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  1. Shady Doctor

    Lake Acuity (108)

    Uma follows the young lad, riding her horse so she doesn't have to walk. LLM
  2. Shady Doctor

    Lake Acuity (108)

    Now that Uma had a better look, the guy didn't have horns. Not at all. Wasn't that some shit. Maybe she was a bit tipsy. Or he hid his horns? "Ahhh. You're a sly one ahahahaa Maybe i am tipsy. What of it, no horns? Ahahah But my friend? Arggg. What was his name.... He's a little one. Like this...
  3. Shady Doctor

    Lake Acuity (108)

    Uma was relaxing when some kid approached from out of nowhere. He questioned her about why she was so close to the lands belonging to the Sin village. Uma would simply pour a wooden cup full of Rum and hegin to sip on it. "Don't question me boy, your horns aren't even worth the look... BUT, i...
  4. Shady Doctor

    Lake Acuity (108) Coming through these lands, Uma sets up camp and starts a camp fire by the lake..