabelle would notice this, as she ran towards them, unleashing a crimson wave of chakra at them. “Bitch are you crazy!” Watson said as he released a barrier of hot energy in front of him and his crew. “You’re not getting away that easy!” she said, but the dragon creature wasn’t done, it’s body would burrow back into the ground – as it traveled closer towards them. “Look, that thing is going to kill us…we need to work as a team and kill first, then we settle our own shit…” she said, causing Watson to sigh in annoyance. “Fine, but only me. My men stay outta this for now” he said jumping off the bandit’s own cart. The dragon would pierce through the ground once more, now only three meters in front as it become reared up for another attack. “Now!” she commanded, but before she can even thing – the Nibi in all it’s cheekiness was amused by this and released some of its chakra into Mirabelle. As she attempted to release a stream of red fire, blue fire was released from her mouth as Watson released a ball of heated energy into the sky, and with a snap of fingers commanded it to break down into miniature balls of heat to strike the creature.

(Raiton: Gian) - Lightning Style: False Darkness x2 (Mira& NPC)
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Descripton: The user, after performing the Snake handseal, emits lightning in the shape of a spear from their hands or mouth which then pierces the enemy. Kakuzu, the original user, shoots the technique from his Lightning mask's mouth. Its destructive power is great enough to even pierce through rock; meaning it has a high killing potential. The user can increase the number of spears to attack multiple enemies by branching the main spear. This, coupled with the sheer speed of the lightning, makes it a difficult technique to evade. This strong attack can be defended against by an equally strong attack of the same element such as Raikiri.
(Shakuton: Arumagedon) Scorch Release: Armageddon
Rank: S-Rank
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will channel their scorch chakra into the sky and form a giant orb the size of giant boulder. The user will then snap their fingers and cause the orb to explode into a fiery meteor strike of mini orbs of scorch, the size of Aburame bugs. The scorch orbs pack a good impact and burn anything they touch while the user can manipulate where they hit, allowing them to remain safe.
Note: Can only be used twice
( Aoi Katon ) - Blue Fire Release
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B - S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 20 - 40
Damage: 40 - 80 (80)
Description: A skill unique to the Two-Tails and it's Jinchuriki, this jutsu allows the user to manipulate Blue Fire in an assortment of ways. Formed after making the appropriate handseals, this allows the user to release blue flames in the form of fireballs, streams of fire, and even blue flame based familiars to attack on the user's command. These Flames carry no properties of Blue Fire beside the basic variant which shares the same traditional properties of normal Fire Release except the weakness to Water.
Note: This can only be used by Matatabi and it's Jinchuriki.
Note: Intangible or Spiritual Blue Flames can only be utilized if their respective skills have been acquired.

I…” she was perplexed, but the Nibi didn’t say anything; Mirabelle was amazed by this sudden discovery of power. “Nibi…why?” she wondered, but she couldn’t think on it for now, she would see the creature leaking black mud like substance from its body. “It was corrupted by the black mud…” she said out loud, causing Watson to raise a brow. Anyways; the creature had enough, as it quickly released violent red vapor from it’s mouth to immediately start attempt to kill all the humans present. “Hit it hard!” she commanded, immediately as she inhale and exhaled another powerful stream of blue flames but Watson would command two of his goons to appear and place their hands on their backs. As they both infused chakra into Mirabelle and Watson to empower their techniques, with his own being a powerful wind stream. This would immediately destroy the red haze, but one of the attacks continuing with enough power to completely kill the dragon, as it feel down into black sludge. With it finally downed, she would turn back to them however and aimed her sword at them. “Give em back now…” she said, but the bandits didn’t budge at first, but then Watson raised his hand, gesturing to his men.

Only because you spared us the extra hand to take down that beast…but next time we meet, it wont be so friendly” he said as they quickly disappeared in black smoke. Mirabelle would take the cart and quickly raced the miles back to deliver it back to the rightful owners. “Thank you so much…” they said to her. “All in a days work” she said, as she left guided them to their destination.

(Heiruzu) – Vile Haze
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 60
Damage: 120
Description: A technique cast on Sea of Life material currently on the battlefield, or from the user’s own mouth. The technique essentially converts Sea of Life material, in its mud state in either the user’s body or in the surrounding environment, into a toxic black vapor. The black smog, when produced from the user’s body, will fill an area mid-range around them. When used from Sea of Life material, the smog will form in a one range-radius larger than the applied quantity; for example, if the user uses this on a pool of Sea of Life that is short-range in radius, the vapor will fill an area equivalent to mid-range. The toxic vapor is remarkably hot, capable of melting solid matter although it cannot harm the user or their Sea of Life familiars in any way. It is extremely hazardous to living things not currently influenced by the Sea of Life, meaning other Children of Tiamat are immune to the effects of this technique. Vile Haze also does not carry with it the intrinsic properties of the Amino-Geis. This technique can be used three times per battle.
( Aoi Katon ) - Blue Fire Release (Mira)
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B - S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 20 - 40
Damage: 40 - 80 (80 + 40 = 120)
Description: A skill unique to the Two-Tails and it's Jinchuriki, this jutsu allows the user to manipulate Blue Fire in an assortment of ways. Formed after making the appropriate handseals, this allows the user to release blue flames in the form of fireballs, streams of fire, and even blue flame based familiars to attack on the user's command. These Flames carry no properties of Blue Fire beside the basic variant which shares the same traditional properties of normal Fire Release except the weakness to Water.
Note: This can only be used by Matatabi and it's Jinchuriki.
Note: Intangible or Spiritual Blue Flames can only be utilized if their respective skills have been acquired.

(Fūton: Atsugai) - Wind Style: Pressure Damage (NPC)
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60 + 40 = 100
Description: The user does the Ram handseal and inhales, kneading his chakra into his lungs, exhaling a huge blast of wind that levels anything in its path. Can cause major damage and requires a sufficient chakra level to perform. This large wind blast moves in tremendous speed and cannot be controlled. If the user gets caught in it, it will harm him also.
(Chakra Tensõ no Jutsu) Chakra Transfer Technique x2 (NPC)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (same as the amount transferred)
Damage: N/A
This is an advanced ability that ninjas with great chakra control can learn to use and that Bijuu possess innately. The user will release his or hers unmolded chakra onto another ninja, effectively transferring it. The technique has many uses, from restoring an allies chakra to releasing him from a Genjutsu or simply to give him more chakra to mold, allowing him to drastically boost the power of a technique. Tsunade could even use this technique, together with her Creation Rebirth technique to, in conjunction with her summon Katsuyu, heal multiple people at the same time during Pain's attack on Konohagakure. If used to power the use of a technique, the recipient of the chakra can boost one technique by adding +20 chakra to it which increases its damage by +40. To do this, the recipient must mold the technique while the user of Chakra Tenso no Jutsu is transferring chakra into him, meaning that both the transfer and the technique must be done at the same time. The transfer can only be done with direct contact between user and target and restores the targets chakra by up to 100 points per turn. The technique can even be used by ninjas with natural energy passively coursing through their chakra flows, as a medical ninja's near perfect chakra control enables them to filter the unwanted and sometimes harmful energy from entering the recipients chakra system.
Note: Only usable by bios with great chakra control (NB Medical Ninjas, Hyuuga bios, Canon Medical Ninjas). Bios seen using it in the manga can also use it.
Note: Cannot be used to power the users own techniques.
Note: Usable 3 times per battle.

End of mission and LLM.