Custom Combo and Signature Jutsu Submission

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May 7, 2020
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±±Combo Techniques ±±

Combo Techniques are a unique type of collaboration jutsu that involves 2 or 3 Bios using a jutsu in combination with one another to create a newer technique, utilizing major components of each Jutsu. While members can have up to 5 of these techniques, only the first 3 can be made without cost as the remaining lots will cost 5,000 Kumi each. Once created, Combo Techniques cannot be updated to change members who are listed as part of the members used as part of the technique nor can it be updated to incorporate new techniques after it’s approval. This means that should submissions list specific members under the Participants section, those members only can use this technique though it only consumes the slot of the submitter.

These techniques may have heightened damage compared to other techniques of their rank, scaling with the amount of participants and the nature of the abilities utilized. This is reflected in Combo Techniques used with 2 Participants having 100 base damage and Combo Techniques used with 3 Participants having 120 Base damage. While most Tier 3 and lower abilities have little damage increase, for example, abilities of Tier 4 tend to have higher base damage and as such, their damage will be slightly higher than that detailed in the previous sentence.

As mentioned before, there is a second level of Combo Techniques called Ultimate Combo Techniques. Ultimate Combo Techniques can utilize abilities above Tier 4, unlike normal Combo Jutsu and require a mission to be passed to be able to use an Ultimate Combo Jutsu should their involvement in said Combo use a T5+ ability. These, by nature, will likely have higher damage and chakra cost than even Combo Jutsu and have more scrutiny and chances of being declined.[/FONT]​

±± Signature Jutsu ±±​

Signature Jutsu are techniques chosen by members as unique, trademarked techniques their bios own,, allowing it to be slightly stronger, faster, more durable, or contain more chakra on a base level. This allows members to choose a custom technique and increase the base damage it does, or how fast it moves or even how much chakra is infused in it or even a canon one and augment it/reduce some of it’s drawbacks. Signature Techniques exist in two forms: Signature Jutsu and Ultimate Signature Jutsu. While only 3 of these techniques can be made, each at the cost of 12,000 Kumi, Ultimate Signature Jutsu can only be created should a Special Mission, Tournament Prize or Event Prize be gained and only one each prize/acquisition while which always be Bio Bound and not account wide like Signature Jutsu.

Custom Jutsu that are chosen as Signature Jutsu can not be taught nor can they be techniques previously taught to anyone. Signature Jutsu can only be dropped at level one and once every 3 months; level 2 Signature Jutsu can never be dropped, nor changed. While some canons can be chosen, they will largely be on a case by case basis as it is impossible to determine beforehand of the thousands of techniques which are all banned. This also applies to customs but less significantly. Techniques must still be grounded in their field's logical limitations; Nara techniques cannot not have S/T properties, for example.

As mentioned earlier, there is a second level of Signature Jutsu. This second level, known as Ultimate Signature Jutsu, will allow techniques to have additional effects and perks to them that extends beyond the original abilities such as the Uchiwa Gunbai now being able to spread the absorbed energy to other allies near the user or the Rasengan becoming like any of the variations of the Rasenshuriken. While level one Signature Jutsu can be used across the account ( depending on the mechanics of the technique ), Level 2 Signature Jutsu are bio bound.

±± Template for Combo Jutsu ±±

[B]( Buntaijutsu ) - Combo Technique: [/B]
[B]Type:[/B] S - Forbidden 
[B]Participants:[/B] 2 - 3
±± Template for Signature Jutsu ±±

[B]( Shōhyō: ) - Signature Jutsu: [/B]
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Jun 18, 2009
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( Buntaijutsu: Shinigami Gouka Ranbu ⸸ Ekirei no Yousei ) - Combo Technique: Fire and Brimstone ⸸ Showers of the Black Plague

Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 110 / 160 ( 40 + 70 / + 40 )
Damage points: 140 / 160 ( +20 / +30 p/ turn )
Participants: 2 / 3
Description: Showers of the Black Plague is a collaboration between the user of the Necrotic Touch of the Black Larvae and Fire Specialist performing Great Fireball Shower, for the first tier of the combination, and finally a wind user performing Air Current Wild Dance as the second tier.

Tier 1 ⸸ Fire ( 2 Participants )

As the fire specialist breathes out a shower of fire in the form of 8 blazing meteors of compact fire, the user will focus fire of their own and clap their hands, infusing and bolstering the unleashed flames with larvas of fire black as coal. The black-stricken meteors will then shower upon the field, wreaking havoc and destruction, infecting all who are burnt by their flames with the Black Larvae, which will slowly start to corrode their mind with fire and brimstone. With each turn of contact, one of the five senses will be burned into nothingness, until the targets are left burnt and scorched physically and mentally, without any sensation left. Given the properties of both Fire and the Elemental Illusion, the user is the first stage of Showers of the Black Plague is considered a Spiritual-Physical Damaging technique, contact with the flame will deal 140 damage worth of Physical Damage, whereas the larvae infection will deal 20 spiritual damage per turn until all five senses are consumed by the fire curse.

Tier 2 ⸸ Brimstone ( 3 Participants )

Synchronizing with the unleashing of the larvae-infested meteors, a Wind User will gather the currents of wind to fan out the flames and collect dust and debris from the entire battlefield. As the debris is compacted into the showers of the plague, they get scorched and compressed adding to the physicality of the meteors and the larvae, like patches of molten lava and bolstered flames, and reshaping the meteors into resembling actual maggots of fire and the black larvae into rows of spiked teeth, circling and pulsating around the maggot-meteors. With increased power and tangibility, the larvae will bloom into pupas, draining far more damage from their path into the brain of the targets, ending the 5 senses of their victims with an added excruciating mental pain of burning and being shredded apart. Given the properties of the Wind, Fire, and the Elemental Illusion, the user is the first stage of Showers of the Black Plague is considered a Spiritual-Physical Damaging technique, contact with the flame will deal 160 damage worth of Physical Damage, whereas the larvae infection will deal 30 spiritual damage per turn until all five senses are consumed by the brimstone curse.

Note: Tier 1 Showers of the Black Plague can only be used by an user of Fire Release and Black Larvae, and a Fire Specialist. It can only be used 4 times per battle. Tier 2 requires the addition of a Wind user and can only be used 2 times per battle, each usage counts as two usages of the Tier 1, meaning using Tier 2 once allows only 2 more usages of the Tier 1 version, and using Tier 1 three times disallows the user to spend the next usage slot with a Tier 2 version. The Black Larvae user is required to keep spending 20 chakra per turn in order to keep the illusion going inside their targets.

Carrion Illusion: The Necrotic Touch of the Black Larvae

-Declined- This is a cool read, very visually pleasing. However the issue here is the illusion being used, combo attacks allow you to do what it says on the tin, but those techniques still require you to follow, for the most part, their initial rules. In the case of that illusion it's a on touch one so you infusing it in to the meteors wouldn't really be possible in the way you're trying, some illusions definitely could work that way in theory but not that one.
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
( Buntaijutsu: Jusshi Souseiki no Kaijuu ) Combo Technique: Genesis of the Swamp Leviathan
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 80 (40 Per Participant)
Damage points: N/A
Participants: 2
Description: Genesis of the Swamp Leviathan is unique and powerful combination technique utilized by Mirabelle Blackthorn and Isabella Uchiha. This is performed through the use of Algae Release and Mushroom Release, both organic elements ironically working perfectly in tandem with one another. Initiated by both women individually, Mirabelle performs “Algae Release: Genesis”, causing the ground across the entire battlefield to sink in, as the organic element floods the soil and erupts into a splurge of red and blue algal sludge, while Isabella utilizes the “Mushroom Style: Warts of Mokele-mbembe”, causing mushrooms orbs to proliferate along the surface of the sludge, creating a combined forest of both respective elements. Manifested as engorged tentacles of an abhorrent organic leviathan, Mirabelle’s control over the algae fauna brings the seaweed limbs to grip and restrain targets or even defend against opposing techniques this mass of mushroom and algae will have a default power of 100 damage when first used and every attack made after creation will cost a move slot but also carry the same default power. But the more lethal part of this is the mushroom suckers that populate the tentacles, opening up to spray a mist of hallucinogenic toxins into the battlefield Traveling up to 5 meters in all directions from the chosen tentacles. Brimming with Psylocibin, by inhaling or having one's skin contact with the hallucinogenic mist will poison the body of Mirabelle and Isabella's enemies, sedating and paralyzing their flesh while dissociating their mind into an elevated astral plane, where they'll be washed with a deepened feeling of euphoria and saturated aural colors, oblivious and impotent to the crushing strength of the Algae tentacles, unless healed or countered by the appropriate techniques. Due to the nature of Genesis, Mirabelle would freely (at no cost of a move) continuously make a platform of Algae beneath Isabella in order for her to remain stable on the surface of sludge.

Note: The hallucinogenic effect does not affect either of them, or creatures linked to them by chakra, like clones, summons or chakra creations. The illusionary effect has a potency of 50 chakra by default requiring it to be break following the rules for a illusion of that power, each usage of the hallucinogenic power beyond the turn of creation will cost a move slot.
This technique counts as a usage of each of the respective technique. Should either character not be able to perform it individual prior, they cannot use this technique.
Note: Genesis of the Swamp Leviathan despite being a combination of both natures can still be used as a source for other Algae/Mushroom based techniques.
Note: Can only be used once per battle, lasting the same time as the original techniques, though if no duration is mentioned, will naturally last four turns.

Genesis Technique Approval
Warts of Mokele-mbembe Approval

-Approved- Edits made
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Jun 18, 2009
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( Buntaijutsu: Shinigami Gouka Ranbu ⸸ Ekirei no Yousei ) - Combo Technique: Fire and Brimstone ⸸ Showers of the Black Plague

Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 110 / 160 ( 40 + 70 / + 40 )
Damage points: 140 / 160 ( +20 / +30 p/ turn )
Participants: 2 / 3
Description: Showers of the Black Plague is a collaboration between the user of the Necrotic Touch of the Black Larvae and Fire Specialist performing Great Fireball Shower, for the first tier of the combination, and finally a wind user performing Air Current Wild Dance as the second tier.

Tier 1 ⸸ Fire ( 2 Participants )

As the fire specialist breathes out a shower of fire in the form of 8 blazing meteors of compact fire, the user will focus fire of their own and clap their hands, infusing and bolstering the unleashed flames with larvas of fire black as coal. The black-stricken meteors will then shower upon the field, wreaking havoc and destruction, infecting all who are burnt by their flames with the Black Larvae, which will slowly start to corrode their mind with fire and brimstone. With each turn of contact, one of the five senses will be burned into nothingness, until the targets are left burnt and scorched physically and mentally, without any sensation left. Given the properties of both Fire and the Elemental Illusion, the user is the first stage of Showers of the Black Plague is considered a Spiritual-Physical Damaging technique, contact with the flame will deal 140 damage worth of Physical Damage, whereas the larvae infection will deal 20 spiritual damage per turn until all five senses are consumed by the fire curse.

Tier 2 ⸸ Brimstone ( 3 Participants )

Synchronizing with the unleashing of the larvae-infested meteors, a Wind User will gather the currents of wind to fan out the flames and collect dust and debris from the entire battlefield. As the debris is compacted into the showers of the plague, they get scorched and compressed adding to the physicality of the meteors and the larvae, like patches of molten lava and bolstered flames, and reshaping the meteors into resembling actual maggots of fire and the black larvae into rows of spiked teeth, circling and pulsating around the maggot-meteors. With increased power and tangibility, the larvae will bloom into pupas, draining far more damage from their path into the brain of the targets, ending the 5 senses of their victims with an added excruciating mental pain of burning and being shredded apart. Given the properties of the Wind, Fire, and the Elemental Illusion, the user is the first stage of Showers of the Black Plague is considered a Spiritual-Physical Damaging technique, contact with the flame will deal 160 damage worth of Physical Damage, whereas the larvae infection will deal 30 spiritual damage per turn until all five senses are consumed by the brimstone curse.

Note: Tier 1 Showers of the Black Plague can only be used by an user of Fire Release and Black Larvae, and a Fire Specialist. It can only be used 4 times per battle. Tier 2 requires the addition of a Wind user and can only be used 2 times per battle, each usage counts as two usages of the Tier 1, meaning using Tier 2 once allows only 2 more usages of the Tier 1 version, and using Tier 1 three times disallows the user to spend the next usage slot with a Tier 2 version. The Black Larvae user is required to keep spending 20 chakra per turn in order to keep the illusion going inside their targets.

Carrion Illusion: The Necrotic Touch of the Black Larvae

-Declined- This is a cool read, very visually pleasing. However the issue here is the illusion being used, combo attacks allow you to do what it says on the tin, but those techniques still require you to follow, for the most part, their initial rules. In the case of that illusion it's a on touch one so you infusing it in to the meteors wouldn't really be possible in the way you're trying, some illusions definitely could work that way in theory but not that one.
( Buntaijutsu: Shinigami Gouka Ranbu ⸸ Ekirei no Yousei ) - Combo Technique: Fire and Brimstone ⸸ Showers of the Black Plague

Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 110 / 160 ( 40 + 70 / + 40 )
Damage points: 140 / 160 ( +20 / +30 p/ turn )
Participants: 2 / 3
Description: Showers of the Black Plague is a collaboration between the user of the Necrotic Touch of the Black Larvae and Fire Specialist performing Great Fireball Shower, for the first tier of the combination, and finally a wind user performing Air Current Wild Dance as the second tier.

Tier 1 ⸸ Fire ( 2 Participants )

As the fire specialist breathes out a shower of fire in the form of 8 blazing meteors of compact fire, the user will focus fire of their own and clap their hands, infusing and bolstering the unleashed flames with larvas of fire black as coal. The black-stricken meteors will then shower upon the field, wreaking havoc and destruction, infecting all who are burnt by their flames with the Black Larvae, which will slowly start to corrode their mind with fire and brimstone , just like how the original technique mentions that the illusionary aspects of the technique happen due to the damage induced by the elemental larvae themselves going through the target's brain, and how the larvae can be deployed near anywhere around the person and then travel through the clothing (external) or the body (internal) until they reach the brain and then damage it.. With each turn of contact, one of the five senses will be burned into nothingness, until the targets are left burnt and scorched physically and mentally, without any sensation left. Given the properties of both Fire and the Elemental Illusion, the user is the first stage of Showers of the Black Plague is considered a Spiritual-Physical Damaging technique, contact with the flame will deal 140 damage worth of Physical Damage, whereas the larvae infection will deal 20 spiritual damage per turn until all five senses are consumed by the fire curse.

Tier 2 ⸸ Brimstone ( 3 Participants )

Synchronizing with the unleashing of the larvae-infested meteors, a Wind User will gather the currents of wind to fan out the flames and collect dust and debris from the entire battlefield. As the debris is compacted into the showers of the plague, they get scorched and compressed adding to the physicality of the meteors and the larvae, like patches of molten lava and bolstered flames, and reshaping the meteors into resembling actual maggots of fire and the black larvae into rows of spiked teeth, circling and pulsating around the maggot-meteors. With increased power and tangibility, the larvae will bloom into pupas, draining far more damage from their path into the brain of the targets, ending the 5 senses of their victims with an added excruciating mental pain of burning and being shredded apart. Given the properties of the Wind, Fire, and the Elemental Illusion, the user is the first stage of Showers of the Black Plague is considered a Spiritual-Physical Damaging technique, contact with the flame will deal 160 damage worth of Physical Damage, whereas the larvae infection will deal 30 spiritual damage per turn until all five senses are consumed by the brimstone curse.

Note: Tier 1 Showers of the Black Plague can only be used by an user of Fire Release and Black Larvae, and a Fire Specialist. It can only be used 4 times per battle. Tier 2 requires the addition of a Wind user and can only be used 2 times per battle, each usage counts as two usages of the Tier 1, meaning using Tier 2 once allows only 2 more usages of the Tier 1 version, and using Tier 1 three times disallows the user to spend the next usage slot with a Tier 2 version. The Black Larvae user is required to keep spending 20 chakra per turn in order to keep the illusion going inside their targets.

-Declined- Description: The user charges an elemental chakra through a part of the body, generally the fingers or the mouth, and then proceeds to touch the head of the opponent (Or through a kiss). *If the user touches a limb or the torso (Through pieces of clothing top, not armour or hardened leather), the larvae will travel to the brain, but will instead require 1 addition turn before the illusions are felt*. I read the technique the last time, it clearly requires physical contact. Don't waste my time again this is your last warning.
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May 7, 2020
Trait Points
( Buntaijutsu: Fenikkusufurawāburasutou~ēbu ) - Combo Technique: Phoenix Flower Blast Wave
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 50 / N/A
Damage: 120
Participants: 2
Description: A technique created by combining Obito's unique space time fire jutsu, Fire Release: Blast Wave Wild Dance and the bukijutsu technique, Bombardment. Based partly on the phoenix flower crimson nail technique used by Itachi, this ability will see Obito launch the flaming attack while his partner hurls a countless number of weaponry amidst the flames, concealing them within it's spiralling depths. Due to the extreme heat of the powerful flames, the weapons will become super heated but retain their original properties, however their momentum will only be increased by the space/time manipulation causing the opponent to be pelted with both chakra fuelled flames and red hot metal projectiles. Due to the nature of the technique, absorbing or sealing the flames will prove an inefficient defense, instead of stopping the attack it would merely half it's damage.
Note: This technique can be performed with any weaponry a participant chooses, including things such as marked ftg kunai.
Note: Usage follows the same restrictions as the blast wave wild dance, reducing MS duration and counting towards one of the allowed usages of the technique.
Note: Due to the nature of the Kamui ability the flames and weaponry are accelerated to the speed of the Blast Wave Wild Dance.
Note: Can only be used twice per battle. In regards to boosting, the attack benefits from the mind stat of the flames user and the body stat of the bukijutsu user.

Combo Approved

( Shōhyō: Doujutsu: Mangekyou Sharingan ) - Signature Jutsu: Eye Technique: Kaleidoscope Copy Wheel Eye
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 50 (-20 per turn to keep active)
Description: The Mangekyo Sharingan, literally meaning "Kaleidoscope Copy Wheel Eye", is the highest known form of Sharingan, said to be feared as the strongest form of Sharingan. Awakening MS requires the user to have possession of 3 Tomoe Sharingan and to witness or simply go through some extremely dramatic emotional event. Upon this event, the user awakens MS. The most noticeable MS users gained it by witnessing the death of someone important to them, sometimes by their own hand. Once activated the appearance of the pupil drastically changes, differing from the tomoe seals, and gains a shape unique to each user. When active the user can track speeds even further beyond that of the third stage sharingan. The timing of the users counters, the chaining speed of multiple techniques and the ability to see through the enemy's moves greatly increases. Not only that but the user gains the ability to see through visual illusions A-rank and below. The link to Genjutsu is further increased and, if the user has gained full mastery over Genjutsu, he gains the ability to cast genjutsu without the need for Handseals as long as he has a line of sight to the target. Also, the Mangekyo Sharingan gives the user access to powerful and forbidden techniques, unique to each user. Extended use of the Mangekyo Sharingan after some time, deteriorates the user's eyesight to the point of blindness. The chakra cost is so high that it drains the users stamina and chakra at increasingly high speeds. Once the side effects of it's use take place, the user is left blind and unable to activate his sharingan. While keeping it active is already quite hard, the user will drain the time he can keep it active at each MS technique he uses. While some can decrease one turn, others can decrease even more.
Note: The user needs to have activated his 3T Sharingan beforehand
Note: Can only be activated twice, requiring a 2 turn coldown to activate again
Note: Lasts a maximum of 12 turns for the first activation and 6 turns for the second
Note: After the first activation wears down, his eyes revert to their normal appearance and the user can't activate his sharingan for 1 turn
Note: The first activation drains the users stamina and leaves him tired, while the second activation leaves the user near blinded and almost unable to move if he doesn't deactivate it before the time ends, in regards to the ninja world they can only use the 3T and below for the remainder of the arc after this
Note: To avoid direct Eye Contact and be able to focus only on the body movement below the chin, the opponent needs to have mastered Taijutsu to possess the necessary skill.
Note: Predicting the nature of a technique or what it exactly is requires the user to either know the technique or that its a cannon technique.
Note: While active, as long as a clear line of sight and the range is respected, the user can cast normal non-Doujutsu Genjutsu without the need for handseals. However, Doujutsu illusions still require eye contact (if feasible) or their own requirements; this ability only affects regular Genjutsu.

Declined by Imperfect.

After deliberation, we've decided as a unit that we won't be allowing Modes or Dojutsu to be signature techniques due to the nature and potency of the techniques.

Since this is a canon signature technique, I bolded the parts I changed, adding more usages and not total blindness in the NW for the arc.
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Shady Doctor

Mar 21, 2012
Trait Points
( Kanpekinanin Hebi Sennin Modo ) - Perfect Snake Sage Mode
Type: Mode
Rank: S
Range: N/a
Chakra cost: N/A ( -10 turn to sustain )
Damage Points: Active +50 damage to all ninjutsu and taijutsu up to S rank
Description: An empowered state of body achieved by blending natural energy with one’s physical and spiritual energy. The mode heightens performance on all levels by adding a new dimension of power to the user’s chakra. The state is a direct result of Senjutsu chakra circulating through the body. To enter this form, a minimum of 10% of the user’s maximum chakra reserve must be moulded into Senjutsu chakra, all subsequent technique employ Senjutsu chakra until the minimum cost (-10/turn) cannot be paid to sustain the mode. The user is resistant to damage, reducing 30 damage from all techniques and can heal (for 10 damage per turn) for the duration of this technique. The user is able to passively sense chakra and his/her perception and reflexes are enhanced. Their ninjutsu and strength increases, empowering taijutsu and other close range physical combat techniques by +50. Additionally, the user is able to break out of Genjutsu, using Genjutsu release technique one rank lower than what he would normally be required to. And similarly, the requirement to break out of user’s Genjutsu using Release or Chakra surge is one rank higher than required. Lastly, the user gains access to snake anatomy, Sage Art: Inorganic Reincarnation and other physical feats granted by Sage mode. Due to Doom having his sage mode technique as his signature technique, his skill and potency in the usage of Senjutsu has risen to a massive level, thus increasing the boost given when in the mode.
Note: Usable thrice per battle by Perfect Sages only. Must wait 1 turn before using this technique again. Once per battle, the user is able to instantly activate Sage mode, with 10% of their maximum chakra reserve as Senjutsu Chakra.
Note: Perfect Sages can convert a maximum of 40% of their total chakra reserve.

Canon signature technique, I've bolded the changes to the technique. Simply +20 more damage boost while giving a little line to why it's boosted more.

-Declined- After deliberation, we've decided as a unit that we won't be allowing modes or dojutsu to be signature techniques due to the nature the of modes and states etc. Also generally the concept of enhancing a technique solely for boosting to have a greater boosting potential wouldn't be allowed.
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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Purchases here

Cannon Jutsu Edit:

(+40 increase > 50 increase. Speed increase 4 > 5.5)

(Shōhyō: Tenseigan Chakura Mōdo ) - Signature Technique: Reincarnation Eye Chakra Mode
Type: Mode
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: 40 ( -15 per turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: Tenseigan Chakra Mode is a heightened transformation unique to those who possess the Tenseigan. Upon activating this form the user gains a cyan-colored chakra shroud with six magatama markings on their collar, dark markings over their eyebrows and lower eyelids, and a single horn shaped like Kaguya's, extending from their forehead. The shroud constantly radiates flickering flames of chakra, and the user's clothing and hair continuously billow upwards. The user's strength is significantly increased, adding +50 damage to their Ninjutsu and Taijutsu techniques. Their speed is also enhanced, increasing it by five and a half times their base. Being a signature jutsu of Alucard, he is able to utilize the mode to greater potential than that of the average Tenseigan weilder.
Note: Can only be used twice per battle, each use lasting 6 turns. After using, the user must wait at least 4 additional turns before using again.
Note: Can only be used by Otsutsuki Tenseigan wielders while the Tenseigan is active.
Note: If the Tenseigan is deactivated or reverted back to its Byakugan state then the mode is forcibly ended.

-Declined- After deliberation, we've decided as a unit that we won't be allowing modes or dojutsu to be signature techniques due to the nature the of modes and states etc. Also generally the concept of enhancing a technique solely for boosting to have a greater boosting potential wouldn't be allowed.

Approved here [x]

(Changed damage and duration as well as restrictions in bold).

(Shōhyō - Jinton/Inton: Shamen | Signature Technique - Dust/Yin Release: Absolution)
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 60 (-20/turn)
Damage: 140
Absolution is an advanced form of Dust release in which the user incorporates the unique trait of Yin release to solidify the the naturally energetic form of the Dust chakra. Instead, the form of the Jinton will take that of a stream of easily manipulative shards with the same disintegrating properties as its pure energetic form. After forming 3 handseals, the user will create and cause these shards will travel through any target and disintegrate anything they touch. These shards are able to move and take the shape of anything due to Yin and Shape manipulation abilities. The shards will always originate from the users body and can have an extended duration on the field if the user wishes, which requires more chakra and extends the restrictions the user gets originally by the length the user keeps the technique active. In accordance to the properties of the Hungry Ghost technique, Absolution carries a debuff similar to that of the Hungry Ghost except it will only interract with techniques it clashes with and will not carry any parasitic properties once the technique defeats another(if it does) of course. The shards are a beautiful sight to behold, which is another property of the Yin aspect and gained passively. The shards are completely jet black and has a cyan flare to their exterior like a cold meteorite. This is purely an aesthetic property and carries no weight in battle.

Note: When the user has performed this technique, they are hindered from using S-rank and above techniques for two turns afterwards, as well as Yin/Dust release techniques for two turns.
Note: Can only be used thrice per battle with a cooldown of 4 turns.
Note: Can be sustained up to 3 turns for each use, but sustaining the technique prolongs the restrictive effects during that time it is sustained.
Note: User cannot use any Jinton/Earth/Fire/Wind/Yin techniques while this technique is active.
Note: Due to the Yin influence, this technique has neutral Strengths and Weaknesses.

-Declined- You won't be able to use Signature technique to just revert this to it's pre nerfed state, also generally speaking you can't add this amount of boosts to a signature technique, you're altering damage, drawbacks and usage amounts all at once.
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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Approved here: link
(Changed chakra value from 70 to 90).

(Shōhyō: Meiton/Inton: Kokuyōseki no sora | Signature Technique: Dark/Yin Release: Obsidian Sky)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 90
Damage: 140
Description: Obsidian Sky is a technique in which the user incorporates their Yin as well as their Dark release together to create the ultimate chakra siphoning technique. Through the use of Yin, the dark release absorption aspect loses its weaknesses to earth and water/other solid/liquid materials and lets the user absorb anything of the same chakra level while at the same time absorb enough chakra from an incoming technique for it to directly lose one rank, similar to the tethering abilities of Hungry Ghost. Unlike Hungry Ghost, however, this technique doesn't latch on to the opponent if it goes through and eats their chakra but simply applies the debuff on their technique. However, the strengths of the absorption release is also rendered neutral, meaning this technique can essentially absorb the same amount of chakra the user spends in their initial move. It is exactly the same for the release version of the technique with a total immunity to any weakness/strength and rendered neutral to everything and thus only overpowering techniques that has lesser damage output. When it comes to the release form of the aspect of this technique, the standard blue flames have changed aesthetically. The flames have a slightly different pattern than normal dark release techniques. It's aesthetics has changed into which the flames are pitch black with a cyan flare on the edges. On the inside there are images resembling that of a clear night sky, filled with celestial bodies. This is a passive aesthetic change and carries no weight in battle. As a signature jutsu, this technique gains additional chakra allowing it to absorb a larger amount of techniques. The release version also gains this buff to chakra but no gain in damage.

Note: When the user has performed the release version of this technique, they are hindered from using S-rank and above techniques for two turns afterwards, as well as Yin/Dark release techniques above A-rank. This applies for both times the release version is used.
Note: In the same turn the user uses the absorption function, they cannot use any other dark release techniques.
Note: The release form of the technique can only be used twice per battle, with a two turn-cooldown.
Note: The absorption form can be used 4 times per battle, with a two-turn cooldown.
Note: After usage, the user must wait two turns to use again for the absorption part and 4 for the release part.

Approved here: link
(Removed handseal requirement).

(Shōhyō: Mabataki) - Signature Technique: Blink
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 50
Damage: 100
Description: Blink is a simple move that is entirely movement based and incorporates the very non-existential fabric of Ghoulspine in terms of interraction. Ghoulspine itself is Yin-infused bone release that creates an intangible state. Blink lets the user infuse their entire being and not just skeleton - into Ghoulspine. This makes their bodies simply turn into a black substance that cannot be interacted with by any physical mediums. As their body becomes essentially "nothing" - the user gains the ability to "reshape".

The distance the technique lets the user reshape has a minimum of short range from their original place up to mid-range, moving at x2 speed. That is not all though, upon leaving their original place, the user will also leave a trace of their Ghoulspine chakra at their original place which upon impact with a foreign body will indulge them in a deep and hellish illusion. This illusion is rather simple and loops over and over until the target breaks free. The illusion works like this: a target that travels towards the user of the technique will experience the same course of movement in an endless loop that starts from when they move towards the user and ends when they are impacted with the Ghoulspine chakra. This illusion lasts for 2 turns unless the target breaks free. As a signature technique the user can re-shape at their will without using handseals. Other restrictions remains the same.

Note: Requires Ghoulspine.
Note: Can only be used 4 times per battle.
Note: No Ghoulspine/Yin technique in the same turn as use.
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May 7, 2020
Trait Points
(Shohyo | Dojutsu: Kamui ) - Signature Technique | Eye Technique: Authority of the Gods
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S (Forbidden)
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 40 (70)
Damage points: 100 ( -20 per use )
Description: Kamui is a set of abilities born in Obito Uchiha's eyes. Differentiating from normal MS techniques, some of Kamui's abilities are accessible to Obito without having to activate his MS and using only his Right 3 Tomoe Sharingan as is the case of his (Isō Idō no Jutsu) - Phasing Migration Technique. A Ninjutsu technique which uses the Mangekyou Sharingan eye to link this reality to an unknown alternate dimension is the key ability of both the Right and Left MS eyes of Obito Uchiha. While his right eye has the ability to absorb and teleport things into that dimension (even Obito himself) by proximity and acting as a portal itself (that draws things to it, much like a miniature black hole), the left eye creates the same type of portal but on focal point, much like the workings of Amaterasu (albeit somewhat slower acting). At a given point in his early life, Obito gave his left eye to Hatake Kakashi. In this way, while Obito retained the self-teleportation abilities of his right eye, Kakashi was bestowed with the ranged version of those abilities in his left eye. While Obito showed the ability to activate his right eye's abilities without having to activate his MS, Kakashi always needed to activate his MS to use Kamui. The main difference is that once Obito activates his MS, the speed at which he can absorb something or himself drastically increases as well as the size of what he can absorb and the pull of the "portal" itself, making it coming into close range of him quite dangerous, while his normal use of the technique takes a couple of seconds to fully absorb something and can never target things bigger than himself. This form of teleportation can be used to travel in the normal world in a virtually instant manner. The user will teleport himself to the alternate dimension and then teleport back into the normal world in another location. Another difference initially noted was that is that while Kakashi could send something into said dimension through his use of Kamui, he could not retrieve it, something that Obito is capable off and has mastered to a great extent, proving capable of even adding great momentum and speed to the objects he retrieves, using them as projectiles to attack. However, after his fight with Obito, Kakashi eventually learned how to teleport himself in and out of the same dimension. This ability however, puts a great toll on him and he can only do it a very limited number of times during which he can only teleport himself. Should one gain a Dual MS Obito or an Advanced Kakashi bio, they will have access to both variants.
Note: Thanks to the presence of Hashirama's DNA within his body, Obito is able to use the Kamui without causing a reduction to the mangekyo duration, giving him increased usage.
Note: Obito needs to be tangible to use his absorption abilities and he can use them 6 times per battle.
Note: Kakashi can use it up to 4 times, requiring him to have his MS active and reducing its duration by 1 turn per use, while severely draining his chakra, making it a forbidden rank technique for him to use.
Note: The speed of the right eye is dependent on the state the eye is in. With 3T active, the portal expands and absorbs the target at 30 speed and with MS active, this becomes 40, and increases to 50 when Dual MS is used. The ranged variant can only be used with MS active and moves at 50 speed.
Note: Dual MS Obito can make use of each side a collective 7 times, the ranged variant requiring his MS to be active. Advanced Kakashis can make use of both sides a collective 5 times, each requiring his Mangekyou to be active and reduces its duration by one turn.

Basically just removed the "reduces MS duration by one turn" stuff for Obito here, so the mangekyo will still time out, just slower when Kamui is being used.

Shady Doctor

Mar 21, 2012
Trait Points
Signature technique

( Muon no Ken ) - Silent Fist
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 20 ( -5 per turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: Users of the Seven Heavenly Breaths are able to make use of a unique ability to battle and move completely silently in addition to being unpredictable. This effect only works on opponents within mid range of the user as that's as far as the chakra cloak can reach. This cloak is invisible to the naked but can be perceived with Dōjutsu or Sensory. While active, the user's physical attacks and motions become virtually unpredictable as there is no sound accompanying them. By channeling air away from their bodies they are met with less friction ergo less drag during movement. Due to this, the user will be nearly unpredictable in his movements, increasing this threefold. This does not mean the attacks move at this speed, however. Due to Shady mastering the silent fist technique, he's able to bring forth a larger aura that doesn't give more damage or chakra as a signature technique, simply reaches out to mid range instead of short.
Note: Can only be used by Seven Heavenly Breath users and each use lasts up to 4 turns and be used 3 times max.
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