[ARCHIVE] Official NB Summoning Contracts List

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The Mockingjay

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Jul 26, 2012
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Re: Official NB Summoning Contracts List

Summoning Animal: Mockingbird
Scroll Owner: The Girl on Fire
Other Users who have signed contract: None
Summoning Boss if existing: Mellark
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: Odair, Hawthorn, Snow.

Approved here -
Summoning Animal: Mockingbird
Scroll Owner: The Girl on Fire
Other Users who have signed contract: Reki
Summoning Boss if existing: Mellark
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: Odair, Hawthorn, Snow.

Added Reki as a Signer.



Active member
Feb 21, 2013
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Re: Official NB Summoning Contracts List

-Jiraiya- taught and made me the owner of this contract here:
Summoning Animal: Frigate birds
Scroll Owner: -The JuubiGod
Other Users who have signed contract:
Summoning Boss if existing:
Summoning Technique: Blaze, The Frigate (Kuchiyose no jutsu: Blaze, The Frigate)
Type: Summoning Animal
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: The user after smearing his small amount of blood over his palm (which they used while signing the contract), perform the Boar -> Dog -> Bird -> Monkey -> Ram hand seals to summon Blaze, the boss of all Frigate birds. Blaze is somewhat larger than the hawk summoned by Sasuke in manga, apparently because of his wide wing span and deep, long forked tail. The user can ride on top of him.
Blaze specializes in fire techniques and can use fire jutsus upto A rank. As similar to all frigate birds, he is essentially aerial, has the largest wingspan to body weight ratio of any bird and he can stay aloft for more than a week.
He can build up and store the fire chakra effectively in his large red gular pouch located in his neck thus he can effectively perform the fire jutsus. While not using any jutsu via his mouth, he can carry small objects, scrolls or a person in his red gular pouch.
As he has a long wing span, he can also defect shurikens and kunais thrown at him by creating small gusts of air using his wings, deflecting them.
  • Can be summoned only by those who've signed the summoning contact and must be taught by me(-Jiraiya-).
  • Can be summoned only once in a battle.
  • Can stay for 4 turns once summoned.
  • Can perform up to A rank fire jutsus and each jutsu counts as the user's jutsu.
  • The user cannot perform any S rank fire jutsus while Blaze is in play.
  • Can perform elemental combo with the user.
  • Can perform physical attack with wings.
  • Can talk and interact with the User.
  • Link of summoning contract approval >> <<
  • Boss summon Approval link: >> <<
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract:
Summoning Animal: Frigate birds
Scroll Owner: The JuubiGod
Other Users who have signed contract:
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract:
-Blaze. The Frigate
-The Man O' War


Active member
Dec 20, 2012
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Re: Official NB Summoning Contracts List

Updating with a contract signer and boss summon

Summoning animal: Tiglon ( )
Scroll owner: William24
Other users who have signed contract: Pradatta Uchiha
Summoning boss if existing:
(Tiglon Kuchiyose: Aizen)-
Tiglon Summoning: Aizen

Type: Summon
Rank: S-rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
The user first draws blood from his hand and does the hand signs for the summoning technique. In return he/she is able to summon the Tiglon contracts boss summon Aizen. Aizen is an all white Tiglon that is the size of a full grown elephant though his body mass is pure muscle. He also has a short, scruffy mane. Aizen is able to speak english in order to comprehend what his summoner says and communicate with him to strategize, though he can communicate with the contracts owner telepathically. Aizen, being the king of Tiglon's is known to be cocky and he taunts his enemies.
Aizen being the king of Tiglons is known for his strength in battle and as the strongest and fastest of all Tiglons.
He has an affinity for lightning in which he can perform with no hand seals and up to S-rank with complete ease. Aizen can also release an electrically charged S-rank chakra roar that is wide spread. Along with that he can cover his claws with condensed lightning chakra that can rip through B-rank defenses (A-rank earth).
He's also able to move at the speeds equal to that of a Kage ranked taijutsu specialist thus making him very dangerous on the battlefield.

• Can only be taught by William24
• Can't be used against the contract owner
• Can only be summoned once and lasts only 4 turns, while all of his moves and techniques count towards the users own 3 technique per turn count
• Takes a direct S-rank technique to kill him/disperse him
Other animals tied to contract: None
Description and background:
A tiglon ( /taln/) or tigon (not tigron) is a hybrid cross between a male tiger (Panthera tigris) and a lioness (Panthera leo). Thus, it has parents with the same genus but of different species. The tiglon is not currently as common as the converse hybrid, the liger; however, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, tiglons were more common than ligers. Tiglons can exhibit characteristics of both parents: they can have both spots from the mother (lions carry genes for spots—lion cubs are spotted and some adults retain faint markings) and stripes from the father. Any mane that a male tiglon may have will appear shorter and less noticeable than a lion's mane and is closer in type to the ruff of a male tiger. It is a common misconception that tiglons are smaller than lions or tigers. They do not exceed the size of their parent species because they inherit growth-inhibitory genes from the lioness mother, but they do not exhibit any kind of dwarfism or miniaturization; they often weigh around 180 kilograms (400 lb). A century ago, tiglons were evidently more common than ligers. Gerald Iles, in At Home in the Zoo (1961), was able to obtain three tiglons for Manchester's Belle Vue Zoo, but wrote that he had never seen a liger. A number of tiglons are currently being bred in China.

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Taking ownership. .

Summoning animal: Tiglon ( )
Scroll owner: noni1997
Other users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning boss if existing:
Type: Summon
Rank: S-rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
The user first draws blood from his hand and does the hand signs for the summoning technique. In return he/she is able to summon the Tiglon contracts boss summon Aizen. Aizen is an all white Tiglon that is the size of a full grown elephant though his body mass is pure muscle. He also has a short, scruffy mane. Aizen is able to speak english in order to comprehend what his summoner says and communicate with him to strategize, though he can communicate with the contracts owner telepathically. Aizen, being the king of Tiglon's is known to be cocky and he taunts his enemies.
Aizen being the king of Tiglons is known for his strength in battle and as the strongest and fastest of all Tiglons.
He has an affinity for lightning in which he can perform with no hand seals and up to S-rank with complete ease. Aizen can also release an electrically charged S-rank chakra roar that is wide spread. Along with that he can cover his claws with condensed lightning chakra that can rip through B-rank defenses (A-rank earth).
He's also able to move at the speeds equal to that of a Kage ranked taijutsu specialist thus making him very dangerous on the battlefield.

• Can only be taught by William24
• Can't be used against the contract owner
• Can only be summoned once and lasts only 4 turns, while all of his moves and techniques count towards the users own 3 technique per turn count
• Takes a direct S-rank technique to kill him/disperse him

Other animals tied to contract:

Rank: S-rank
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: The user uses his blood and uses the normal summoning technique or wipes blood on his Tiglon tattoo and summons the Tiglon's king's twin brother; Bách. Bach is a large, all black Tiglon, being nearly the size of a full grown elephant though his body mass is pure muscle. Unlike his brother, who has a short mane, Bách has a large black mane that flows with the wind. Like all other Tiglon's Bách can talk and communicate with his summoner and can speak to the contract owner via telepathy. Bách is known to be the calmest and most strategic Tiglon alive.
Being the twin brother of Aizen, Bách is known to be one of the best Tiglon's in combat and is feared in battle. Bách was born with an affinity to the fire element in which he can perform jutsu up to A-rank rank in without the use of hand seals. Once a battle, Bách is capable of transforming his entire mane in to flames in which he has control of, the the flames aren't used to attack. With his firey mane active he is able to absorb up to A-rank fire techniques into his mane, which in return enlarges the flaming mane.
- Only taught by william24
- Can only be summoned once and lasts 4 turns
- Absorption ability counts towardz the alotted jutsu per turn

Description and background:
A tiglon ( /taln/) or tigon (not tigron) is a hybrid cross between a male tiger (Panthera tigris) and a lioness (Panthera leo). Thus, it has parents with the same genus but of different species. The tiglon is not currently as common as the converse hybrid, the liger; however, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, tiglons were more common than ligers. Tiglons can exhibit characteristics of both parents: they can have both spots from the mother (lions carry genes for spots—lion cubs are spotted and some adults retain faint markings) and stripes from the father. Any mane that a male tiglon may have will appear shorter and less noticeable than a lion's mane and is closer in type to the ruff of a male tiger. It is a common misconception that tiglons are smaller than lions or tigers. They do not exceed the size of their parent species because they inherit growth-inhibitory genes from the lioness mother, but they do not exhibit any kind of dwarfism or miniaturization; they often weigh around 180 kilograms (400 lb). A century ago, tiglons were evidently more common than ligers. Gerald Iles, in At Home in the Zoo (1961), was able to obtain three tiglons for Manchester's Belle Vue Zoo, but wrote that he had never seen a liger. A number of tiglons are currently being bred in China.

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Sep 3, 2012
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Re: Official NB Summoning Contracts List

Summoning Animal: Quetzal
Scroll Owner: Perception
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: N/A
Description and Background:
The Quetzal is a bird that was held sacred by a long lost warrior race. The warriors lived in small settlements located in a tropical forest inside the Land of Fire. These people were among the first civilizations of the Land of Fire. Traveling and exploration defined this era. The world was still young and not yet completely discovered. As history has shown with exploration comes the expansion of territories and the beginnings of new generations. Races fade into obscurity while others prosper and grow with the passing of time. The prior fate would befall the warrior race that held the Quetzal as sacred.

The Quetzal is a medium size bird that weighs 7-8 oz and is 14-16 in tall. It is an incredibly beautiful bird whose body is composed of several colors including bright green, blue, red, and gold. The Quetzal has two long twin tail feathers that extend from the back of its body. The twin tail feathers grow to be about 2 ft in length.

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The tropical forest that was home to the ancient warrior race was also home to the Quetzal. The twin feathers of the Quetzal were valued commodities amongst the villagers. The villagers however did not hunt the Quetzal but lived in harmony with them. The Quetzal was also well known for its beautiful singing voice which surpassed all other birds. During this time the Quetzal had entirely green chests which differ from their looks today. As time passed on outside explorers would eventually discover this tropical forest. The explorers cared little for the customs and traditions of the ancient warriors. They decided to expand their territory and wipe out the ancient warrior race. This caused a war that raged on in the tropical forest for several years. The explorers would eventually win the war destroying the tropical forest in the process. During the last battle of the war the village chief was fighting with his dying breaths. As he fought his last battle a Quetzal flew down from the sky and distracted his opponent. In the end it wasn't enough and the village chief was slain. He fell to the ground and as he was grasping his last breaths the Quetzal flew down and laid on his chest. His chest was soaked in blood and stained the green feathers of the Quetzal turning it a deep red hue. This formed a bond between the chief and the Quetzal. The chief died immediately afterwards. After the war the Quetzal became an endangered species but a few still exist in other tropical forests.

People who sign a contract with the Quetzal form a permanent bond with it by tainting the bird's chest with their blood. People who sign this contract are branded with this tattoo:

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Apr 24, 2013
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Re: Official NB Summoning Contracts List

Summoning Animal: Aoao Re-suhane | Green Lacewing
Scroll Owner: omega5
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: Gabriel
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: N/A
Description and Background: The green lacewing is a new discovered species of insect and is well known for its delicate super thin transparent wings. They have gold eyes and a light green body. The wings themselves are about the size of their own body. They typically have green veins going throughout the wings. Lacewings are capable of fast agile movements allowing them to dodge most attacks or pursuers though their physical defense and strength is lacking. They have excellent hearing capabilities capable of picking up a bat's sonar signal; this allows them to be better at defending/evading sneak attacks, or even locating an enemy. Of course they are all capable of flight. The lacewings reside in mirage mountain. Lacewings can either have water, wind or lightning affinities.

Link to approval:

(Kuchiyose : Aoao Re-suhane -Gabriel) –Summoning: Green LaceWing-Gabriel
Rank: S
Type: Summoning
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points:N/A
Description: The user will perform necessary handseals after smearing blood on their palm. then slam their hand on the ground summoning the Green Lacewing Boss Gabriel. Gabriel is the summoning boss of the lacewings and one of the larger ones. He is about the size of a bus and can carry up to two people on his back. He has a scar on his left eye and his wings are as large as his body. He often has constructive criticism and sarcastic remarks for his partner. He has strong sense of hearing and is capable of flight. He possesses agile and fast maneuvers when in the air. Gabriel is capable of using any wind jutsu the user knows up to S rank without handseals through the use of his wings or mouth. Gabriel can resist against B rank and below physical attacks.
Remains active for 4 turns after he is summoned.

-Can only be summoned once
-Must have signed Green Lacewing contract
-Can speak with user and others
-Gabriel Summon must be taught by Omega5


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Official NB Summoning Contracts List

Summoning Animal:Keas
Scroll Owner: Makise
Other Users who have signed contract: Ishiro
Summoning Boss if existing: Rendan
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract:Kyu, Sampo , Firion , Meros and Sarah

(Kuchiose no Jutsu: Kyu )- Summoning Jutsu: Kyu
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short/Mid/Long
Chakra: 30 (-5 per turn)
Damage:N/A (60 or 40 depending on attack)
Description: After extracting some blood and performing the necessary handseals, the user is able to summon Kyu. Kyu is big enough to carry two people. He is able to fly and stay in the air. He is able to use three moves:
Fury Storm (Kyu swings his wings quickly creating two gusts of slashing winds) which equals to a B-rank wind technique; Feather Storm (Kyu swings his winds liberating wind-infused feathers which attack the opponent) which equals to a B-rank wind technique; and Cutter fury (Kyu dives to the opponent, cutting him in half by infusing wind sharpness in his wings
note: Ryu has to be in the air prior) which equals a A-rank wind technique
-Can only be summoned two times per battle
-Can only stay for five turns
-Attacks count as a move
-Summon is able to fly with the user in his back (companion included)
-Can only be used by someone who holds the Kea contract.

(Kuchiose no Jutsu: Sampo )- Summoning Jutsu: Sampo
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short/Mid/Long
Chakra: 25 (-5 per turn, -10 if scanning still in play)
Description: After extracting blood and performing the necessary handseals, the user is able to summon Sampo. Sampo is a 5 inch tall bird. His purpose is to fly in the air while liberating some water chakra in his flight, doing this, he is able to locate an enemy's position, and inform it to the user. He flies fast enough to be unperceptive, for both the user and the opponent.
-Can only be summoned three times per battle
-Can stay for six turns
-Scanning the area counts as a move, but scanning can be used during the six turns
-Can only be used by someone who holds the Kea contract.

(Kuchiyose: Kea-to - Firion) - Summoning technique: Kea – Firion
Type: Summoning
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: The user either uses a summoning jutsu or their summoning tattoo to summon Firion. Firion is a large Kea that's wing spam outstretches the width of four men. He can only carry one person. Firion is very fast but when carrying someone, he is slowed down a bit more. Firion can use A-Rank or below Raiton jutsu that do not require handseals.
~Firion only lasts three turns on the battlefield.
~Firion can use A-Rank Raiton that do not require handseals, counts as one the user's three moves.
~Firion can be summoned in mid-air with a summoning jutsu.
~Firion can only be used once per battle.*

(Kuchiyose no Justu: Bosu Rendan) - Summoning Technique: Boss Rendan
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: 80
Description: After extracting some blood and performing the necessary handseals, the user is able to summon Rendan. Rendan is enable to carry at least one person. He is able to fly and stay in the air. Even though smaller in size than other boss summon seen, his speed totally compensates its size.
Rendan is able to fly at extreme speed and much faster if he isn't carrying anyone in his back. Rendan is able to do S-rank and below Wind techniques that require two handseal or less, this proves his mastery in wind style, though, any attacks of his count as a move.
-Can only be summoned once per battle
-Can only stay for five turns
-Must have signed the Kea contract.

(Kuchiyose: Kea Seijins: Meros and Sarah) Summoning: Kea Sages: Meros and Sarah
Type: Summon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 50
Damage: N/A
Description: After extracting some blood and making the necessary handseals, the user can summon the Kea Sages. Both have been trained specifically in their element on affinity almost their entire lives, and have mastered even the most destructive jutsus. Sarah is able to use S-rank and below Wind jutsus, proving her vast knowledge in water jutsu. Meros is able to use S-rank and below Fire jutsus. Their wings are designed in such way, that they are able to make handseals (their wings have 5 feathers, this 5 feathers are used like fingers to make handseals). Even though they are masters in their own field, they are old, so their capacity to fly at high speeds have decade, and they are only able to fly in a slow-mid paced speed. The keas can be summoned in the user's shoulders. If the Keas are summoned in the user's shoulders, they will strongly close their claws in the user's skin, sticking them in place (by doing so, the user loses -5 of health, but does not affect his perfomance). The Keas are unable to fusion to the user, has they aren't able to combine genetically.
-Can only be used once per battle
-Can only stay in the battlefield for 4 turns
-Summoning them counts as two of the three moves in the turn they are summon.
-Each of their moves count as a move
-The user is unable to summon other Keas while they are still in the field, the user is unable to summon any Kea for two turns after they leave the battlefield.
-The user is unable to use higher than A-ranks for one turn after they leave the battlefield.
-The keas are unable to fly while doing handseals, or do handseals while flying
-Can only be summoned by those who hold the Kea contract.
Kea Arts

(Maunakea • atsu: Sano Shotto) - Kea Arts: Gizzard Shot
Rank: B
Range: Mid
Type: Offensive
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user will infuse their chakra into one of their Kea summons and by focusing their chakra into the stomach of the bird, they will cause the kea to regurgitate out a large rock, the gizzard that birds naturally use to digest food. The rock's size is proportional to the size of the bird. When being regurgitated, the bird will infuse their mouth with a lining of chakra that causes the rock to be accelerated outwards when used. The rock can be heated with a fire jutsu to allow it to explode upon contact with an object.
~Usable three times in a match.
~Can only be used once by each Kea (ie. if Kea A uses this then Kea A cannot perform it again for the rest of the match but Kea B will be able to still).

(Kea Mo-do) Kea Mode
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Self
Chakra Cost: 50
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The opponent will cut drag some blood and slam his hands together, concentrating wind and Kea chakra into the user, entering Kea Mode. The user will have some feather-like tatoos in his elbows, representing wings, and his hair will grow larger and turn white. In Kea Mode, the user movements become much more fluid. The user will also gain sharper reflexes, comparable to Minato's. The user is unable to get caught in genjutsu B-rank and below because of the Kea chakra flowing in his body.
-The user has to have recolected chakra in the previous turn, meaning he can only do two moves in the turn prior of activation.
-Can only be used by those who have sign the Kea contract
- In this mode, the user gains a boost of +10 in ninjutsu.*
-The mode only last 3 turns
-While this mode is active, the user is unable to perform genjutsu
-After this mode ends, the user will suffer a -5 damage to all Ninjutsu for 2 turns

I have permission to update the Kea Contract by Makise


Active member
Aug 24, 2012
Trait Points
Re: Official NB Summoning Contracts List

Summoning Animal:Echidna
Scroll Owner:DrProof
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing:N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract:N/A



Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Official NB Summoning Contracts List

Summoning Animal:Keas
Scroll Owner: Makise
Other Users who have signed contract: Ishiro Yashiro
Summoning Boss if existing: Rendan
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract:Kyu, Sampo , Firion , Meros and Sarah

(Kuchiose no Jutsu: Kyu )- Summoning Jutsu: Kyu
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short/Mid/Long
Chakra: 30 (-5 per turn)
Damage:N/A (60 or 40 depending on attack)
Description: After extracting some blood and performing the necessary handseals, the user is able to summon Kyu. Kyu is big enough to carry two people. He is able to fly and stay in the air. He is able to use three moves:
Fury Storm (Kyu swings his wings quickly creating two gusts of slashing winds) which equals to a B-rank wind technique; Feather Storm (Kyu swings his winds liberating wind-infused feathers which attack the opponent) which equals to a B-rank wind technique; and Cutter fury (Kyu dives to the opponent, cutting him in half by infusing wind sharpness in his wings
note: Ryu has to be in the air prior) which equals a A-rank wind technique
-Can only be summoned two times per battle
-Can only stay for five turns
-Attacks count as a move
-Summon is able to fly with the user in his back (companion included)
-Can only be used by someone who holds the Kea contract.

(Kuchiose no Jutsu: Sampo )- Summoning Jutsu: Sampo
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short/Mid/Long
Chakra: 25 (-5 per turn, -10 if scanning still in play)
Description: After extracting blood and performing the necessary handseals, the user is able to summon Sampo. Sampo is a 5 inch tall bird. His purpose is to fly in the air while liberating some water chakra in his flight, doing this, he is able to locate an enemy's position, and inform it to the user. He flies fast enough to be unperceptive, for both the user and the opponent.
-Can only be summoned three times per battle
-Can stay for six turns
-Scanning the area counts as a move, but scanning can be used during the six turns
-Can only be used by someone who holds the Kea contract.

(Kuchiyose: Kea-to - Firion) - Summoning technique: Kea – Firion
Type: Summoning
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: The user either uses a summoning jutsu or their summoning tattoo to summon Firion. Firion is a large Kea that's wing spam outstretches the width of four men. He can only carry one person. Firion is very fast but when carrying someone, he is slowed down a bit more. Firion can use A-Rank or below Raiton jutsu that do not require handseals.
~Firion only lasts three turns on the battlefield.
~Firion can use A-Rank Raiton that do not require handseals, counts as one the user's three moves.
~Firion can be summoned in mid-air with a summoning jutsu.
~Firion can only be used once per battle.*

(Kuchiyose no Justu: Bosu Rendan) - Summoning Technique: Boss Rendan
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: 80
Description: After extracting some blood and performing the necessary handseals, the user is able to summon Rendan. Rendan is enable to carry at least one person. He is able to fly and stay in the air. Even though smaller in size than other boss summon seen, his speed totally compensates its size.
Rendan is able to fly at extreme speed and much faster if he isn't carrying anyone in his back. Rendan is able to do S-rank and below Wind techniques that require two handseal or less, this proves his mastery in wind style, though, any attacks of his count as a move.
-Can only be summoned once per battle
-Can only stay for five turns
-Must have signed the Kea contract.

(Kuchiyose: Kea Seijins: Meros and Sarah) Summoning: Kea Sages: Meros and Sarah
Type: Summon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 50
Damage: N/A
Description: After extracting some blood and making the necessary handseals, the user can summon the Kea Sages. Both have been trained specifically in their element on affinity almost their entire lives, and have mastered even the most destructive jutsus. Sarah is able to use S-rank and below Wind jutsus, proving her vast knowledge in water jutsu. Meros is able to use S-rank and below Fire jutsus. Their wings are designed in such way, that they are able to make handseals (their wings have 5 feathers, this 5 feathers are used like fingers to make handseals). Even though they are masters in their own field, they are old, so their capacity to fly at high speeds have decade, and they are only able to fly in a slow-mid paced speed. The keas can be summoned in the user's shoulders. If the Keas are summoned in the user's shoulders, they will strongly close their claws in the user's skin, sticking them in place (by doing so, the user loses -5 of health, but does not affect his perfomance). The Keas are unable to fusion to the user, has they aren't able to combine genetically.
-Can only be used once per battle
-Can only stay in the battlefield for 4 turns
-Summoning them counts as two of the three moves in the turn they are summon.
-Each of their moves count as a move
-The user is unable to summon other Keas while they are still in the field, the user is unable to summon any Kea for two turns after they leave the battlefield.
-The user is unable to use higher than A-ranks for one turn after they leave the battlefield.
-The keas are unable to fly while doing handseals, or do handseals while flying
-Can only be summoned by those who hold the Kea contract.
Kea Arts

(Maunakea • atsu: Sano Shotto) - Kea Arts: Gizzard Shot
Rank: B
Range: Mid
Type: Offensive
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user will infuse their chakra into one of their Kea summons and by focusing their chakra into the stomach of the bird, they will cause the kea to regurgitate out a large rock, the gizzard that birds naturally use to digest food. The rock's size is proportional to the size of the bird. When being regurgitated, the bird will infuse their mouth with a lining of chakra that causes the rock to be accelerated outwards when used. The rock can be heated with a fire jutsu to allow it to explode upon contact with an object.
~Usable three times in a match.
~Can only be used once by each Kea (ie. if Kea A uses this then Kea A cannot perform it again for the rest of the match but Kea B will be able to still).

(Kea Mo-do) Kea Mode
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Self
Chakra Cost: 50
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The opponent will cut drag some blood and slam his hands together, concentrating wind and Kea chakra into the user, entering Kea Mode. The user will have some feather-like tatoos in his elbows, representing wings, and his hair will grow larger and turn white. In Kea Mode, the user movements become much more fluid. The user will also gain sharper reflexes, comparable to Minato's. The user is unable to get caught in genjutsu B-rank and below because of the Kea chakra flowing in his body.
-The user has to have recolected chakra in the previous turn, meaning he can only do two moves in the turn prior of activation.
-Can only be used by those who have sign the Kea contract
- In this mode, the user gains a boost of +10 in ninjutsu.*
-The mode only last 3 turns
-While this mode is active, the user is unable to perform genjutsu
-After this mode ends, the user will suffer a -5 damage to all Ninjutsu for 2 turns

I have permission to update the Kea Contract by Makise
Updating with new signer.

Bruce Banner

Active member
Aug 26, 2010
Trait Points
Re: Official NB Summoning Contracts List

* Summoning Shells *

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Summoning Animal: Shells
Scroll Owner: Oasis Nara
Other Users who have signed contract: ~Mig J.J. Quiksilver~
Summoning Boss if existing: not yet
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: none yet

Note : I drop Boars contract

Updating The Contract Signer, Ishiro

Summoning Animal: Shells
Scroll Owner: Oasis Nara
Other Users who have signed contract: Migualon J.J. Ishiro
Summoning Boss if existing: not yet
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: none yet



Sage of Snakes
Apr 25, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Official NB Summoning Contracts List

Approved Here
Summoning Animal: Viperfish
Scroll Owner: Blake Belladonna
Other Users who have signed contract: None
Summoning Boss if existing: Red Gyarados
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: None
Description and Background: A viperfish is a salt water fish in the genus Chauliodus, with long, needle-like teeth and hinged lower jaws. They grow to lengths varying from of 30 cm to being as large as Large Snake Summonings like Aboa and the 3 Headed Snake Summoning. Viperfish stay near lower depths (250–5,000 feet) in the daytime and shallow at night, primarily in tropical and temperate waters. It is one of the fiercest predators in the deep sea and is believed to attack its prey by luring them with a light-producing organ called a photophore, which is located on the end of its dorsal spine. It flashes this natural light on and off, at the same time moving its dorsal spine around like a fishing rod and hanging completely still in the water. It also uses the light producing organ to communicate to potential mates and rivals. Viperfish vary in color between green, silver, and black. It uses its fang-like teeth to immobilize prey and would not be able to close its mouth because of their length, if it were not able to curve them behind its head. The first vertebra behind the head of the viperfish is known to absorb the shock of its attacks which are mainly targeted against dragonfish and other small creatures. They are able to undergo long periods with scarcely any food. Viperfish can adjust to pressure in the deeper ocean allowing them to go deeper in the ocean. All the Viperfish come from a place called the Dark Ocean. Viperfish summonings are used in battles that an water source is available or being used in fights were both the user and opponents are on top of a lake or ocean. Viperfish can be summoned on earth terrains and will be able to survive and be able to attack but only for the most of 2 turns before they need to be inside a large enough water source, depends on the size of the Viperfish, or else they will be desummoned and return back into the Dark Ocean. They could also be summoned inside large water jutsu like, Exploding Colliding Water or Giant Water Wave, so that they can deal extra damage along with the water jutsu (to be submitted as a technique or as specific abilities for specific unique summons).

(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Akai Gyaradosu) - Summoning Technique: Red Gyarados
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Red Gyarados is the boss summoning of the Viperfish and the leader of the Dark Ocean. Red Gyarados is as long as Aoda (from the Snake Summoning) and is the most veracious viperfish out of all of them. His body is covered in hard scales that gives him protection from B rank jutsus. He is also one of the fastest Viperfish and being the strongest is able to power through the water at fast speeds and can overcome A rank and below water jutsus that effect the water. He is able to use up to S rank water with great speed due to him having a water affinity. Gyarados also only obeys to though he deems worthy making him dangerous to summon. His able to dive deeply into the water without having problems being able to adjust to water pressure easily. His bites from his fangs are powerful enough to break through B rank defense that that opponent may use on their selves.
Note: Must have signed the Viperfish Summoning
Note: Can only be summoned once
Note: Stays on the field for 4 turns
Note: Gyarados using water jutsus or his bites counts as one of the user's turn.
Note: Has to be summoned in the water and if not he has one turn to get into water before being desummoned.

Approved Here


Active member
Nov 29, 2011
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Re: Official NB Summoning Contracts List

Summoning Animal: Stork
Scroll Owner: Gutsy Jiraiya
Other Users who have signed the contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to the contract: N/A
Description and Background: Storks are large, long-legged, long-necked wading birds with long, stout bills. They belong to a unique family known as Ciconiidae. Storks occur in many regions of the ninja world and tend to live in drier habitats than the related herons, spoonbills and ibises. One unique feature of the Storks is that they lack what other birds have, the syrinx, which means that they are mute and cannot speak to one another through normal means. That is why the stork has developed a unique communication system known as Bill-Clattering. Bill-Clattering is a unique sound only known to the Storks, which is produced through the storks using their beaks, clapping them together to create a clattering noise to communicate. The contract holders after mastering the contract and the ways of the Storks are capable of mimicking the clicking and clattering noises which the Storks make, and through this is capable of communicating with them. The Storks comes from a kingdom known as Animalia far to the north, beyond the boundaries of the ninja world, yet some choose to migrate to the ninja world in the south and that is why you will see Storks around the ninja world, yet these do not possess any unique features of any kind and is not part of the summoning contract, yet the contract holder whom have learned the “language” of the Storks, are capable of speaking to them. In the kingdom of Animalia, there exists 19 different species of storks which are part of six different households. Storks usually fly in big groups and even nest together in big flocks, while they tend to use soaring or a gliding way of flight, using as little energy as possible, even though they have great maneuverability and fast reflexes being able to move quickly around and avoid fast moving attacks. The Storks do possess what any other bird does, when it mates, it gives birth to its young species through laying eggs and in folklore they were known to bring newborn children to the people in the ninja world and it became a myth that they did so, it was even said that the original holder of the contract was a child brought to the ninja world by the Storks. The storks general prey is fish, smaller birds and essentially anything that lives except if it is larger than themselves.
Approved: (Post: 3671)


Active member
Feb 18, 2013
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Re: Official NB Summoning Contracts List


Summoning Animal: Booby Bird
Scroll Owner: Sasuke56
Other Users who have signed contract: Deception. | ~Zonta~
Summoning Boss if existing: Grimmy
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract:

(Kuchiyose: aoi fi-to bu-bi) Summoning: Blue Footed Booby (Nickname: Grimmy)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
The user bites his finger and with use of the blood performs one hand seal (Bird) and hitting the ground summoning The Boss of the Booby Birds, The Blue-footed Booby it is half the size of the chief toad Gamabunta, It has long pointed wings and a wedge shaped tail. He has a strong thick neck. His eyes are placed on either side of his bill and oriented towards the front. His eyes are yellow. His feet range from a pale turquoise to a deep aquamarine. By training in the Bird land this booby bird has learned to use Earth Techiques up to A rank without need of handseals due to the hard training it had in his land but does require contact with the ground to use the techniques. He can carry atleast 3 people, He can also speak English and has a great bond with the contract holder due to the time they spent together. He listens to any orders even when risking his life knowing hiscontract holder will never put him in danger. He can obiously fly.

-Can only be summoned for 4-turns and once per battle
-Can carry 3 people on his back
-Can only be summonedif there is no other Booby bird on the Field.
-Must be a signer or the Holder of the Booby Bird contract to summon.

(Kuchiyose: Semai bu-bi) - Summoning: Nazca Booby
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
The user bites his finger and with use of the blood performs one hand seal (Bird) and hitting his right or left shoulder summoning The Nazca Booby also the smallest booby of the family, its size is no bigger that Ma & Pa's size, he is roughly the same size as them he is tied to the user by there chakra, meaning it can only get off the shoulder if ordered by his summoner of by his own will. By seeing how he had no good elemental affinity, with hard training in the Bird land he has learned to notest when his summoner is in a genjutsu due to there chakra being linked, and can insert chakra of itself into his summoner being able to Break through B rank and lower genjutsu.
- Can only be summoned for 4-turns and once per battle.
- Can be summoned if there is other Booby bird on the Field. Aslong as it isn't the chief (Blue Footed Booby, already created and approved).
- Must be a signer or the Holder of the Booby Bird contract to summon.
- Genjutsu Breaking Ability counts as 1 of the 3 techniques per turn of the user.
- Genjutsu breaking Ability can only be used 2 times per battle.

(Kuchiyose: Fuku Bu-bi) Summoning: Masked Booby (Nickname: Betty)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
The user bites his finger and with use of the blood performs one hand seal (Bird) and hitting the ground summoning The Masked Booby of the Booby Birds, The Peruvian Booby is twice the size of the hawk owned by sasuke. By training in the Bird land she has learned to use Lightning Techiques up to A rank without need of handseals due to the hard training it had in his land. She can carry 2 people, she can also speak English and has a great bond with the contract holder due to the time they spent together. She listens to any orders, she can obiously fly.

-Can only be summoned for 4-turns and once per battle
-Can carry 2 people on her back
-Can be summoned if there is other Booby bird on the Field. Aslong as it isn't the chief (Blue Footed Booby, already created and approved) meaning when the red footed booby is.
-Must be a signer or the Holder of the Booby Bird contract to summon.

(Kuchiyose: gosai fi-to bu-bi) Summoning: Red Footed Booby
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: short/Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
The user bites his finger and with use of the blood performs one hand seal (Bird) to summon one of the many Booby birds, The Red-footed Booby is the size of the Hawk summon owned by sasuke. It has red legs, and its bill and throat pouch are colored pink and blue, and the flight feathers are black. When young it was brownish with darker wings, and pale pinkish legs. By training in the Bird land with the Blue Footed Booby and its Boss The Red footed has learned to use Fire Techniques up to A rank and without need of hand seals due to the hard training it had in his land. It can carry one people, He can also speak English He listens to any orders even when risking his life knowing his contract holder will never put him in danger. He can obviously fly.

-Can only be summoned for 4 -turns
-Can only carry 1 person on his back
-All of his moves count towards the users 3 moves per turn
-Can be summoned even if there are other Booby bird on the Field, as long as The Boss isn't. (Blue footed Booby)
-Must be a signer or the Holder of the Booby Bird contract to summon.

(Kuchiyose: naga-ichi bu-bi) Summoning: Peruvian Booby (Nickname: Laura)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
The user bites his finger and with use of the blood performs one hand seal (Bird) summoning The Peruvian Booby of the Booby Birds, The Peruvian Booby is the size of the hawk owned by sasuke. By training in the Bird land this booby bird has learned to use Water Techiques up to A rank without need of handseals due to the hard training it had in his land. She can 1 person, she can also speak English and has a great bond with the contract holder due to the time they spent together. Shee listens to any orders even when risking his life knowing his contract holder will never put him in danger. She can obiously fly.

-Can only be summoned for 4-turns and once per
-Can carry 1 person on her back
-She still has to use a water source for water techniques that require one.
-Can be summoned if there is other Booby bird on the Field. Aslong as it isn't the chief (Blue Footed Booby, already created and approved) meaning when the red footed booby is.
-Must be a signer or the Holder of the Booby Bird contract to summon.

(Red Footed Booby- Hi Hane)- Red Footed Booby: Fire Feathers
Type: Offensive/Attack
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Mid Range
Chakra: 20 Chakra
Damage: 40 Damage
The red footed booby, with use of his fire affinity,channels fire chakra into the feathers in his wings and even though it hurts a bit shoots multiple fire covered feathers towards the enemy that can engulf the target into flames if the feathers reach contact with the it. 10 feathers are thrown per wing each time it's used.

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