Custom Fighting Style Technique Submission

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Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
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Please be sure to read the before making a submission.

±±Custom Fighting Style Techniques±±

Once you have an approved Custom Fighting Style (which is submitted and checked in ), you can make techniques for that style and submit them here to be checked.​

±± How to submit a Custom Technique? ±±

1. Step One: Pick the Name and Japanese Translation. Use this to help you. Be sure to name the techniques correctly by stating the skill/element/area to which the technique belongs. Don't use Japanese in Kanji form; use standard Romanji instead.

2. Step Two: Chose the type of your Custom Technique.


3. Step Three: Rank The Jutsu According to Power and Effects.


4. Step Four: Put a Range in your Jutsu.

Short Range
Mid Range
Long Range

5. Step Five: Fill in the correct Chakra and Damage points for the rank of the technique

E Rank: 05 Chakra / 10 Damage
D Rank: 10 Chakra / 20 Damage
C Rank: 15 Chakra / 30 Damage
B Rank: 20 Chakra / 40 Damage
A Rank: 30 Chakra / 60 Damage
S Rank: 40 Chakra / 80 Damage
Forbidden: 50 Chakra / 90 Damage

Note: In certain types of techniques, some of the fields (either Damage or Chakra) may not be required to fill, like with the damage of a defensive technique . If that is the case simply put N/A (Non-Aplicable).

6. Step Six: Describe the Jutsu.

Make a brief description of your jutsu and its effects. Don't forget to make it clear and understandable by using proper grammar. Keep it simple and clean. Also, you are required to make a logical explanation of how you achieve the effect of the jutsu. For example, if you have a technique that states "can detect enemy's location" you are required to explain how that is achieved.

7. Step Seven: Resctritions.

Add any restrictions that are deemed necessary for the rank of the technique and its correct use. Usage limit, duration limit, etc. Don't forget to make it logical and simply don't add restrictions in an attempt to make your technique more approvable. Restrictions won't change the fact that your technique may be OverPowered. In terms of logic, it pertains to the correct comprehension of the RP and its skills. For example, a high rank Lava technique would affect your use of Lava and to a minor extent, Fire and Earth but it wouldn't affect your use of Water.

8. Step Eight: Post and Wait for Approval!

±± Template for Custom Techniques ±±

Note: between the first bolded code, simply insert the name of the technique.

±±Formatting Restrictions±±

-No submission that uses font or formatting alterations such as underline, bold, allignement, color, size, spoilers, etc will be checked. The only exception is that you are allowed to Bold or underline the title of each technique you submitt and you can use spoilers for videos or images you need to post for references.

-An exception to the above rule is the requirement to bold the alterations on re-submissions. Its required that every altered or add part is bolded. If you simply take out something, write beneath the jutsu stating "I took out the part where...".


-When resubmitting a custom that was previously declined, you need to quote the original submission and bold the parts you changed in your new submission.

±±Declined, Do Not Resubmit±±

-When one of your techniques was declined with a "Do Not Resubmit" note, you can't resubmit that technique without the permission of the Staff member who checked that technique.

±±Submissions and Amount of Customs±±

-Only the Creator of the Custom Fighting Style can submit techniques for it. In case the Creator becomes inactive for an extended period of time or if he wishes to, he can grant others permission to submit jutsu as well.

-You can submit up to 10 CFS techniques for each CFS you own.

-You can submit up to 4 CFSJ per cycle.

±±Custom Jutsu Users±±​

-Once you get your custom techniques approved you are required to post them in your own custom jutsu thread in the

-You are required to post every jutsu you made and all jutsu that others allow you to use.

-Each and everyone of your custom techniques posted in your thread needs to be numbered (from #1 to #10) for each of your own Custom Fighting Styles.

-When posting your technique, you are required to post the link to the style's approval, by copying the link to the individual post in which the technique was approved.

-You are forbidden to use any custom technique that isn't posted in your own custom jutsu thread.

-The custom jutsu thread is your responsibility and its your duty to keep it up to date, clean and complete.


-"Markers", or empty posts (with no actual custom jutsu being submitted) created for the sole purpose of being edited later on, are strictly forbidden and shall be considered as nothing more than spam.

-Any post that does not contain a custom technique submission is considered spam and thereby falls under the violation of the of Narutobase.

-Posting a technique that has requirements such as bios or tests and that are pending approval or verification is considered posting a marker. When you post a technique you are required to make sure you fulfill all the conditions needed to do so. That includes training, bios, permissions, etc. Posting them ahead of having the requirements to do so to get your submission checked faster is considered posting a marker and is punishable.

±±Ripping and Copying±±

-You cannot copy or bluntly base your submissions in another members submission without his or hers permission. This is strictly forbidden and is a severe offense.

-If you find a submission that you feel is too much like yours or that is clearly and bluntly a copy of any of yours, please contact one of the RP mods with the link to your technique and the one that supposedly copies yours.

-The RP Mods may require you to prove you have traded a given jutsu. Be sure you can provide such proof if required.


-No one is allowed to edit his/her post after a moderator has already edited it. Resubmit if you feel that your technique needs to be altered in some way.

±±Alternate Accounts±±

-You are hereby forbidden to submit techniques from your alternate accounts in the same cycle you submit techniques with your main account.

-You cannot exchange techniques between your accounts, allowing techniques from your main on your alternate account and vice-versa, bypassing the limit for custom techniques.

-Failure to abide these rules may lead to infraction and in some cases, to a temporary/permanent ban of your alternate or main accounts from the RolePlay.

±±The Red Rule±±

-The red rule exists and you should check it if you don't know what it is. Bugging any RP mod regarding CJs that were declined and to which you weren't required to contact the given mod, is breaking said rule. The techniques are declined for a reason which is most of the times explained even if we are not required to do so. This is never respected but I urge you to start taking this seriously.

±±The Blue Rule±±

-You aren't allowed to direct us into how to check your customs or tell us to make edits on the submissions to make them approvable. Also, providing expressions like "I talked to X senior sensei and he said its possible" or any variation of such expressions is forbidden. Adding explanations outside the technique's description (or, by that matter, any expression or sentence directed at us) is also forbidden. Anything you wish to explain you need to do so in the technique itself, using the correct template, as it needs to be perfectly understandable by anyone if its to be approved. The necessity to explain or justify things outside of it renders such premise invalid and thus makes the technique unapprovable.


-NB's moderators have every right to deny any move we wish without true explanation, because some techniques submitted do not reach a certain criteria that we feel should be accepted. Please do not complain, please do not argue, just take it as it is and please move on by creating something else. Most Jutsus however will state a reason why a technique or custom will not be accepted.


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Punk Hazard

Active member
Apr 21, 2011
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(Tsubaku no Ken-Sending: Tsubasa no Sutoraiki)Dance of the Blade Sage: Wing Strike
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Description:After calling forth all eight blades stored on their back, the user will launch four of them forwards in a spiraling formation while channeling Wind Chakra throughout each of the blades. The wind chakra will spiral around the blades, forming a solid mass of wind around them, giving the blades an appearance similar to that of a drill made of wind. The four blades will strike the opponent in the midsection, with the blades impaling deeply as the wind "drill" causes the enemy to be blown backwards. As the opponent is thrown through the air, the user will direct the remaining for blades towards them, moving around them and doubling back to impale the opponent in the back, finishing them off.
-Can only be taught by Riker Slade
-Can only be used three times per battle .with a 3 turn cooldown period in between uses.
-After using, the user cannot use any Dance of the Blade Sage jutsu for two turns.

✦ Approved, made edits. ✦

(Genjutsu: Sensu Mukanshin )Illusion Arts: Sense Apathy
Description:The user will instill a Genjutsu on the opponent that takes immediate affect. The Genjutsu causes the opponent's brain to memorize the sensation that one of their senses is picking up at that moment, and then replicates that sensation in a constant loop. For example, if the user chooses the sense of hearing, then what the opponent is hearing at the time the Genjutsu takes effect will be what they hear throughout the entirety of the technique. It essentially pauses one of their senses for a limited amount of time, blocking it from picking up changes while active. This technique can effect sight as well, but can not cause sensation to combine with an attack. Instead they might continuously see the same picture that they were initially looking at even when they move away or attempt to divert their eyes else where, leaving a "permanent photo" in their heads. What makes this technique special is it remains constant to memorizing that specific sense until broken or dispersed.
-Can only be used three times per battle
-Can only affect one sense at a time
-Can only be taught by Riker Slade
-Lasts for three turns per usage

✦ Declined, has been done before regarding the visual aspect. Looping the sound heard could be seen as an Ototon Genjutsu as well. Also would need a cool down period before it can be reused. And add handseals as well. ✦

CFS approved here:
(Tsubaki no Ken-Sending: Gokuaku Resshō)Dance of the Bladed Sage: Villainous Laceration
Damage:60[+10 if used with an element]
Description:The user will direct two of his blades towards the opponent in a downwards arc, causing them to fly towards the opponent from above in a diagonal arc. The blades will then swirl around the opponent before lodging into the ground, causing the wires attached to them to coil tightly around the opponent's entire body. Due to being infused with chakra and their natural strength, the wires are extremely hard to break and will restrict movement. The user will then quickly retract the blades in the reverse of the formation it went to coil around the opponent, causing the wiring to shred through the opponent's skin as it retracts, leaving them to bleed out. Due to the intense natures, number and size of the wounds, particularly on the neck, the opponent would have a very short window of time before bleeding out. The user can mentally cause the chakra infused on the wiring and sword to transform into one of three natures to in increase damage and add an effect: Wind to make deeper and cleaner cuts, Fire to cause the cuts to become severely burned, or Lightning to numb the body as the wire cuts through it.
-Must be a practitioner of the Dance of the Bladed Sage
-Can only be taught by Riker Slade

✦ Declined, for one no restrictions on this. How many times can it be used? Cool down period? No to the +10 damage due to being elemental chakra used as well; I dont like this precedence Nanazai is trying to establish early. ✦

(Genjutsu: Naraku no soko)- Illusionary Arts: Word's Lost in the Abyss
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: A specific genjutsu, with a simplistic usage. The user will channel their chakra into the brain of the opponent which takes immediate effect. The moment the opponent open their mouth, their tongue will feel as if it has been grabbed, and to them it is getting pulled out of their mouth. As soon as the tongue is shown it will proceed to forcefully wrap around the throat of the opponent, choking them and restricting their airways. After a set of turns (2) they will fall unconscious due to the lack of oxygen. This technique helps prevent jutsus the opponent might cast that requires to come out of their mouth to be stopped prematurely. This technique can be performed and activated in two ways. Either dormant- which allows this technique to extend to projectiles and streaming techniques as well as fast movement with the mouth (such as biting), or when an opponent is using a streaming technique, the user can activate this technique to cast the genjutsu stopping the technique from being fueled and leaving the opponent open for attack, this does not extend to projectiles or fast movement. This technique does not need to be done with just technique performances, as whenever an opponent opens their mouth it occurs, but due to the vagueness of that, specific scenarios would include: technique usage out the mouth, talking to the opponent or ally, trying to bite, whistle etc. Anything outside this logical realm will not cast the jutsu. In reality, the opponent will simply stop what they are doing with their mouth and start to slowly fall to the ground and suffocate. No real damage happens physically to the opponent, but it leaves them open for attack.

Note: Can only be used twice per conflict
Note: Genjutsu lies dormant for four turns
Note: Cannot use genjutsu above A-rank for two turns after this jutsu
Note: Can only be taught by Riker

✦ Declined, hand seals needed for one. I'm confused on how this starts as well; you state the feel like their tongue has been grabbed and pulled out but then say that they feel their tongue wrap around their throat? So which is it? Also, This isn't really a genjutsu, you are causing their body to react in a specific way (the coiling of the tongue) but this means that you are using it to control their actions as that isn't a natural body reaction. Also, the passive and active usages aren't being allowed together. An S rank that lasts dormant for 4 turns also wont be allowed; reduce that dormant period. Twice per conflict and once per opponent. ✦
(Tsubaki no Ken-Sending: Gokuaku Resshō)Dance of the Bladed Sage: Villainous Laceration
Description:The user will direct two of his blades towards the opponent in a downwards arc, causing them to fly towards the opponent from above in a diagonal arc. The blades will then swirl around the opponent before lodging into the ground, causing the wires attached to them to coil tightly around the opponent's entire body. Due to being infused with chakra and their natural strength, the wires are extremely hard to break and will restrict movement. The user will then quickly retract the blades in the reverse of the formation it went to coil around the opponent, causing the wiring to shred through the opponent's skin as it retracts, leaving them to bleed out. Due to the intense natures, number and size of the wounds, particularly on the neck, the opponent would have a very short window of time before bleeding out. The user can mentally cause the chakra infused on the wiring and sword to transform into one of three natures to in increase damage and add an effect: Wind to make deeper and cleaner cuts, Fire to cause the cuts to become severely burned, or Lightning to numb the body as the wire cuts through it.
-Must be a practitioner of the Dance of the Bladed Sage
-Can only be taught by Riker Slade
-Can only be used four times per battle
-Cannot be used in consecutive turns

✦ Approved ✦[/color"]
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Active member
Mar 26, 2011
Trait Points

Yūgana Ken: Tenkei Songu | Graceful Fist: Heaven's Song
Type: Supplementary, Offensive
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: Heaven's song is considered the basic form of the Graceful Fist. The user will gather a large sum of fuuton chakra towards every point of their body and release it forward to create a semi-transparent white aura around the users body (finger tips, limbs, stomach area, etc.). When releasing this style the users take up the properties of fuuton chakra that corresponds with Graceful fist. The user will feel much lighter and fluid when using the style, especially in hand to hand combat where the user will be able to react with ease. This is because Graceful fist allows the user to watch the opponents every move with high level of clarity, this allows the user to counter an opponents attack in hand to hand combat. Due to being much lighter with the wind chakra around their body the user will be able to leap further and move around quicker. The user will also obtain a higher attack potency in battle. The user, whenever they deliver a attack towards the opponent it will cause serious sharp cutting pain because of the attributes the fighting style takes up. The sharp pain is precise and accurate furthermore since the user has high knowledge of the human body, knowing where every muscle and ligament are located they can use this cutting property to cut the muscles because of the sharpness this fighting style grants towards the user. This means the user can rip a muscle of the opponents biceps for example and completely render that arm useless or move with serious pain.
- Can only be used three times per-match.
- Must be a practitioner of Yūgana Ken | Graceful Fist
- Can only be used in conjunction with Graceful Fist techniques.
-Approved- Assuming the wind aura doesn't guard against punches or elemental techniques of any kind.

Yūgana Ken: Tenkei Songu | Graceful Fist: Heaven's Song
Type: Supplementary, Offensive
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: Heaven's song is considered the basic form of the Graceful Fist. The user will gather a large sum of fuuton chakra towards every point of their body and release it forward to create a semi-transparent white aura around the users body (finger tips, limbs, stomach area, etc.). When releasing this style the users take up the properties of fuuton chakra that corresponds with Graceful fist. The user will feel much lighter and fluid when using the style, especially in hand to hand combat where the user will be able to react with ease. This is because Graceful fist allows the user to watch the opponents every move with high level of clarity, this allows the user to counter an opponents attack in hand to hand combat. Due to being much lighter with the wind chakra around their body the user will be able to leap further and move around quicker. The user will also obtain a higher attack potency in battle. The user, whenever they deliver a attack towards the opponent it will cause serious sharp cutting pain because of the attributes the fighting style takes up. The sharp pain is precise and accurate furthermore since the user has high knowledge of the human body, knowing where every muscle and ligament are located they can use this cutting property to cut the muscles because of the sharpness this fighting style grants towards the user. This means the user can rip a muscle of the opponents biceps for example and completely render that arm useless or move with serious pain.
- Can only be used two times per-match.
- Stays active for three turns.
- Must be a practitioner of Yūgana Ken | Graceful Fist
- Can be used in conjuction with Graceful Fist, taijutsu, wind based taijutsu techniques and free-form.

Permission to resubmit: [ ]

(Kyu Doragon Jutsu: Shiro Doragon Gekitai) – Nine Arts Dragon: White Dragon Repulse
Rank: C-B
Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: Applying the basic principles of the Nine Arts Dragon the user uses their fuuton chakra to repel enemy attacks in short range of them. Using this technique the user will release wind from any of their tenketsu in short range of their opponent. Unlike other Nine Dragon Art techniques this will act in the opposite way. Instead of propelling the user in a direction of their desire this technique will repel an opponent’s attacks or their entire body completely depending on the amount of chakra the user puts into this technique. In close range the chakra can be released from an arm to block an incoming punch and throw the opponent’s arm off course for example. The user’s arm will also respond to the sudden release of wind as well and be propelled in the opposite direction so the user must account for this in their actions so not to injure themselves. At C-Rank this technique can be used to block simple attacks and repel just those attacks while doing no direct damage to the opponent. At B-Rank this technique can be used against attacks that deal 40 damage points or less or B-rank and below techniques while at the same time knocking them off course.
Note: This technique can only be used once every 2 turns.
Note: At B-Rank this technique can only be used twice.
Note: Must be a practitioner of Kyu Doragon Jutsu | Nine Arts Dragon

✦ Because you are the creator of the CFS, I'll allow you to resubmit techs submitted by others of the style. Besides that, Approved. :p

(Kyu Doragon Jutsu: Shiro Doragon Gekitai) – Nine Arts Dragon: White Dragon Repulse
Rank: C - S
Type: Offensive, Supplementary, Defensive
Range: Short
Chakra: 15 - 40
Damage: 30 - 80
Description: Applying the basic principles of the Nine Arts Dragon the user uses their fuuton chakra to repel enemy attacks in short range of them. Using this technique the user will release wind from any of their tenketsu in short range of their opponent. Unlike other Nine Dragon Art techniques this will act in the opposite way. Instead of propelling the user in a direction of their desire this technique will repel an opponent’s attacks or their entire body completely depending on the amount of chakra the user puts into this technique. In close range the chakra can be released from an arm to block an incoming punch and throw the opponent’s arm off course for example. The user’s arm will also respond to the sudden release of wind as well and be propelled in the opposite direction so the user must account for this in their actions so not to injure themselves. At C-Rank this technique can be used to block simple attacks and repel just those attacks while doing no direct damage to the opponent. At B-Rank this technique can be used against attacks that deal 40 damage points or less or B-rank and below techniques while at the same time knocking them off course. While with the A and S-ranks this technique can be used against attacks that deal 60 or 80 damage points respectively, and while at the same time knocking them off course, and if used directly on an opponent, it will do the damage of that rank in question.
Note: This technique can only be used once every two turns.
Note: The A-rank can only be used three times per-match.
Note: The S-rank can only be used twice times per-match.
Note: Must be a practitioner of Kyu Doragon Jutsu | Nine Arts Dragon

✦ Both Declined, they're fine as is imo ✦
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
(Hoippu Geijutsu: Penérope no Allongé) Whip Arts: Penélope's Allongé
Type: Offensive | Defensive |Supplementary
Rank: C-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
Description: The user will channel a fair amount of chakra into their bodies and whip, using the chakra into slightly increase the speed of user for a few seconds. Once down the user will back flip , side step or even duck directly under the limb(or any evasive movement fit for the situation) evading the impact of a technique but while doing so, the user will move the whip in their hands and swing swiftly towards the enemy inducing them into an illusion(if contact is made). The genjutsu will make it seem as if the user has split into two individuals, creating a fake shadow clone of the user. The shadow clone however will then send its whip to the neck of the enemy, and causing strangling pain to them, though they aren’t affected in reality it leaves them wide open for a follow up attack.

*Can be used once every two turns, genjutsu lasts one turn*

✦ Declined, a few CFS have jutsu like this, evasion techs and while I think it's a good idea, this one isn't different enough to warrant approval. My Drunken Monkey Fist has an evasion tech similarly that casts a genjutsu to fool the opponent as I escape as well. ✦

(Hoippu Geijutsu: Esupowaaru Déçus) Whip Arts: Espoirs Déçus
Type: Offensive
Rank: A -rank
Range: Short - Mid(distance whip can go)
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will channel chakra into their whips and using the chakra, they will hit the enemy with their whip. If physical contact is made, the target will be induced into a powerful illusion. Instantly after the effect of the illusion takes place, the point of impact with the whip will feel as if it was hit x1000 times harder then they initially thought. The pain is so intense that, as if a giant foot crushed the limb of impact. The target in reality will be unable to move the limb of impact due to the amount of pressure the illusion induces; it seems as if the limb was really crushed.

*Can be used 4 times, each use lasting two turns.

✦ Approved, removed the freeform hit part. That would mean you could add +40 damage to an A rank jutsu. Also the dormant genjutsu part makes no sense as the genjutsu triggers on hit and not sits in them and activates later. It wouldn't be dormant, it'd linger two turns. Also felt two usages was prettt extensive. ✦

Link to approval:
Permission to submit Whip Arts CJ:
Trained Here:

(Satan no honō: Haipā hinshi suru mōdo)Satan's Flame:Hyper Dying Will Mode
Chakra: 40(-5 per turn actiave)
Description:Hyper Dying Will Mode is the last and final stage of the Satan's Flame,the user while clasp his hands together,having the flare blue fire around them,there fingers will being a triangular form and on the users forehead a small flare in the shape of a V,will appear on there head.While standing the user will channel only his fire chakra around his body causing the area around him to heat up making it hard for unexpericened ninja(ninja of lower ranking of user)to vacute the area(short range).The users hand and the V will be sparking like starting a fire.Once the balance is made the user will open his eyes and complete the transformation of creating the Hyper Dying Will Mode.The user will have a fully lite blue/red fire around his hands and a flaring V on his forehead.While in this mode then user only has acess to Taijutsu,Satan's Flame and Fire related Techniques.The area around the user will make most shinobi backway from the heat radiating from them(other Satan's Flames students are unaffected).The mode boosts there Taijutsu by +5 due to the fire being instensly hot and Fire Related Ninjutsu gain +5 as well,the mode is however vunerable to A-Rank water due to it will extinguish the flames on there user,but even so the user can stop channeling there chakra to there fists and forehead to prevent them from outing and then can reignite them.The users can also unleash streams of fire from the hands to allow the to fly up to mid range by continously project fire from there body.

-Mode last 4 turns and leaves user taxed out-
-Stopping the mode counts as a move and reduces the mode activation by 1 turn
-Can only be used with Fire,Taijutsu and other Satan's Flame Related moves-
-Must learnt Satan's Flame-
-Can only be used once per battle-

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(Satan no honō: Hageshī sukarubasshu)Satan's Flame:Fiery Skull Bash
Description:The user will coat there forehead with blue/red fire and will begin channeling more chakra till it looks like devil horns.The user will then run at full speeds and headbutt the target with a fiery head bash causing not only physicial damage but will also leave burn marks on the targets head.
-Can be used 5 times-
-Can only be taught by Asuna-


(Satan no honō: Kikku no akuma no o shiri!)Satan's Flame:Kick Satan's Butt!
Description:The user will mimick the Hyūga Clans traditional stance,as they do they coat there fingers tips which are formed together(middle and index) and will begin strking the target at random spots,unhowever there not insering chakra into the target but simply touching the surface of there skin.After unleashing a barrage of 32 consecutive hits the user will then coat there feet in flames and unleash a kick into the targets chin sending them flying into the air, then the user will run and jump into the air by propelling flames from there hands and will smash a fiery fist into the target sending them flying into the ground.

-Can only be used 3 times-
-Must be taught by Asuna-


Approved CFS:
Updating/Revamping (Satan no honō: Haipā hinshi suru mōdo)Satan's Flame:Hyper Dying Will Mode into this:

(Akuma Homura: Rushifaa no Kigen)Satan’s Flame: Origins of Lucifer
Type: Offensive
Rank: A -rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 30(40 for non-masters, but requires -5 chakra per turn)
Damage: N/A(+10 with Tajutsu/Satan’s Flame)
Description: This technique encompasses the mastery of the entire style of Akuma Homura, being the full mastery jutsu of the technique. This technique starts off by the user channeling his chakra passively/actively around his body, causing the limbs around his body to become invoked with the flames of Akuma Homura. The fire then spreads from head to hands, all the way to their legs. On the forehead of the user, small flames which are slightly brighter than most of the areas appears as small horns showing the true devilish intent of the style as well as mastery of it. The flames emitted are bright red or blue for those who has placed Akuma Homura as mastery in there bio. Although passively activated, it’s not passive when used by a normal user of the style, meaning it requires mastery to passively activate. Once activated the users body becomes harder to touch due to the resonating heat around from the flames. Anyone that touches them will take-10 damage and will leave slight burn marks on the skin. The user’s taijutsu prowess is slightly increased, giving them a +10 in physical hits or when using an Akuma Homura Technique. While active the user is only able to mold fire chakra due to the constant need of having to keep the fire fueled but can use other techniques taijutsu, genjutsu etc as long as it’s none elemental.

*Masters of the style can passively activate this technique at will, but must be listed as there bio’s primary cfs mastery, while other users count as a move*
*When activated by a master it lasts turns but lasts four when used by others*
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Approved CFS:

✦ Declined, the passive activation is a no as well as no to fewer chakra for masters. The Max this would be in use is 5 turns per use as well. I was going to just delete those and approve but outside of that, you have no restrictions for an A rank jutsu. There has to be actual and legitimate restrictions. ✦
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Robot Boy

Active member
Nov 6, 2011
Trait Points
-New Submission-

(Oshie sono Gekiryuu Yajuu: Arekuruu Tsume Kiba) – Teachings of the Raging Beast: Raging Claw Fang
Description: While using Teachings of the Raging Beast: Fenrir, the user will spin ferociously, creating a vacuum vortex in its surroundings and extending the reach of his gatsuuga towards the target, delivering many beast-like attacks while lifting them in the air without moving from his position. After delivering the attacks, the user will finish by charging at the target and claw out the target’s ankle to prevent their escape, then continue on by rapidly slashing them with immense speed and strength, from several angles before sending them crashing into the ground.

-Can only be used twice per battle
-The technique puts a significant strain on the user and as a result he cannot perform S-rank and above Inuzuka techniques next turn


☼ Declined ☼

This is a CFS so you need to link that and its approval.
(Oshie sono Gekiryuu Yajuu: Arekuruu Tsume Kiba) – Teachings of the Raging Beast: Raging Claw Fang
Description: While using Teachings of the Raging Beast: Fenrir, the user will spin ferociously, creating a vacuum vortex in its surroundings and extending the reach of his gatsuuga towards the target, delivering many beast-like attacks while lifting them in the air without moving from his position. After delivering the attacks, the user will finish by charging at the target and claw out the target’s ankle to prevent their escape, then continue on by rapidly slashing them with immense speed and strength, from several angles before sending them crashing into the ground.

-Can only be used twice per battle
-The technique puts a significant strain on the user and as a result he cannot perform S-rank and above Inuzuka techniques next turn

✦ Declined, this resembles Palm Rotation more than Inuzuka traits. The performing this with no moving from your position is a no. ✦


(Oshie sono Gekiryuu Yajuu: Bodi Mōretsuna Kiba) – Teachings of the Raging Beast: Body Slashing Fang
Description: While their ninken is in the beast human clone form and intercepting an aerial-based physical attack, the user and their ninken will straighten their hands out and drive their chakra barrier claws into the target, blocking their attack, and forcing them back into the air before moving in opposite directions while pursuing their target, and deliver many beast-like attack from various angles. After doing this, the user will land, and focus large amounts of chakra into the already existing chakra enveloping the hands and nails, and compresses it. Once he gathers and compresses enough of it, the user will rapidly bolt and attack the target, delivering many rending slashes onto the target, breaking their bones and ripping their skin away. If the user has a hand-based elemental technique or a tool that covers their hand(s), he can enhance the strength of his slashes on the target. The resulting attack sends the target flying further upwards and away.

-Can only be used twice per battle
-Must be in four legged technique
-The user is left unable to perform Inuzuka techniques for the next turn
-After using, the user cannot use any other Teachings of the Raging Beast jutsu for two turns

✦ Approved, added a restriction ✦

( Oshie sono Gekiryuu Yajuu: Brynhild no busō) – Teachings of the Raging Beast: Brynhild’s Armament
Description: In order to counter physical attacks from underground and through the activation of the Teachings of the Raging Beast: Fenrir, the user will jump into air and with either claw, they will straighten their hand out, pointing at the ground, while focusing massive amounts of chakra to shape the claw into a long and gigantic spear with the “blade” resembling a shield, which they use to block the emerging attack. The claw is long and wide enough to cover three humans.

-Can only be used twice per battle with a two turn cool down.
-Must be a member of the Inuzuka Clan and have mastered the teachings
-User needs to be aware of attack prior to usage and can only block attacks of Elemental natures A rank and below, due to being a raw chakra barrier.

✦ Approved, added a restriction ✦

(Oshie sono Gekiryuu Yajuu: Nain seikatsu kiba) – Teachings of the Raging Beast: Nine Lives Fang
Range: Short
Description: While in the teachings of the raging beast: fenrir and when the target attempts to block the initial counter of teachings of the raging beast: the returning slash, the user will increase the sharpness of the other claw to “catch” the second limb or weapon of the opponent’s move before holding it in place. The user then delivers a pummeling, high-speed series of nine strikes with the claw that was previously countered, slashing the upper arm, collarbone, windpipe, temple, diaphragm, rib, testicles, and thighs simultaneously. The attack is done swiftly as if the attacks are overlapping. The last attack targets the enemies’ heart, with the user straightening their hand and delivering a spear-like thrust.

-Can only be used three times per battle
-Must be in the four legs
-Must be a member of the Inuzuka clan

✦ Declined, when referencing other CFSJ, either link their approval or quote it. That way, it's easier to understand what you mean by this. ✦
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Sage of Snakes
Apr 25, 2011
Trait Points
Approved CFS here

(Sishen Liandao Yishu: Shi no Sapuraizu) Reaper Scythe Arts: Death's Surprise
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Points: 30
Description: The user will grab their scythe and place a explosive tag on the blade. The user will channel their chakra into the blade and have the tags multiply that completely cover the blade. Each time the user is able to hit the opponent explosive tags will also be placed and wrap onto the opponent. The tags can be activated by the user whenever they want.
Note: Must know Reaper Scythe Arts
Note: Must be taught by Korra.
Note: Usable 5 times a match

‡ Pending ‡ Leaving for LoK.

✦ Declined, how long does each use last? You aren't coating a scythe and then hitting someone with a Fuuin tag 10 turns later. It'll either fall off or something, idc but not lasting long. ✦
Approved CFS here

(Sishen Liandao Yishu: Shi no Sapuraizu) Reaper Scythe Arts: Death's Surprise
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Points: 30
Description: The user will grab their scythe and place a explosive tag on the blade. The user will channel their chakra into the blade and have the tags multiply that completely cover the blade. Each time the user is able to hit the opponent explosive tags will also be placed and wrap onto the opponent. The tags can be activated by the user whenever they want.
Note: Must know Reaper Scythe Arts
Note: Must be taught by Korra.
Note: Usable 5 times a match
Note: Each use last for 3 turns.

✦Approved ✦
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Active member
Jan 21, 2013
Trait Points
Pharaoh Sickles:

( Oukouchuu Toujutsu: Dagakki ) Pharaoh Sickles: Sistrum

Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: D
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 10
Damage Points: 20
Description: The user manipulates chitin to produce several small needles that can be shot towards the opponent. Given their size and aerodynamic they're twice as fast than the average Pharaoh weaponry, and the natural chromatic effect makes them even harder to spot than normal senbon. Each needle point carries a tiny egg that ecclodes into a small larvae underneath the flesh. Each needle damage is dependent on the user's accuracy. All together, they can do up to 20 generalized damage.

Note: Creates up to 10 needles.
Note: The user can create all the needles inside a chitin instrument and rock it towards an opponent, shooting all at once. When jangled, the instrument does a musical clanking, hence the name.

✦Declined, not keen on letting you put larvae under the skin of an opponent first future jutsu... ✦

( Oukouchuu Toujutsu: Tenso-hime Kakumau ) Pharaoh Sickles: Aegis Shading the Moonlit Netjeret

Type: Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user manipulates chitin to produce a giant round shield. This aggregates layer upon layer of tightly compact filaments in a blink of an eye, serving as the ultimate protection of the style. The density and architecture of the shield create a smooth surface because all the irregularities are unnaturally even, creating microscopic spikes that perform a chakraphobic surface, similar to hydrophobic like some plants and insects' exosqueletons. When a chakra-created technique, including elemental ninjutsu, of the same rank, collides with the shield, it structure and power is dispersed all around the shield, protecting the user once. When the user moves the shield around, the spikes reflect the light in such a way that instead of showing a multitude of colors, they can divert light and give the appearance of invisibility to anything standing behind the shield. The user is able to create smaller shields that have no special properties, but are even faster in their creation. They can still protect against Taijutsu up to one rank above them, but are only A rank in strength, 30 chakra.

Note: Can stay or 3 turns until neutralized or overpowered.
Note: Non-Chakra Techniques behave with the shield like a normal Pharaoh Weapon.
Note: Can only be used three times per battle.
Note: Requires 3 turns cooldown. The user can't perform other Pharaoh techniques in the next turn, or Forbidden techniques in the next two.
Note: Lower ranked version can be used 3 times, requires 2 turns cooldown.

✦ Declined, S rank is too high for this imo as it's a simple shield or chitin that protects from attacks. There's nothing to show have an S rank magnitude while tanking almost all Canon elemental and Tai attacks. I'd have edited but you might want to alter your restrictions accordingly. ✦

( Oukouchuu Toujutsu: Kirikami ) Pharaoh Sickles: Papyrus Cut

Type: Offensive
Rank: B-A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 20-30
Damage Points: 40-60
Description: The user manipulates chitin into producing up to 8 sickles of a myriad of chromatic tones. The user can manipulate them around in midair or wield them manually. They are extremely thin and sharp, as well as fast, like a drawn arrow. The difference in rank pertains to their size, as B rank they are the size of an arm, as A rank they're more like scythes the size of the average male adult. The user performs up to 8 attacks before they turn back into chitin dust.

Note: Requires 2 turns cooldown between usages.
Note: A rank can only be used 4 times.
✦ Approved ✦
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Active member
Feb 15, 2013
Trait Points

Furaingupengin no Ato: Tsubasa no Hitotsu ☁ Art of the Flying Penguin: Wingless One
Type: Offensive
Rank: B-rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: A basis for the Furaingupengin no Ato fighting style. After equipping himself with a sword, the user would tether a connection to himself and the sword via a web, with the usage of spider ninjutsu. The web itself would be more durable than regular steel, albeit a different feel and more versatile in movement due to what the spider web is made of. Then, after rotating the sword for a quick moment, the user would sling the sword at the opponent with a massive increase in speed due to the momentum of the sword from rotating it intensely, and the sword's mass from it being made of a metal. The speed of the sword would be comparable to an arrow being shot from a longbow. Due to the spider web still being connected to the sword and the user, the user would be able to channel chakra into said spider web to augment the trajectory of the sword entirely and without any delay, making this one of the most versatile and basic techniques in the whole fighting style.

☁ Can only be taught by Penguin
☁ Must know Furaingupengin no Ato to learn this technique

‡ Pending ‡ Leaving for Madara.

✦ Pending, what do you mean by "augment the trajectory"? Clarify this. ✦
The user could spin the sword and whip it straight forward with enhanced speed to attack from the front, or by manipulating the silk itself the user can change the direction of the attack so that the sword can reach the sides or backs of the opponent with ease.
Directly from the approved CFS.

Furaingupengin no Ato: Tsubasa no Hitotsu ☁ Art of the Flying Penguin: Wingless One
Type: Offensive
Rank: B-rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: A basis for the Furaingupengin no Ato fighting style. After equipping himself with a sword, the user would tether a connection to himself and the sword via a web, with the usage of spider ninjutsu. The web itself would be more durable than regular steel, albeit a different feel and more versatile in movement due to what the spider web is made of. Then, after rotating the sword for a quick moment, the user would sling the sword at the opponent with a massive increase in speed due to the momentum of the sword from rotating it intensely, and the sword's mass from it being made of a metal. The speed of the sword would be comparable to an arrow being shot from a longbow. Due to the spider web still being connected to the sword and the user, the user would be able to channel chakra into said spider web to alter the trajectory of the sword entirely and without any delay, making this one of the most versatile and basic techniques in the whole fighting style. The augmentation is nothing drastic, just manipulating and altering the path of the attack from the front to either the sides, behind, above, or below.

☁ Can only be taught by Penguin
☁ Must know Furaingupengin no Ato to learn this technique
☁ Can only alter course once per usage.

✦ Approved. The word you went is alter, not augment. Augment means enhance, amplify. That is why on RPG games, certain gems augment abilities of weapons and make them stronger. I've added a restriction to prevent from being abused when altering course. ✦

Furaingupengin no Ato: Itazura Pengin no Puroi ☁ Art of the Flying Penguin: Ploy of the Prankster Penguin
Type: Defensive
Rank: S-rank
Range: N/A
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A (-20)
Description: Itazura Pengin no Puroi is purely a defensive technique in which it redirects the opponent's jutsu back at them. Using the silk attached to the sword, the user would begin spinning their sword infront of them as fast as they could, much like a fan blade spins. After adding regular chakra into the spinning blade to fortify it's strength and add more speed to the spin, it would seem as if it were but a blur, shooting forward small debris from the amount of pure speed from the swinging. If a projectile type jutsu or a streaming type jutsu hit this spinning blade, it would get redirected back towards the original caster with twenty points of damage negated to it. The only drawback of this jutsu is that the user has to have their feet planted and must be stationary otherwise they may lose their balance and cut themselves.

☁ Can be used three times per conflict
☁ Must know Furaingupengin no Ato to learn this technique
☁ Can only be taught by Penguin

✦ Declined, lol redirecting jutsu? No. ✦
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Active member
Jun 22, 2012
Trait Points
(Kādo no Shinigami : Kauntā no jakku) - Reaper of the Cards : Jack of the Counters
Type: Defense/Offense
Rank: S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 40 (-10)
Damage Points: 80
The user disperses into many cards (this is used after being hit in close combat usually) and the cards will all spread out towards the left and right, revealing a Joker made of chakra with a their usual scythe which they will swing around to try and cut through their enemy. The user can appear at the left or right from the bundle of cards about 5-10 meters from his original position - the bundle of cards will spin around like a tornado revealing the user again where in reality they used transformation to disguise themselves among one of the bundles going left and right. The Joker that replaces the user will be formed above where he stood floating in the air as he slashes downwards to attack and can disperse after that strike, but if the user wishes the Joker can stay on the field to try and keep attacking the enemy but this requires some form of chakra reduction each turn to keep the Joker self-sustaining. The Joker is capable of flight as it has wings made of chakra.

- Can only be used thrice
- Joker remains on the field for three turns or until dispersed
- No S-Rank techniques on the same turn or the next

CFS Approval :
Permission to Submit :

‡ Pending ‡ Leaving for Madara
✦Declined, this doesn't need to be S rank and since it's largely a counter-attack, I see no reason why the joker should last multiple turns. IMO its a 1 time then, used for that quick counter attack, though I'm interested; what happens to you when you are in card form and a jutsu of equal rank hits said cards? ✦
(Kādo no Shinigami : Kauntā no jakku) - Reaper of the Cards : Jack of the Counters
Type: Defense/Offense
Rank: A
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
The user disperses into many cards (this is used after being hit in close combat usually) and the cards will all spread out towards the left and right, revealing a Joker made of chakra with a their usual scythe which they will swing around to try and cut through their enemy. The user can appear at the left or right from the bundle of cards about 5-10 meters from his original position - the bundle of cards will spin around like a tornado revealing the user again where in reality they used transformation to disguise themselves among one of the bundles going left and right. The Joker that replaces the user will be formed either in the air where it will drop down upon it's enemy or can be formed where the user ones was as the cards part away, dashing forward at least 5 meters whilst cutting through anything in it's path with a scythe.

If the user is hit whilst in card form it will act like ordinary transformation, though because of the small protection of them hiding in the bundle of the cards they will have at least B-Rank protection again Elemental Ninjutsu - This means that the Joker will have the other half of the Strength equating to B-Rank as well. They will also prematurely transform back. However the user is still aware of their surroundings. Also the bundle of cards that the user travels with can be used to perform Reaper of the Cards jutsu after he transforms back into his original form.

- Cannot be used Consecutively
- No Reaper of the Cards Jutsu above B-Rank in the same turn
- Joker Disperses After Turn of Posting, User transforms back once he has reached desired destination
- Must Know Reaper of the Cards

CFS Approval :

✦ Approved ✦
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Active member
May 8, 2013
Trait Points

Antatchaburu no enchanto ≈ Aberunasu no seitoku ∾ The Enchant of Untouchable ≈ Arvernus's Innate
Type: Supplementary / Defensive
Rank: D
Range: Short
Chakra: 10 (2 chakra points per each turn to keep it active)
Damage: N/A
Description: A basic technique within the style whereas user would release chakra from their pores as they apply processes of both nature and shape manipulation causing for the chakra to congregate into sticky adhesive like molecules that would surface the body as a cloak. However, they wouldn't quite be visible to the normal eye making them quite hard as to be distinguished. The sticky molecules will easily glue onto anything with which they come in contact with. On one side the layer of molecules could aid user when using them offensively, leaving trails of sticky molecules when performing an offense and hence disabling opponent's parts of the body. On the other, it can also be used so to decrease the power of offense which is coming their way. The sticky molecules would act as protection in a way, where-as an offense has to firstly go through them before getting to the body of the user, keeping in mind that they would stick to anything with which they come in contact with and that is not made out of chakra from the user. This technique stays dormant, and is capable of reducing 10+ damage from incoming ninjutsu-based techniques, and 15+ from Taijtusu based techniques. It would last so as long as the user keep sacrificing chakra for the technique. However this wouldn't increase damage made upon offense. Activation of this technique counts as a full body surge due to how it is performed.

✦ Declined, if it's enough to block a technique, then these molecules would be big enough to see, and if not big enough, would be made with enough of them that it's visible. Decreasing damage doesn't make much sense to me in this case, it's a D rank and likely to not be a large amount of water created. -10 or 15 certainly doesn't make sense and especially not for Ninjutsu based attacks unless they are physical, matter based ones like Earth or Water. When I approved it, it was under the idea of this would be used against Taijutsu, and in that case, it would be understandable that physical damage is reduced. Ninjutsu, perhaps Fire being the exception, wouldnt really suffer a noticeable damage decrease unless it's just a surge of sticky water being released, in which case it clashes with some other CJ. All in all, this is too much for a D rank ✦

Antatchaburu no enchanto ≈ Anextiomarus no ījisu ∾ The Enchant of Untouchable ≈ Aegis of Anextiomarus
Type: Supplementary / Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: Utilizing the basic principles of Impetus of Untouchable user will release adhesive liquid from a desired spot on their body. This is used to render damage of incoming blunt damage/techniques, or even piercing ones but depending on the nature of the technique in question useless. Before the actual contact has been made, the user will through mental willingness expell a portion, almost like a globue outwards to envelop the incoming object gradually slowing it down to the point it never came to touch the user but it would; It would be almost like a feather touch. A secondary application of this technique comes in play when user has been previously covered within the layer of the custom fighting style - It could be done passively the moment that an object comes in contact with the already existing layer of molecules surrounding specific portion of users body.

✦ Declined, as a CFS, your techs need to have a Tai based aspect or have a weapon based aspect. This is just you using a sticky water version of Shinra Tensei in a sense; using the water to push/slow things to the point they dont affect you. It needs a Taijutsu aspect ✦
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Active member
Aug 18, 2012
Trait Points

(Magirawashī kenbu: Ananshi no dansu) Misleading Sword Dance: Dance of Anansi
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 (-10 per turn)
Damage: (+15 to MSD techs, and +10 to kenjutsu)
Description: Dance of Anansi, or DoA, is a special mind state known to higher level practitioners of Misleading Swords Dance. It's a move created to support the base footwork of the style, ironic in its nature, where the user misleads themselves in order to fool the opponent beyond belief. This move is an illusion placed on oneself through direct focus of ones own mind, or in other words chakra throughout their brain, where the user will alter their perception of sight and sensory of touch to the point where they will feel as if they are within a severe state of vertigo with the world spinning around them. MSD practitioners will then begin to rotate their body at increasing speeds in reality as they follow the same direction of the spinning world seen in their own illusion as they attempt to adapt to it. This high speed rotation allows the user's sight to seemingly return to normal as they trick their natural body into thinking that it is up to pace with the spinning illusionary world, and this adjustment stops the vertigo as their perception of sight becomes tunneled. While in this state the user's movements become faster, increasing their base speed by 3, and the constant high speed spinning of the user's body can make their movements seem unreadable, but once blows are thrown the user's spinning comes to a stop, their full sight temporarily back, and then they return to the former state of high speed rotation after delivering the strikes. This spinning motion boosts the strength of MSD techniques, due to the added momentum of rotation, but at the cost of a lingering physical vertigo that lasts for 2 turns after the move ends. Specialists of this style do not experience the tunnel vision or lingering effect of vertigo after the end of the technique due to their perks.
►Lasts for 3 turns
►The initial start of this move expels genjutsu of up to equal rank
►No full body surge techniques can be used while active, and a high enough pain will break the state.
►While in the lingering vertigo the user's speed is decreased by 3
►The user is unable to use taijutsu and kenjutsu above B rank 2 turns afterwards due to the strain on the body
►No genjutsu in the turn following this move's ending
►Can be used 2x per battle

✦ Declined, +3 to base speed is a no; I'll allow a +3 to current speed for jutsu that are reasonable and not just to have one but +3 to base speed is a no. This is similar to a lot of Kenjutsu techs that require concentration and specific movement to give speed bosts and strength increases, one is Ken Ki. The only difference here is you achieve it by casting a gen on yourself. This also clashes with one of the self gens that Reborn has where you cast a gen on yourself and become faster. ✦
(Magirawashī kenbu: Wakusei sunpō) Misleading Sword Dance: Planetary Dimensions
Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Rank: A - S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30 - 40
Damage: 60 - 80
Description: Wakusei sunpō is a technique in Magirawashi kenbu that utilizes the dual swords as they spin separately in the user's hands. Channeling elemental chakra along their edges, being rather swift like many other Magirawashi kenbu techniques, the user will form two separate rings of chakra that can be fired towards the opponent at great speeds. Upon contact or when triggered the chakra rings explode amounting to a collective A rank power, but the true feats of the ring's ability can be achieved through further manipulation as they traverse. Once launched the user can manipulate the rings causing them to swiftly multiply creating various formations that can be used for tactical attacks as they travel forwards, or halting the ring to even trap the target within its field as it multiplies. Each ring by itself can multiply into numerous rings creating formations of various shapes, styles, and sizes, but they can never exceed a 3m diameter. If desired the user can merge both rings as they are fired, the small ring doubling in size, enhancing its capabilities so that it now does full S rank power and is able to multiply within a 6m diameter. The rings multiply quite rapidly, being able to create its formations within moments as each additional ring multiplies, and they are able to be made out of either fire, wind, or earth due to the destructive properties these elements carry. Fire chakra causes a fiery explosion while wind chakra makes the rings burst into a gale of slicing currents. The earth chakra is unique when it comes to this jutsu as the elements brute blunt force is transformed into a form of blunt kinetic energy that is released upon exploding that can cause great blunt damage to the human body damaging skin, muscles, bones, etc. if contact is made.
►Can be use 3x per battle
►No Magirawashi kenbu techniques above A rank in the next turn
►The jutsu has a 3 turn cool down
►Can only be taught by Zanda

Pending: leaving for scorps or MU.

✦ Approved✦
-May not look like much but I edited out some parts and formatted it better to make it less confusing.

(Magirawashī kenbu: Wakusei sunpō) Misleading Sword Dance: Planetary Dimensions
Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: Wakusei sunpō is a technique in Magirawashi kenbu that utilizes the dual swords as they spin separately in the user's hands. Creating kidō using elemental chakra around an individual blade, being rather swift like many other Magirawashi kenbu techniques, the user will form up to two separate rings of chakra that can be fired towards the opponent at great speeds, but the true feats of the ring's ability can be achieved through further manipulation as they traverse. Once launched the user can manipulate the rings causing them to swiftly multiply creating various formations that can be used for tactical attacks as they travel forwards, or even halting the ring to trap the target within its field as it multiplies. Each ring by itself can multiply into numerous rings creating formations of various shapes, styles, and sizes, but they can never exceed a 3m diameter. Upon contact, or when triggered, the chakra rings explode amounting to a B rank power each. The rings multiply quite rapidly, being able to create its formations within moments as each additional ring multiplies, and they are able to be made out of either fire, wind, or earth due to the destructive properties these elements carry. Fire chakra causes a fiery explosion while wind chakra makes the rings burst into a gale of slicing currents. Earth chakra is unique when it comes to this jutsu as the element's brute blunt force is transformed into a form of blunt kinetic energy that is released upon exploding that can cause great blunt damage to the human body damaging skin, muscles, bones, etc. if contact is made.
►Can be use 4x per battle
►The jutsu has a 2 turn cool down
►Can only be taught by Zanda

✦ Approved, got rid of the "per ring" part. That'd basically say you can fire two of these as one jutsu with 40 damage each as a B rank. It'd be divided between the two rings like usual, unless ou want them with 40 damage per ring and costing another jutsu per turn to duplicate like that. If so, message me. ✦

(Magirawashī kenbu: Arago no katamuki) Misleading Sword Dance: Arago's Tilt
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The epitome of Magirawashi kenbu techniques, this jutsu is triggered while the user is twirling at high speeds. While twirling the user will align the blades of his sword so that they are parallel to each other while held on opposing sides of their body. Channeling chakra along the blades edges creating a ring as the chakra connects in the midst of spinning, the user will then stop as the ring expands outwards 5m from the user at a very swift pace. The chakra ring slices through anything within its path as it traverses even being able to cut through earth techniques of the same rank with ease. An elemental factor can be added to this technique by simply using the nature chakra desired, boosting the techniques destruction as an elemental aspect is now added. Fire chakra makes the ring so hot that it cuts through other materials like butter while leaving their interior burned at the location where the contact was made. Water chakra makes the ring lose its definite shape upon release making it resemble more of an omnidirectional wave, as the technique increases in height below and above the initial ring by 1m. The water ring loses its cutting properties delivering a blunt hit instead. Earth chakra increases the density of the ring to the point where it loses its cutting aspect but instead gains a more concussive one that is able to push back targets upon contact while delivering a devastating blunt blow. Lightning chakra increases the speed of the already swift technique being the fastest outwardly expanding application of the ring while delivering a numbing feeling upon the place of contact. This numbing lasts for 1 turn. Wind chakra increases the cutting potential of the ring even making it intangible as the ring expands outwards slicing anything in its path with ease. All rings, except the wind ring, will be broken once physically stopped by a stronger force anywhere along its path, but the wind ring will need to be stopped by a form of energy due to its properties. In the case that the user's swords aren't already drawn, they are allowed to twirl first then draw the swords in order to perform this technique, but its starting process will be slower than if the swords were already drawn.
►Can only be used 1x per turn
►Basic usage can be used 6x per battle
►Elemental usage can be used 4x per battle
►Can only be used by practitioners of this style

✦ Approved, edited and removed small bits ✦
(Magirawashī kenbu: Arago no katamuki) Misleading Sword Dance: Arago's Tilt
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The signature move of Magirawashi kenbu techniques, this jutsu is triggered while the user is twirling at high speeds while performing kidō. After performing kidō the user will then immediately stop as the ring of chakra expands outwards from the user up to the edge of short range at a very swift pace. Using their ability to manipulate the chakra ring created while the ring traverses outwards, the user can manipulate the ring to multiply upwards and/or downwards creating an additional copy of itself, broadening its field of attack. The chakra ring slices through anything within its path as it traverses even being able to cut through earth techniques of the same rank with ease, and the user can create 1 additional ring which will split the damage of the jutsu accordingly. Unlike normal, these rings are not connected when multiplied, and the ring can have a distance of up to 4m separating them. In the case that the user's swords aren't already drawn, they are allowed to twirl first then draw the swords in order to perform this technique, but its starting process will be slower than if the swords were already drawn.
►Can only be used 1x per turn
►Can be used 6x per battle
►Can only be used by practitioners of this style

✦ Approved ✦

(Magirawashī kenbu: Arago no me) Misleading Sword Dance: Eyes of Argos
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: Arago no me, Eye's of Argos, is the advanced form of Arago no katamuki, Argo's Tilt, yet its applications isn't as vast as the junior jutsu. The move starts off with the user performing a high speed twirl as they form Kidō around their body as the swords are held parallel to each other on opposing sides. Just like the junior tech this move creates a single chakra ring around the body, but instead of expanding outwards swiftly after its formation, the ring expands vertically in both directions forming a ring pillar of numerous rings that extend from the ground to the peak of mid.range rather swiftly. The rings are spaced out from each other allowing the user to still see clearly while looking out of the pillar formation, and once the ring pillars are fully erected the user will halt causing the rings to expand outwards at a really rapid pace that can rival the speed of lightning techniques. As these rings travel they will slice through anything in their pathway as they traverse into long range in all directions. Unlike its little sister technique, this move of Magirawashī kenbu can only be used with regular chakra, and if you are not a specialist of this fighting style then the practitioner will suffer a mild vertigo for the remainder of the turn used in. Its effects feel as if the world is spinning around the user for a temporary period.
►Can be used 2x per battle
►No Magirawashi kenbu techniques above A rank in the next turn
►Jutsu has a 3 turn cool-down
►Can only be used by practitioners of this style

✦ Approved, note that the power of this jutsu will be divided by the amount of rings created. Meaning 10 rings equal 80 damage divided by 10, etc. ✦
(Magirawashī kenbu: Arago no me) Misleading Sword Dance: Eyes of Argos
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid.
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: Arago no me, Eye's of Argos, is the advanced form of Arago no katamuki, Argo's Tilt, a jutsu that is initiated with a high speed twirl followed by performing kidō. Just like the junior tech, this move creates a single chakra ring around the body, but instead of normally using basic chakra when performing kidō, the user will use elemental chakra instead, boosting the techniques overall destructiveness. Fire chakra makes the ring so hot that it cuts through other materials like butter while leaving their interior cauterized on contact. Water chakra makes the ring lose its definite shape upon release, making it resemble more of a thicker wave as the technique increases in height below and above the normal sized ring by 1m, but the water ring loses its cutting properties delivering a blunt hit instead. Earth chakra increases the density of the ring to the point where it loses its cutting aspect but instead gains a more concussive one that is able to push back targets upon contact while delivering a devastating blunt blow. Lightning chakra increases the speed of the already swift technique, being the fastest outwardly expanding application of the ring, while delivering a numbing feeling upon the place of contact. This numbing lasts for 1 turn. Wind chakra increases the cutting potential of the ring, the element even making the ring intangible, slicing anything in its path with ease as it moves outwards. All rings, except the wind ring, will be broken once physically stopped by a stronger force anywhere along its path, but the wind ring will need to be stopped by a form of energy due to its properties. Unlike its little sister technique, when the user manipulates the ring to multiply upwards and/or downwards creating additional copies of itself, the user can create up to 3 additional copies of the elemental ring with a symmetrical spacing of up to 4m. These rings travel up to mid.range distance away from the user slicing through anything in their pathway, and this move can be initiated with or without the user's sword drawn, the former being able to release the technique faster. Non-specialist of this fighting style will suffer a mild vertigo for the remainder of the turn used in, its effects feeling as if the world is spinning around the user, making steady movement a little more troublesome.
►Can be used 2x per battle
►No Magirawashi kenbu techniques above A rank in the next turn
►Jutsu has a 3 turn cool-down
►Can only be used by practitioners of this style

✦ Approved ✦
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Shady Doctor

Mar 21, 2012
Trait Points


Devil's Fist: Devil's War Skin | Mao Genkotsu: Akuma no sensō
Type: Supplementary/defensive
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short
Chakra: 50
Damage: N/A (+20 to Taijutsu/Devil's fist, +10 to fire)
Description: Devil's war skin is the the "strongest" Devil's fist technique, and also the most dangerous to use. The user starts by doing the standard ability of the style, using fire chakra to heat the skin on the body. Unlike the other techniques created before, this one takes the heat to the next level. The user focuses the fire chakra to every piece of skin on his body, heating it to an amazing extent. The users body would near instantly become burning red or pinkish, with a gloss like look to it. The heat continously causes the user to sweat, but the sweat is evaporated even quicker, making it seem as if the user's entire body was letting off steam. With the skin reaching a certain level of heat within the matter of seconds, the user stops pouring katon chakra into his skin and allows the heat to sit. The heat is so much that it would stay that temperature for 4 turns before finally cooling down, and ending the techniques affects.

Once activated the heat highly enhances the users taijutsu capabilities due to the heat of the skin. Everything the user touches with his skin would become scorned on contact, melting the opposing object to a certain degree if reasonable. This makes taijutsu used along side this much more dangerous to be struck by or to physically defend from. Along with this, the heat generated from the skin adds extra heat to the fire techniques used through the body, giving it a slight boost in power. This scorching skin even works as defensive mechanism, seeing as things would be burned when coming into contact with it. The users skin becomes capable of completely evaporating a water technique within reason (up to A rank) when coming into contact with it, due to the heat near instantly heating and dissipating the liquid before it could do any harm. Though if the user is hit directly with an S-rank, the water would be evaporated but the users skin would be completely cooled down thus ending this technique. This also works on earth techniques, melting the earth (A-rank and below) whenever it comes in contact with the users skin.

This of course comes with its drawbacks. The heat on the skin isn't being controlled so it starts to slowly burn itself, leaving the users skin burned all over his body. It puts him through constant pain seeing as throughout 4 turns his skin would feel like flames themselves were constantly engulfing him. This makes the user's body hard to move without large amounts of pain once deactivated, thus dropping the user's speed and movements by a rank.

You must be registered for see images

Can only be used by Masters of the Devil's fist style
Can only be used once a battle
Lasts for 4 turns after activation
No taijutsu for 2 turn after deactivated
No fire for 2 turn after deactivated

‡ Pending ‡ Leaving for Madara.

✦ Declined, drawbacks aren't enough for this jutsu. Simply losing one rank in speed isn't sufficient; this needs to cause physical damage that hinders the user more as well as restrict from using DF and Fire for a set amount of time.✦
Devil's Fist: Devil's War Skin | Mao Genkotsu: Akuma no sensō
Type: Supplementary/defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 50
Damage: N/A (+20 to Taijutsu/Devil's fist, +10 to fire)
Description: Devil's war skin is the the "strongest" Devil's fist technique, and also the most dangerous to use. The user starts by doing the standard ability of the style, using fire chakra to heat the skin on the body. Unlike the other techniques created before, this one takes the heat to the next level. The user focuses the fire chakra to every piece of skin on his body, heating it to an amazing extent. The users body would near instantly become burning red or pinkish, with a gloss like look to it. The heat continously causes the user to sweat, but the sweat is evaporated even quicker, making it seem as if the user's entire body was letting off steam. With the skin reaching a certain level of heat within the matter of seconds, the user stops pouring katon chakra into his skin and allows the heat to sit. The heat is so much that it would stay that temperature for 4 turns before finally cooling down, and ending the techniques affects.

Once activated the heat highly enhances the users taijutsu capabilities due to the heat of the skin. Everything the user touches with his skin would become scorned on contact, melting the opposing object to a certain degree if reasonable. This makes taijutsu used along side this much more dangerous to be struck by or to physically defend from. Along with this, the heat generated from the skin adds extra heat to the fire techniques used through the body, giving it a slight boost in power. This scorching skin even works as defensive mechanism, seeing as things would be burned when coming into contact with it. The users skin becomes capable of completely evaporating a water technique within reason (up to A rank) when coming into contact with it, due to the heat near instantly heating and dissipating the liquid before it could do any harm. Though if the user is hit directly with an S-rank, the water would be evaporated but the users skin would be completely cooled down thus ending this technique. This also works on earth techniques, melting the earth (A-rank and below) whenever it comes in contact with the users skin.

This of course comes with its drawbacks. The heat on the skin isn't being controlled so it starts to slowly burn itself, leaving the users skin burned all over his body. It puts him through constant pain seeing as throughout 4 turns his skin would feel like flames themselves were constantly engulfing him. This makes the user's body hard to move without large amounts of pain once deactivated, thus dropping the user's speed and movements by a rank. Along with the decrease in speed, The user becomes unable to use Taijutsu techniques above A-rank for the remainder of the fight (due to burning of the skin) while also losing the ability to mould Katon chakra for 3 turns. Of course without Katon chakra the user is unable to perform Devil's fist abilities for that 3 turns.

You must be registered for see images

Can only be used by Masters of the Devil's fist style
Can only be used once a battle
Lasts for 4 turns after activation
No taijutsu above A-rank after deactivated (4 turns)
No fire or DF techniques for 3 turn after deactivated

✦ Declined, so in addition to evaporating Water A rank and below, you want to do the same with Earth, melting it into lava while empowering your own Fire jutsu? Too much for simplying raising the temperature of your body, even if slightly. You arent gaining A rank immunity to two elements at one time, you can hang that up. ✦
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Active member
Jan 7, 2012
Trait Points
(roku doragon no tamashi)-souls of 6 dragons
Description: Throughout the user's training of its use and synchronization with the warrior they bless each claw with their chakra and it becomes spiritually stored within their swords. A samurai practicing Ten no Ryu No Tsume may call upon this power from one sword at a time in desperate measures returning to the wielders body as an external energy. This power is capable of pushing out any intruding chakra into their body and render it useless. such as a genjutsu technique. Technique is capable of breaking S rank and below genjutsu other than visual genjutsu.
note: cannot use twice in one turn
note: can perform A-rank and below techniques for one turn

✦ Declined, nah. ✦
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Active member
Apr 22, 2012
Trait Points

(Arusu Planetarium: Sōrāshisutemu) | Ars Planetarium: The Solar System
Type: Attack
Rank: C-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 15-40
Damage Points: 30-80
Description: The primary function of the Orb is to utilize its speed and ability to fly around the user, and hit the target when he is distracted by the user. However, the many-a-times target simply manage to dodge or counter the attack easily. To overcome that, Dust came up with its own solution that would not only provide it better success ratio, but also provide itself a good defense. Dust would quickly use the user's chakra to coat itself in one of the basic five elements. As it does, it will increase its speed to double, while moving around the target in a totally unpredictable manner (similar to drunken fist techniques). The orb will then hit the target with a 10 hit combo, that would not only break his defenses, but also keep him distracted at the same time.
Using S-rank means, coating itself with A-Rank elemental chakra and hitting a 10 hit combo. Likewise for lower ranked versions.
Can only be used 3 times.

✦ Declined, no to the doubled speed for starters. A and S rank variants need restrictions on usage, just 3 usages will not suffice. ✦

(Arusu Planetarium: Yuki) | Ars Planetarium: The Departed Soul
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: This is a move made by the orb against the user itself. The soul residing inside the orb is in a constant battle against the user for the control over his mind and body. This is the reason why, the user must have a certain level of sanity so as to prevent the spirit in the orb from taking over his body any time it likes. This usually happens when the user falls unconscious, or gets physically weak like when he's paralyzed where it is physically impossible to move around on his own. This can also happen if the user himself allows the soul to take over the body, giving the entire control to it. When the soul from the orb takes over the body it uses its own strength to move the body around while stealing chakra from the user to use Ninjutsu (this means the user can move even if he is paralyzed; but once the soul leaves, he cannot). When the soul enters the user's body, it moves around in a constant flux, making it impossible for any other chakra (Genjutsu up to A rank) or Soul (Katsuryoku or Yamanaka up to S-Rank) to enter the user's body. The noticeable cosmetic changes that happen is that, the user's voice changes completely, changing it into more of a hoarse and harsh voice. During this time, the orb deactivates and falls back on the ground till the soul gets back to it. As far as abilities goes, in exchange for the his sanity, the user's speed and reaction increases 2x. The increase in speed is accompanied by the increase in damage (+20 to physical/taijutsu attacks) due to the increased force. However, since the abilities does not belong the user himself, he is not acquainted with the physical stress that he has to endure with every hit. Hence, every successful physical hits makes him take an additional damage (10 damage) against himself.
Lasts for a maximum of 3 turns.
No other Ars Technique while this is active.
The Soul can only enter the user's body and not any else, since it has a connection with the user, and not others.
It does not boost any elemental damage.
Can be used thrice.
The Orb deactivates when the soul enter the user's body, till it gets back to its original body.

✦ Declined, for one your chakra wouldnt be in flux as you explained in the CW description itself that this uses your chakra, so it'd be your own chakra fueling the sphere that allows it to be able to do jutsu. If you are unconscious, you arent able to fuel the sphere any longer, thus it wouldn't be possible to use while KO'd. This shouldn't grant Genjutsu protection nor Katsu and Yamanaka jutsu either. You wouldnt receive any boosts either, that's just an obvious attempt at empowering yourself because of this. Lasting three turns is also a stretch as well ✦
[Idea taken from Cavendish's ability from OnePiece]

(Arusu Planetarium: Wakusei bakugeki) | Ars Planetarium: Planetary Bombardment
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The basic ability of using the CFS allows the user to attack his target using the crystal ball - Dust. While it is a simple and effective technique, opponents often time track the ball quite easily and counter it accordingly. To overcome this situation, Dust physically divides itself into 5 smaller orbs. These orbs, although they have equal strength as the original one, will have only the size of a tennis ball as compared to the original skull size of Dust. The division allows the user to hit his target/s from different angles one after the other. The division also enables the smaller orbs to possess the qualities of the original orb. The orbs automatically re-combine after 4 turns. However, to re-combine, at least one orb should be in working condition. And once it recombines, it will stay inactive for a certain period of time (ex. if two orbs were deactivated, the orb will have to wait two turns to work again etc.) depending on the damage sustained.
Lasts 4 turns max.
Cannot be used consecutively.
Can be used thrice

✦ Declined, the CW isn't splitting into copies that have it's abilities as well; that's one of the rules against CW. If cloned, only the original keeps the properties of said CW. The rest can just be spheres that work through this jutsu only but not retaining the rest of their abilities. ✦
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Mar 18, 2013
Trait Points
Style approved .

(Shiroi Kumo Ryū: Yari Ryū)- Flow of The White Spider: Flow Spear
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user will fire a string of Raiton infused web from his hand with a uniquely spear tipped edge for the purpose of piercing objects and opponents. The lightning running through the web allows it to appear as a flash of blue light as it slings through the air, vibrating as well. With the piercing and numbing abilities of Raiton allows it to dig deep into flesh with the use of speed and force while rendering the opponent lifeless as the current overrides his nervous system paralyzing him. The user will then yank his hand towards his chest or torso and reel in the latched paralyzed opponent towards him. He will then channel all his body weight into his dominant had and follow up with either a devastating punch, also hardened by the characteristics of the spider suit, to the skull sending their body downwards or a lateral kick to the temple sending them hurling to the side in which the kick follows. This can also be done mid air to reel the user to the opponent with a bone crushing hardened kick to the chest. If the user is familiar with a popular gaming franchise he might yell "Get over here!"
- Can only be used 4× per battle
- 1 turn cooldown
- Must have learned Shiroi Kumo Ryū

✦ Declined, uhhh...if it pierces the opponent, I wont let you pull the body towards you as well, while being paralyzed and "lifeless". Also, lifeless literally means...well, lifeless. To write you pull their lifeless body towards you is saying that this basically kills them or leaves them robbed of their ability to do anything, which differs from being paralyzed by Lightning. ✦

(Shiroi Kumo Ryū: Dasutoītā no Jutsu)- Flow of The White Spider: Dust Eater Technique
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 20
Damage: 40
Description: A very unorthodox and often mocked technique, involves the manipulation of one's weight with the expertise of The Flow of the White Spider. How this works is by a subtle application of weight shifting where the user will place all his weight into his feet leaving the upper body as light as a feather. Then with both feet planted firm on the ground with the body's weight the user is able to swing their upper torso very close to the ground without consequence of momentum or clumsiness. They are then able to reach mere centimeters from the ground, almost kissing it hence the name 'Dust Eater'. With this very low center of gravity and movement the user is able to remove the legs and other lower extremities of opponents with frightening speed. If conjoined with a Taijutsu or Kenjutsu technique this technique takes up no space in the time frame and allows the chosen Tai/Ken technique to be performed seamlessly. it can also be used to lower ones body in a very short space of time to dodge attacks or get into position.
- Can only be done once every 2 turns
- Must have learned Shiroi Kumo Ryū.
-Can be used in conjunction with Taijutsu and Kenjutsu

✦ Declined, this itself clashes with several other CFSJ and CJ alone. ✦
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Active member
Mar 26, 2011
Trait Points
Can't edit other post.


Yūgana Ken: Seinaru Gaidansu | Graceful Fist: The Holy Guidance
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40 (10+ per turn)
Damage Points: N/A (10)
Description: One of the basic but more versatile techniques of the fighting style. The user will channel a large sum of wind chakra towards their toes and feet, and simultaneously towards their finger tips, the majority of the chakra will however be directed to the feet. What this allows the user to do is activate one of the fighting styles great properties and that is their quickness and amazingly light footwork. The user close range of the opponent will be able to bounce around, change direction, and position themselves anyway around the opponent in what would seemingly be a simple hop or leap of the feet and ankle. The movement would leave afterimages of a white hazy version of the users body, making it that much harder to pinpoint the user. This technique is essentially an evasion based technique, allowing the user to evade physical attacks with relative ease, while still maintaining close distance to retaliate with an attack of their own, while at the same time leaving an image to visually confuse the opponent for a moment (image only lasts a few seconds). The bounce and movement of the technique if desiring can be continuous, almost in a sequence-type form, constantly moving around to the point where it can extend into further moves of the user (post moves). The movement of this jutsu only happens within t close range of the user, however if the opponent tries to go mid range or long range to evade the user, they can still move towards them just as long as they maintain that close range (basically following them). The only time this becomes negated is if the opponent has a serious superior speed (such as EIG) against the user. The user's chakra in their finger tips allows them to also jab at the opponent's flesh and body, dealing the counter attack damage (10). The cuts are not too deep and mainly attempt to distort the opponent, the pain is a deep pinch with small amounts of blood spilling and acts in relative unison with the users movement. This jutsu is the maximum of the fighting styles quickness and counter-attacking property. While in this jutsu, the user can only use graceful fist techniques, Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and regular wind jutsus. Deactivation of this jutsu is in relatively no time.

- Can only be used twice
- Lasts three turns
- After deactivation user cannot use Graceful fist techniques for a turn
- One turn cool down before re-use
- Must be a practitioner of Yūgana Ken | Graceful Fist

✦ Declined, "one of the basic techniques" "Rank: S" Lol, that's not basic at all. Also, your styles gives no mention of after images through your movement so the usage here doesn't fit the submission. And that aspect itself would clash with my Ashura Senku CFSJ that creates a afterimage when I move to mask my movements. The only difference here is the color, yours being white while mine being dependent on the user who is using it. Also the superior speed part isn't clear; you mention EIG but you are aware the first gate is only 1.5x while the last gate is 8x so it's not clear enough given that this speed can range. At the lowest, you barely have a speed boost and are equal to a Gyojin. Beyond second gate, you gain x2 speed and higher which wont be approved for sure. ✦

Yūgana Ken: Hiteidekinai Hanketsu| Graceful Fist: Undeniable Judgment
Type: Offense/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: This jutsu is basic in nature. When the user performs various bodily attacks, either with regular taijutsu, or graceful fist techniques, the user will release an extra amount of wind chakra into their finger tips and hands. When the opponent is able to effectively evade or counter one of the users original attacks, the user will be able to release a shard of wind chakra from their fingers towards the area of evasion in such a manner it will be able to stab and pierce the opponent. To allow for this techniques shards to connect with the opponent's flesh, the user will be able to utilize their flexibility to quickly position their arms in great lengths to release the shards accordingly and aim it efficiently enough so the opponent has a shard coming at their body. The movement of the arms and hands is rather simplistic but fast, retraction and extension for example. This allows the user to quickly continue chains of attacks to harm the opponent and assault the opponent continuously. The damage of the shards are equivalent to the original techniques damage that was evaded by the user. So if the taijutsu attack dealt 40 damage, the shard would deal 40 damage. This is only equivalent to bodily attacks and graceful fists. The shard resembles something of broken glass, quite thin, with a pale white color. This technique acts to aid with the users attacks in a more offensive nature to maintain relative control of the battle, or to swiftly take control of the battle.

- Can be used four times
- Must be a practitioner of Yūgana Ken | Graceful Fist
- Within two usages of this technique the jutsu will need a one turn cool down before re-use

✦ Declined, this is too much and I don't think your CFS allows the usage of projectiles either. I cant recall approving any projectile style attacks earlier either and going back over the CFS submission, you cant use this. ✦
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Active member
Jun 26, 2011
Trait Points
I have had my CFSCJ sitting for about 2.5 months. The CJ thread is closed so I will link it and then repost the techniques.


(Ken’nomai o Nageki: Bushi Sapōto)- Wailing Sword Dance: Samurai Sostenuto
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: B-A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 20-30
Damage points: 40-60
Description: The user unsheathes his weapon (most commonly a sword but others can be used) and uses this sound as the medium for the technique. The act of unsheathing the sword creates a loud rasping sound which causes the sound-waves to bounce along the inside of the sheathe. The rasping sound itself becomes increasingly painful, going from a slight, disorienting annoyance (B-rank and capable of stumbling a moving opponent or interrupting a chain of hand seals of more than 3) to paralysis (A-rank and of the body and limbs) as the unsheathing is prolonged. This effect would last until the sword is fully drawn and is capable of affecting all enemies up to mid-range. Furthermore, the sound waves become incredibly compacted as they rebound within the sheathe, creating a high pressure area. This pressure causes the sword to be propelled from the sheathe at a much higher speed than normal draws. Due to the massively pressurized sound waves within the sheathe, it can cause the sword to be unsheathed with speed rivaling that of Iado. Because of the quick-draw nature surrounding this ability, the user sacrifices the ability to create the hindering sound waves because the quick draw does not allow the user to sustain the sound. Regardless of either method of release, the sound waves also create a loud, sharp, audible noise while the sword is swung. A wave of sound is released alongside the sword, with the sound-waves vibrating adjacent to the length of the blade which in turn enhances the sword's lethality and sharpness (as per the ability of this style). This enables the sword to cut through S-rank and below solid objects and elements, while also doing grievous damage to an enemy’s body.
- Usable four times per battle

(Ken’nomai o Nageki: Suzumebachi no Chōwa)- Wailing Sword Dance: Hornet Harmonium
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A-S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 30-40 (-10 per turn to sustain)
Damage points: 60-80
Description: The user will begin to move their weapon (a bladed weapon such as a sword, tanto, kunai, etc) around their entire body in a series of fluid, sweeping motions that are indicative of the style. Each movement of the weapon creates a sound wave which is then manipulated by the user in order to produce rapid pulses of sound. These pulses of sound emanate from the user’s body in all directions around them in the rough shape of a sphere, combining to create an omnidirectional defensive sound sphere. As long as the user continues the movement of the weapon, he is able to continually sustain this sound sphere which is capable of defending against various attacks following elemental strengths and weaknesses. Of course sustaining the technique against multiple techniques will cost multiple turns out of the user’s limit/uses. The standard sound pulses are A-rank and are capable of extending up to short range. However, the user can also increase the speed of his movement in order to augment the number of pulses being made in a given time. This will expand the sound sphere (due to the increased motions) up to mid-range and is considered S-rank. If caught within the sphere, an enemy is assaulted with intense screams and wailing released by the blade, as if thousands of people were being tortured before their eyes. Within the sound sphere, the opponent will experience a paralyzing-like affect that would seize their limbs unless the sound is somehow stopped or they can escape the range of the technique.
- Usable four times in total; S-rank is usable twice
- If S-rank version is used, no sound above A-rank the same turn

(Ken’nomai o Nageki: Kussaku De~Yuetto)- Wailing Sword Dance: Drilling Duet
Type: Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user will move their wielded weapon in order to defend them from an enemy strike. Immediately when the enemy’s weapon/limb makes contact with the user (producing the sound which the user then manipulates), the user releases the sound chakra into the opponent’s blade. The sound waves resonate within the opponent’s weapon and limb, severely numbing the nerves. This effect is severe enough to completely numb the limb which forces the opponent to release their grip on the weapon. Their limb then becomes useless for the remainder of the turn, while also preventing the use of hand seals (if the affected limb is the arm). This attack can defend from normal kenjutsu techniques of A-rank, while elementally infused kenjutsu strikes follow sound’s normal strength and weaknesses.

(Ken’nomai o Nageki: Kami no Gariādo)- Wailing Sword Dance: God Galliard
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: This is the standard technique used by those who practice the Wailing Sword Dance. By swinging their weapon in the intended direction, the user is capable of releasing streams, waves, bullets, or any other type of basic release, of sound. This can be an immediate release as in the case with a simple thrust. This can also be used as a delayed release, where the user would swing his blade all the way around him to release an omnidirectional blast in unison with the sword’s movement. While this technique is incapable of creating releases with an advanced shape, such as a creature, entity, etc, it can create an unlimited variety of unfocused releases. While being very effective in close-combat as a surprise attack, this can also be used to set up for an approach to engage an opponent. As stated within the description of the style, this technique can also be used with two weapons (thereby also splitting the rank).
- Usable five times per battle
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Active member
Apr 22, 2012
Trait Points

(Kage no Sento: Shadoudoraibu) | Shadow Combat: Shadow Drive
Type: Supplementary/Attack
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Shadow Drive is one of the key techniques that the user is able to perform, only because of his mastery over Shadow Combat. Unlike normal shadows of a Nara Clan member, the shadows of a shadow combat user can travel up his body, and become a part of the body itself. Things that are not possible with normal shadows, can be done using Shadow Combat. The user initially cloaks himself in shadow chakra, before he channels it in his entire body, and instead the shadows traveling over and on the user's body, the shadows will travel inside the body. This would make the user turn into noting but shadows. This is a fast process, and happens as quick as "Water Replacement Technique". However, unlike the Water Replacement technique, this technique also allows the user a variety of abilities, that he could use since he is now a Master of Shadows. The user can passively morph in and out of shadows (like Hiding in Shadow Technique), even shoot above the ground, at very high speeds, allowing for swift, intangible movement and an erratic fighting style, while giving him the ability to move around at the speed of a thrown kunai. Apart from that, his overall physical performance also increases in this form. Now since he is nothing but chakra, his strength, durability and endurance increases exponentially. He can turn his body or parts tangible and intangible anytime passively till the end of the technique. He can manipulate the shadow body, any way he wishes (for example, turn his hands into shadow snakes that can bite the targets (but the snakes will never leave the user's body), or turning his leg into shadow hammer etc. However, the catch is that the user is limited to just Taijutsu, Kenjutsu, Nara Shadows and Shadow Combat techniques while this technique is active. Also, coming in contact with higher level light emitting techniques will make him revert back to his human form.
Lasts 4 turns max
Can only be used by students of Shadow Combat
Needs a break of two turns before using it again
Can only be used thrice

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✦ Declined, where to start? Passive morphing is a no ofc as well as shadows traveling above grounds as you could passively throw a kunai and merge with the shadow for abuse of this. A thrown kunai is also abusable since I can see someone raising the argument of how fast Itachi threw a kunai. Also, you are a shadow; an intangible personification of darkness. How does that increase your speed and strength or anything? And if it's light from a high ranking technique that you're exposed to, you should take damage equal to it, and not just forced back to human form. ✦
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Active member
Apr 15, 2011
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Permission to take control from Better;

Style approval;

(Kuro Ten to Chi: Tekkai ) – Black Heaven and Earth: Iron Body
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40 (-40 per turn)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: An extremely powerful defensive technique whereby through a surge of chakra through the body accompanied by a powerful exhalation, perhaps through the usage of a Kiai should the user so wish, a user of Black Heaven and Earth will be capable of empowering their body to the utmost limits. Their skin will turn dark black, a dark, solely aesthetic aura will surround them, and their weight will increase drastically. The darkening of skin signifies but one thing - the users skin, tissue and muscles being empowered and effectively hardened through use of Earth Chakra. While in this form, for the most part, the user will remain rock solid, keeping their ground and rarely moving - yet when they do decide to do so it shall be through the use of weighty, slow, tense, powerful, ground shaking steps. This technique, perhaps the most powerful defensive technique of the style, can be sustained for as long as reasonably possible - with only techniques of greater singular burst power being capable of shattering through this ever renewing defense. The downside however, is that to sustain this technique means to utilise no other - as users of this technique must constantly flow and renew the chakra surged throughout their body so as to maintain this insurmountable defence. Ultimately, this technique can defend from multiple Taijutsu based strikes so long as, individually, they are not more powerful than 100 damage points. It can also defend from equal powered earth, water or wind (and similar such elements), and, within reason, fire techniques too. However, any Lightning technique of A rank and above will immediately neutralize against this defence - cancelling the technique and forcing the user from this form, with stronger lightning inflicting the remaining damage directly. Likewise, any singular attack of greater power will override the technique - inflicting damage against the user and disrupting concentration - resulting in the end of the defence. While this technique can defend from multiple onslaughts of equal powered attacks, as aforementioned, while in this form the user will be locked to the technique - preventing use of other Jutsu (The only exception being low-ranking Earth techniques (C-Rank and below)), and will also be incredibly slow - roughly 1/10 of their current speed and thus preventing the effective usage of Taijutsu. Thus, while this defence can make a person virtually invulnerable, it also puts a stasis on their own offense. Users of this form generally adopt a firm, slightly wide legged, abdomen tensed and forearms held parallel to ones abdomen stance when utilizing this technique.

- Can only be used 4x
- Cannot be utilised on consecutive turns
- Once used twice, the user cannot use Black Heaven and Earth techniques above A rank for the rest of that turn.
- While this technique does defend the user from elemental techniques, it may not shield them from a jutsu secondary or so on effects - i.e Fire will burn the users clothes, sticky water can stick to them and aim to bind them for when they exit this technique, and so on.
- For the most part, a user within this technique is completely and utterly immovable except by their own volition.
- Passive techniques can still be used - i.e walking on water etc, and the user can still sustain techniques utilized prior to this - i.e Modes, or passively sustained earth techniques (I.e Earth armours/Earth techniques that are kept active for so long as the user only utilizes Earth)
- The user can exit this technique in a virtual instant, making it a perfect technique for setting up counter-attacks. They can also still pivot on the spot, done at only slightly slower speeds.

♦ Declined, first what the hell is the first colored? Secondly, the second colored is a no. This is an S ranked jutsu, why would it defend up to 100 damage points? No, damage that is equal to it's power would cancel it, in this case an S rank elemental attack of earth would be able to break through it, and A ranked and higher lightning. Also, why is this even S rank? It would be be A rank at best, but this is essentially just a reworded Hardening jutsu, there is nothing that is fundamentally different enough about it to approve, DNR ♦
(Kuro Ten to Chi: Minami Gekido ) – Black Heaven and Earth: South Rage
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: A technique where the user will grab and lower a targets weight, and then, through wonderfully flowing footwork and fluid upper body movement the user will spin the target. The type of spins can vary according to the users wishes, perhaps horizontal, diagonal, or vertical spins, maybe figure eights or simple circles, perhaps those in which the user spins an enemy around their entire body, or perhaps where an enemies motion will be focused around a single limb - creating somewhat of a pin-wheel effect. What is certain however, is that a true victim of this technique will be dragged and spun like a rag-doll, and then, once satisfied, a user will throw them, sending their victim crashing into the ground - or any other nearby structure, increasing an enemies weight as they impact so as to send them crashing through sections of the structure in question. This technique, versatile, powerful and effective, can be seen as an embodiment of the fundamentals of Black Heaven and Earth's throwing techniques - and in essence is merely a highly adaptable basic throwing form, and often times acts as a set up for more advanced techniques. Although, fundamentally, this can be used to disorient enemies and inflict basic to severe damage.

- Weight increases/decrease can be a maximum of 9x.
- Can only be used 6x
- Once used 3x, must wait three turns before re-use.

♦ Declined, this isn't going to be usable 6 times. 4 at most with at least a full turn in between usage with a weight increase of 5x. Also, whoever you have writing these, tell them to simplify them next time. The description is essentially the same words looped, there was no need to explain each different form of spinning, a simple "multiple ways" would have sufficed. Doing it like it is described just clutters the jutsu for no reason. ♦

(Kuro Ten to Chi: Kita no nami ) – Black Heaven and Earth: Northen Wave
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30 (+10 per turn if sustained)
Damage Points: 60
Description: Through simple chakra flow the user is capable of increasing the weight of their body as they attack. Weight increases can be incredibly localised, such as being focused within a single fist, or spread out, such as being concentrated in an entire, or multiple limbs, or even dynamic in nature; in which case weight may shift to focus at certain points - for instance it may originate within the entirety of the arm, but later focus into the users fist or perhaps a singular finger. Alongside weight increases comes the dynamic hardening of skin - allocated to targeted areas so as to increase offence and resilience. Then, through use of this technique the user will be capable of delivering a single, or multiple empowered strikes of extreme destructive power. Often times weight increases are temporary, occurring at the apex of the motion, however they can be sustained, which often results in said limb coming to rest upon the floor as a result of the weight. As a result of this attacks that focus momentum towards the ground - such as descending punches, axe kicks and the like can be incredibly effective, possibly being sustained so as to pin, and crush an enemy under immense weight. Traditionally, this technique results in an attack being slightly slower - mainly as a result of the strike being wider so as to capitalise on the brute force that this jutsu provides.

- Weight increases can be a maximum of 9x the users total body weight. (Excluding Clothes/Gear)
- Can only be used 5x
- Two turn cool down between after every two usages.
- This can be chained together with other Taijutsu principles (Logically) so as to add destructive force equating to that of 60 damage points.

♦ Declined, once more, max of 4x usage. Second, I don't even understand what you are going for here. You overcomplicated the description for no reason trying to make it sound realistic. It's an anime based on ninja, stop getting so scientific. >_> Work on the description and resubmit. ♦

link to approval

☼ Pending - Leaving for MU ☼
Resubmitting: Everything is completely rewritten so I omitted the bold;

(Kuro Ten to Chi: Minami Reiji) | Black Heaven and Earth: South Rage
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: The user will grab the opponent, lowering their weight by 7x as they make contact, allowing the user to spin an opponent around like a rag doll before finally slamming them into a construct such as the ground. As the user slams the opponent they will return their weight to normal and then increase it by a further 5x so as to deliver a ground shattering impact. The user can swing the opponent as they wish, horizontally, vertically, in circles, figures eights or the like, with an opponent often becoming completely disorientated as they're swung due to the immense speed that the throw occurs at as a result of the weight manipulation. The user can transition directly into Southern Wave or Northern wave as they finish this technique, such as striking or body slamming into a downed opponent, with the leftover momentum from this technique increasing the power of Southern or Northern Wave by +20. (Providing that it forms a logical combo, for instance swinging someone over your head into the ground behind them and flipping over to body slam them, slamming them to your side and then rolling your body into them to deliver an elbow/shoulder attack etc, swinging someone into a wall and then suplexing them, etc. can also be combed with successive iterations of itself for the added boost)

- Once used 3x the user must wait 9 turns before using again.
- No earth Jutsu above S rank for the rest of the turn.
- While the initial grab can be considered to be a slow attack compared to the many fast paced strikes rampant in the world of ninja, the actual swing from start to finish is surprisingly quick on account of the weight alteration and footwork, so fast in fact that an unassuming Shinobi won't realise what's happened until they're flat on their back.
- The combination damage boost is typical of the style, while the user may have trouble getting to the opponent, once they do they're capable of delivering successive attacks that deal devastating amounts of damage.

(Kuro Ten to Chi: Kita u~ēbu) | Black Heaven and Earth: Northern Wave
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: Allows the user to channel chakra to a part of, or their entire body, manipulating their bodies weight and hardening sections of their skin so as to deliver bone shattering strikes. Hardening and weight increases can be dynamic - shifting to different parts of the users body so as to accommodate for movement, temporary - occurring just before the moment of impact so as to suddenly and unexpectedly empower a strike, or static, allowing the user to, for instance, pin or crush an opponent to the ground. With this technique comes a range of possible attacks, such as drop kicks, punches, body slams and dive bombs - all of which will be characteristic of the style in that they will be somewhat slower and wider reaching, yet in turn host greater destructive power.

- Once used 3x the user must wait 9 turns before using again.
- Maximum weight increase of 9x
- The user must pay -10 chakra per turn if sustained for dynamic or static usages, and while sustained the user cannot access elemental affinities other than Doton.
- No earth Jutsu above S rank for the rest of the turn.

(Kuro Ten to Chi: Minami U~ēbu) | Black Heaven and Earth: Southern Wave
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: A simple technique in which the user will grab the opponent and deliver a suplex. The type of suplex is up to the users discretion and variations can be made, the most important aspect however is the weight lowering of the enemy as the user grabs the opponent, and the weight increasing as they slam them into the ground/a nearby construct so as to deliver lethal damage. The user can alter the opponents weight by 15x either way, for instance they can decrease their weight by 10x, return it back to normal and then increase it by 5x, or vice versa and variations thereof. The user can transition from this technique directly into South Rage or Northern Wave, with the carried over momentum increasing the power of South Rage/Northern Wave by +20. (Only works if the user forms a logical combo, for instance German Suplexing the opponent into the ground, and then immediately transitioning into South Rage to flip the opponents body up and slam them in to the ground in front, or even a wall, at which point the user could then potentially suplex the opponent again or transition into Northern Rage.)

- Once used 3x the user must wait 9 turns before using again.
- No earth Jutsu above S rank for the rest of the turn.
- The combination damage boost is typical of the style, while the user may have trouble getting to the opponent, once they do they're capable of delivering successive attacks that deal devastating amounts of damage.

(Kuro Ten to Chi: Minami Inpakuto) | Black Heaven and Earth: Southern Impact
Type: Offensive/Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will either stomp on, or strike the ground, channeling chakra to the limb used as they do so to drastically increase its weight and strengthen it by hardening skin, the result will of course be a ground shattering impact that will upturn all of the ground within short range of the user. This technique, developed due to the difficulty that BHaE users sometimes experience in catching opponents to utilise their generally slower to initiate techniques, will have the ground within short range of the user quake, shatter and most importantly forcefully upturn so as to violently throw all opponents towards the epicentre of the mayhem - towards the user, who will lie in wait and through use of this technique be easily capable of catching faster opponents off guard, as they're sent flying towards the user airborne, easy pickings even for the slowest of BHaE users. The user can also take advantage of the opponents momentum as they hurl towards them, and can boost the power of Northern and Southern Wave, and South Rage by +20 through a well timed combination attack.

- Can only be used once every three turns.
- Can only be used 3x
- Weight increase is 30x.
- No Earth above S rank for the rest of the turn.

✦ Both Pending, taking a slight break in checking these ✦
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