The Legendary Sage of Konoha; Kakashi Chronicles 3

Kuroi Honoo

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Dec 2, 2009
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Last part first - How stupid of me, I guess I was writing so fast I missed that one. I'll fix it right away, thanks for the heads up. Like I said in my VM, you have very keen eyes for details, just what I need:D I can't freaking wait to see your review on the sequel chapter!;)

Yeah about that. It kind of seems like Sasuke Chronicles 3 in some way, where I could have continued and made more chapters within the chronicles. But, I just explained my views on the matter, in one of my posts above, here;
It is not stupid of you-please. I have made grammar/misspellings and English is my mother tongue-now that is what you called stupid or shameful in my opinion xd I'm glad to be of help anyway I can and I hope to continue generating accurate feedback ;)

For the first part - Well yeah. You see, after I had done the first chapter of the sequel, I knew I had to do this one next as it more or less had to be released before or at the same time as the first chapter of the sequel, being as this on takes place before and/or simultaneously with the events of the sequel. However, I really didn't want to do Kakashi 3 as I more or less had lost all my interests in it and only wanted to focus on writing my sequel from here on and out, but in the end, I knew I had to force myself, so I quickly rushed through a scenario I picked from the top of my head and more or less wrote the chapter on the go, without any brainstorming on how it would end.

All I knew was that they were going to track down Akashi, and the rest of the chapter I just wrote in without giving it much thought other than it fitting with the ongoing events and without it making a plot hole.
If you remember from Chapter 14 of the original. Konohamaru, Shikaku and the rest got letters from Kiri about the war, and they then headed out to assist. So I nicely (or so I believe myselfxd) incorporated that event into this chapter.

Like I told Sun on msn yesterday, I actually, in full honesty, hated writing this chapter. Not because I didn't like how it turned out or because I felt it wasn't necessary, but mainly because all I cared about was the sequel. So when I was done, I was a little worried it would be my worst chapter ever as I've never spent so little time in one chapter before and never cared so little about getting on done, plus making it any good.

Seeing as how the reviews have been good so far, I'm actually a bit surprised, and it can't stop me from thinking; " If they liked this chapter that much, they got to love the first chapter of the sequel. Anything else wouldn't make sense at all."

I spent a lot of time making the first chapter of the sequel, not only because it's almost three times bigger than this one, but also, like I said, I care about how it would turn out, unlike Kakashi 3.

So every dialogue was important to me in the sequel chapter 1, every line, ever expression. Personally, I don't think I've written such a chapter, written-wise (not story wise), since chapter 11 (the one I got some help looking over grammar and structure from Sun and Mist) of the original. Not because of its content, but because of the structure and interaction between the characters.

Personally, I think chapter 1 of the sequel is the best chapter I've ever written. Let's just hope you and the rest think the same:p
So I was correct. I thought the chronicles only consisted of three chapters-I just kind of forgot lol Yes, since this chronicles ties into the first and second Legendary Sage ffs you can continue it from there which is cool. Wow, you just never cease to amaze me as you didn’t feel like completing chap 3 and yet you willed your self to and produced an accurate and detailed cliffhanger ;) lol at your thought about "If they liked this chapter that much, they got to love the first chapter of the sequel. Anything else wouldn't make sense at all" xd I loved it!!!!

Well, you’re definitely excited about the the sequel chap 1 this I can’t wait to see how it turned out! I’m off to read it now ^.^
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Dec 3, 2009
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Yeah I sometimes am in a bit of a rush and can't give too long of a review other than the whole "Awesome chapter, can't wait for the next one" that I sometimes type, it's pretty much my way to sum up my reply if I have to go soon, but yeah you have quite the talent for writing, especially when it comes to this style of writing.
Haha yeah I know. Writing big reviews, doesn't always feel necessary either or one might not be in the mood for it too, but in the end, It's always fun to get long detailed reviews:p;)
And thanks again;)

It is not stupid of you-please. I have made grammar/misspellings and English is my mother tongue-now that is what you called stupid or shameful in my opinion xd I'm glad to be of help anyway I can and I hope to continue generating accurate feedback ;)

So I was correct. I thought the chronicles only consisted of three chapters-I just kind of forgot lol Yes, since this chronicles ties into the first and second Legendary Sage ffs you can continue it from there which is cool. Wow, you just never cease to amaze me as you didn’t feel like completing chap 3 and yet you willed your self to and produced an accurate and detailed cliffhanger ;) lol at your thought about "If they liked this chapter that much, they got to love the first chapter of the sequel. Anything else wouldn't make sense at all" xd I loved it!!!!
Well, you’re definitely excited about the the sequel chap 1 this I can’t wait to see how it turned out! I’m off to read it now ^.^
Haha yeah, I guess it's almost impossible to miss small errors from time to time as it's only natural ;)

Good to hear my friend:) All my focus will be on the sequel from now on ;)


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Sep 30, 2010
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Well, first of all, I must say that for a seemingly-fast chapter, you've done a great job with it. The highlight being the very believable interactions between the numerous characters. When it comes to handling a large bunch of characters, I don't think there's someone here who does as well as you. No matter how many characters there are in your story, all fits the story so well.

Given that I've already read the Sequel as I'm writing this review, I must say that this chapter doesn't advance much on storyline level - perhaps its only flaw. Still, it remains a well-written chapters with some points that I particularly liked much:

- The characterization of Akashi. That isn't something new since I already lauded you for that since long but still, you've did another great job at portraying him. Definitely one of my favorite characters in your FF.

- Kabuto being more and more like Orochimaru. Not only in appearance as you rightfully stated but also in powers cause if I'm not wrong, this Binding seal is like an advanced level of the Curse Mark. If I resumes it right - Kabuto does better Edo Summoning, had advanced level techs, advanced Manda & now advanced Curse Mark.

- The ending was very well-done. The clash between Kakashi and Akashi connected big time while Kakashi's ending line was pin-point. The story can easily be renamed as the Story of Kakashi and Akashi; with the way they dominate the proceedings.​
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Dec 3, 2009
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Well, first of all, I must say that for a seemingly-fast chapter, you've done a great job with it. The highlight being the very believable interactions between the numerous characters. When it comes to handling a large bunch of characters, I don't think there's someone here who does as well as you. No matter how many characters there are in your story, all fits the story so well.

Given that I've already read the Sequel as I'm writing this review, I must say that this chapter doesn't advance much on storyline level - perhaps its only flaw. Still, it remains a well-written chapters with some points that I particularly liked much:

- The characterization of Akashi. That isn't something new since I already lauded you for that since long but still, you've did another great job at portraying him. Definitely one of my favorite characters in your FF.

- Kabuto being more and more like Orochimaru. Not only in appearance as you rightfully stated but also in powers cause if I'm not wrong, this Binding seal is like an advanced level of the Curse Mark. If I resumes it right - Kabuto does better Edo Summoning, had advanced level techs, advanced Manda & now advanced Curse Mark.

- The ending was very well-done. The clash between Kakashi and Akashi connected big time while Kakashi's ending line was pin-point. The story can easily be renamed as the Story of Kakashi and Akashi; with the way they dominate the proceedings.​
Thanks:p Well handling a large bunch of characters isn't really that hard. What's hard is making each one's interaction believable. Even so, I never really liked having too many people in one scene, but sometimes it's just unavoidable.

Well you can only imagine all the different endings I had for this one. It's was almost a little crazy.
One ending, I had their fight finish and Pakkun returning with someone behind him - but in the end, I felt that this ending was jumping too far into the progress of the story, and it would make it even more rushed.

Another ending was that Kakashi and Gai would tail Kabuto, Akashi, Ryu and Nobunaga to their destination, but again I felt that that would be too far into the future.

So even if I knew that this ending wouldn't progress the story much, I felt that it was the right ending as this event happens simultaneously with Naruto and Sasuke fighting Tobi.

Yeah. Again, that was something I came up on the go. I never intended Akashi's binding seal to be a more advanced curse mark, but it was just something I wrote in at the end to kind of level the odds in the fight.

Haha, you're so right, but I guess the same could be said about the Sasuke Chronicles:p

All in all, I think I'm satisfied on how this chapter turned out, even though I lowered the ambition I had for it by miles, and instead decided to incorporate the "end" of this in the sequel instead.


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Sep 30, 2010
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Thanks:p Well handling a large bunch of characters isn't really that hard. What's hard is making each one's interaction believable. Even so, I never really liked having too many people in one scene, but sometimes it's just unavoidable.

Well you can only imagine all the different endings I had for this one. It's was almost a little crazy.
One ending, I had their fight finish and Pakkun returning with someone behind him - but in the end, I felt that this ending was jumping too far into the progress of the story, and it would make it even more rushed.

Another ending was that Kakashi and Gai would tail Kabuto, Akashi, Ryu and Nobunaga to their destination, but again I felt that that would be too far into the future.

So even if I knew that this ending wouldn't progress the story much, I felt that it was the right ending as this event happens simultaneously with Naruto and Sasuke fighting Tobi.

Yeah. Again, that was something I came up on the go. I never intended Akashi's binding seal to be a more advanced curse mark, but it was just something I wrote in at the end to kind of level the odds in the fight.

Haha, you're so right, but I guess the same could be said about the Sasuke Chronicles:p

All in all, I think I'm satisfied on how this chapter turned out, even though I lowered the ambition I had for it by miles, and instead decided to incorporate the "end" of this in the sequel instead.
It's hard for me and I'm sure it's very hard for many great FF writers too. I doubt, there's someone who likes to include many people in one scene; that's way I say it's hard and you definitely handle it extremely well.

The ending I thought after K2 mostly was that Kakashi will collect evidence on his brother and trail him. It was kinda that; though I thought Kabuto will go easily to his destination after the altercation with Sasuke. Poor Kabuto, someone is always on his way lol :p

It was indeed the right ending, that's sure.

Level the odds :| You gave him more power along with the extraordinary Mirror element. I wished to have seen more on Mirror Element btw - given the title of this chapter.

Basically, given that both battles happens simultaneously, you decided to do a time-skip with the sequel with prequels ending on two clashes - Naruto/Sasuke v/s Madara and Kakashi v/s Akashi. I must say it was extremely fitting indeed regardless what ambition you had on it initially.
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Dec 3, 2009
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It's hard for me and I'm sure it's very hard for many great FF writers too. I doubt, there's someone who likes to include many people in one scene; that's way I say it's hard and you definitely handle it extremely well.

The ending I thought after K2 mostly was that Kakashi will collect evidence on his brother and trail him. It was kinda that; though I thought Kabuto will go easily to his destination after the altercation with Sasuke. Poor Kabuto, someone is always on his way lol :p

It was indeed the right ending, that's sure.

Level the odds :| You gave him more power along with the extraordinary Mirror element. I wished to have seen more on Mirror Element btw - given the title of this chapter.

Basically, given that both battles happens simultaneously, you decided to do a time-skip with the sequel with prequels ending on two clashes - Naruto/Sasuke v/s Madara and Kakashi v/s Akashi. I must say it was extremely fitting indeed regardless what ambition you had on it initially.
Yeah true:p

Yeah I guessxd At least nobody will be interfering with him now:p

Haha:lmao: Well we're talking about both Kakashi and Gai here!xd Even if Kakashi is a bit exhausted, he's still insanely dangerous;)

Thanks, and yep, that's basically how I thought of it;)


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Sep 30, 2010
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Yeah true:p

Yeah I guessxd At least nobody will be interfering with him now:p

Haha:lmao: Well we're talking about both Kakashi and Gai here!xd Even if Kakashi is a bit exhausted, he's still insanely dangerous;)

Thanks, and yep, that's basically how I thought of it;)
Good, you admitted it :p

Really :| Well, if you say so :rolleyes:

I know but till now, the one who you portrayed as insanely dangerous is Akashi.

Great minds think alike :D
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Dec 3, 2009
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Retrospective Afterthoughts, Part 21:

Okay this is probably the first time so far that I can say I completely missed out on something back then that I should have thought about... WHY ON EARTH are they not flying on Sai's ink-birds? I mean, c'mon, that should have been a no-brainer even at that time for sure, especially considering them crossing the sea towards Kiri on foot instead... ON FOOT :lol1-onion-head-emoticon: I can understand Pakkun needed to track the scent but as soon as they got to the water there was no reason not to travel on said birds anymore, lol.

With that said, this chapter was written almost a year after chapter 15 of the original and I can immediately tell it's a fresh restart of sorts. Surprisingly, this was also the first time, and likely one of few times in total, that I did a duo-release, as Returns 1 was released on the same day. I don't know why it took so long but I expect I was burnt out at the time and needed a longer break which would probably explain the 'part-lacklusterness' of chapter 15. That, and chapter 15 of the original was sort of an ending too so this was more of a comeback than a direct continuation, even though it served as that as well. Style has changed with a better narrative approach (dropping the 'Narrator:' altogether) and generally a new, fresh and 'updated' feel to it all, including a different font style.

The fact that this chronicle takes place at the same time as the main story really pays off in this one as it gets more room to breath being separated from it, and serves as a recap to both the characters in the story itself and to the readers of what was happening at the time; having been a great while since the last release, while simultaneously not taking up space in the sequel. Like with Sasuke Chronicles 3, this one imo was by far the best one in this chronicle and a much-needed one at that so I'll settle with a-...


Chapter Reviews Recap:

Ch. 1 - 7/10
Ch. 2 - 6/10
Ch. 3 - 7/10
Ch. 4 - 7/10
Ch. 5 - 7.5/10
Ch. 6 - 8/10

Sasuke Ch. 1 - 6.5/10
Sasuke Ch. 2 - 7/10

Ch. 7 - 7/10
Ch. 8 - 7/10
Ch. 9 - 8/10
Ch. 10 - 7/10
Ch. 11 - 7.5/10

Kakashi Ch. 1 - 6/10
Ch. 12 - 8/10
Sasuke Ch. 3 - 7.5/10
Kakashi Ch. 2 - 5/10
Ch. 13 - 6,5/10
Ch. 14 - 7.5/10

Ch. 15 - 7/10

Kakashi Ch. 3 - 8/10

5/10s - 1
6/10s - 2
6.5/10s - 2
7/10s - 8
7.5/10s - 4
8/10s - 4

Total Scores:

* The Legendary Sage of Konoha - 7.5/10
* TLSoK Sasuke Chronicles - 7/10
* TLSoK Kakashi Chronicles - 6.5/10


Onto The Legendary Sage of Konoha Returns!~